The prairie got about 5 inches of snow overnight. There was no wind during the night so all the grass is covered which is unusual. It is a beautiful winter wonderland outside today. The wind has picked up this afternoon and is blowing the snow around. Trusting it won’t cause it to drift my driveway shut.
The board meeting I was to go to at Pioneer Bluffs got postponed. I’m glad as I now get to stay home all day and not try to get my little car out. I don’t have any where to go tomorrow either so that will give the roads until Monday to get clear for me.
I went down to take care of the chickens. There were places the snow was almost up to my knees as I walked down the yard to the coop. The snow made the overhead fencing sag so I brushed the snow off the fencing. I got a snow bath in the process. I have a major repair job that will need to be done to the fence when the weather is better. The chickens stayed inside today but gave me 8 eggs on this cold and snowy day. Good girls!
I have been working on putting a jigsaw puzzle together today. Got my housework done yesterday and didn’t really have anything else to do so I got a puzzle out to make. I moved the table I am working the puzzle on in front of the fireplace and I have been staying nice and warm. The snow makes the prairie feel very quiet and peaceful today. I am enjoying the snow since I get to stay tucked up inside.
The dogs have been staying in the garage most of the day under the heat lamp. That is a bit unusual for them as they love the cold weather and snow. Don’t blame them though for staying where it is warm. The cats wanted out until I opened the door and they saw the snow. They both turned around and jumped up to their warm shelf they like to sleep on. Smart cats!
I do need to make a packing list for Monday. I don’t need to take much as I am only going to be gone for four nights. Not leaving until late Monday afternoon so still have plenty of time to pack.
Guess I should give some thought to making sure the house is nice and clean for the house sitter. I will wash my linens Monday morning and make my bed in case she wants to use my bed. Maybe with the snow the dust will be settled for a bit and the house will stay clean a bit longer.
Nice to have an unexpected free day at home. I was also going to babysit the grandkids tonight but Tim had to go to KY so they aren’t going to the dinner party they had wanted to go to. I have had a fairly busy week for me and hadn’t had a full day at home with nothing to do until yesterday. Now I get three in a row! If I still baked this would be a good day to bake something.
My tummy has been making the loudest noises lately. Trying to decide what I am eating that is setting it off. Thinking it is either cheese or peanut butter. I added both of those foods to my diet about the same time and am not sure which one is causing my issues. I left the cheese off my salad today to see what happens. So far my tummy is acting better. I wonder if I am lactose intolerant and never knew before. The cheese I had been eating is the only dairy I eat. I don’t count eggs as dairy. I will hold off eating cheese for a week or so and then try it again and see what happens. May have to do the same thing for the peanut butter.
Sitting in my peaceful valley today. It has been an extra quiet day on the prairie for me today. Snow must act like a muffler for outside noises. It was fun to get out and stomp around in the snow for a bit when I did chores. My winter overalls came in handy today as I stayed nice and warm outside.
Grateful for the beautiful snow that fell overnight with no wind, grateful for a free day at home, and grateful the power has stayed on and my house is nice and cozy warm.