This has been a long day. I woke up around 2:30 and couldn’t go back to sleep. Finally got up at 3:15 and knitted until 5:30. Went back to bed but never did get much more sleep. At least I got three hours in before I woke up at 2:30. When I get up before the butt crack of dawn it makes for a very long day. It goes on and on and on…..
Finished knitting the blanket I was working on and got another one started. Not sleeping is good for something I guess.
Ellexia wanted to come out and couldn’t get a text to go through so she texted Jason and had him call me. She is very creative in getting what she wants. Michelle brought the kids out a little after noon. They wanted to see the two baby chicks. They haven’t been out for a bit so we are having fun. They got bundled up to go outside to play but didn’t stay out long as it is sprinkling and cold. May have to find something fun to do with them in a bit.
I think they are spending the night but not sure yet. Tagen said he is for sure but Ellexia isn’t sure yet. She has never liked spending the night like Tagen does.
It was so foggy earlier this morning I could barely see off the deck. It cleared up for a bit but looks like the fog is moving back in. Grateful for the moisture but I will be happy when spring comes and it warms up. My yard is one big mud and ice puddle right now.
Took three boxes of stuff I will no longer be eating to the lady that coordinates filling up the little pantry located in the south part of Emporia. They are struggling to keep the box full and she was very grateful for the food to put in it. I was grateful she was willing to take my boxes. Feels good to have my pantry cleaned out of stuff I won’t be eating any more.
One part of Bright Lines Eating is to write out each evening or morning what you are going to eat that day. I have struggled to get that part going. Not sure why I am in resistance to doing other than it feels like someone is telling me what I have to eat (even when that someone is me)! I know, it doesn’t make any sense. Kathy has found much comfort in writing her food out.
Part of my problem is my stomach is in shock from all this healthy food I have been giving it. Some meals I feel it needs raw veggies and other meals I need to cook them in order to get them down. I never know ahead of time which it seems to want. Trusting my tummy will settle down soon and I can eat my veggies either cooked or raw with no issues.
I did write down my food for the day today for the first time. So far so good. Maybe I’ll get the hang of this. The reason the program has us do this is to move the decision about what to eat to a time when you are full and your blood sugar is good which is right after either dinner or breakfast. As long as I make good choices at the grocery store I can decide quickly and with no effort what to fix. However at some point that may not be true. This system helps one not rely on willpower and automates my food so it reduces the likelihood of not following the plan.
I have gone almost two weeks without flour or sugar. I don’t get hungry between meals and have had no cravings. We are not allowed to snack between meals. I am surprised how fast I have adapted to eating three times a day. That was one of my worse food habits before – skipping meals and forgetting to eat. Then I would all of a sudden realize I was starving and would eat the first thing I could find which was usually a flour and/or processed food. So far on this plan about the time I start to think I might be getting hungry it is meal time. The meals are simple to fix and I usually have my meal fixed in under five minutes.
So far I am very grateful I found this program and that I jumped in and joined it. I needed to find a program that would teach me how to eat for the rest of my life and help keep me off sugar, flour and processed foods. That will help increase the odds in my favor that my cancer will not return. Feels good to be treating my body well and feeding it real foods. Who would ever have thought that I would learn to like veggies!
Grateful for the grandkids coming out today, grateful for the moisture we have gotten, and grateful for finding a new way to feed my body.