The kids got home around 5:00 last night. Their children were very happy to see them. I was glad to get back home and be able to stay home and sleep in my own bed last night. Ellexia sent me a text around 8:00 telling me she missed me. How sweet was that?
Went in to Emporia and did a shift preparing taxes this morning. I have to complete a series of questions about the clients. I asked a man what race he was and he said “human”. I told him that was the best answer I had ever received. We shared a moment together. Did four or five returns today and was able to learn some more things. Not sure how many one would have to do to be able to know all one should know about completing them.
I am humbled when I see how little people are able to live on. I did a single parents taxes today and she is working two jobs full time and raising her three-year-old alone. She was in tears when she found out she is getting a big return. Makes it worth doing taxes to be able to share that moment with a client.
Bought groceries when I was done and then came home. Did the chicken chores just before it started sleeting. The sky was blue when I started doing chores but the clouds quickly moved in and claimed the sky. It didn’t sleet for long. There is still a chance for some more snow this evening in the forecast but is to be clear tomorrow.
A friend is coming to Emporia this evening for a musical event and is eating at Ad Astra and invited me to join her for dinner. She is to call when she gets to Ad Astra and I will go in and join her. I haven’t seen her for a bit so it will be nice to catch up with her. I invited her to spend the night if the snow comes and the roads get bad.
I got my taxes done this afternoon. I will call Monday and make an appointment to take them in. The accountant I used and liked so well retired so not sure who I will be assigned to. Trusting I will like them as well as I did the other one. Good to have that project completed.
I need to call this week and get an appointment for Star. I had cancelled the other appointment I had made when I got sick as I didn’t have the strength to take her in. Maybe I will get an appointment when my Match guy is here Friday and he can help me take her in. She is not leash trained so is a challenge to handle.
I did taxes instead of cleaning my house today so tomorrow I will need to clean house. It has been too long since I have done so and it is past my comfort point of clean. Time to get her cleaned up again.
Hoping the weather will be nice Tuesday when I go to Topeka for my Endocrinologist appointment as I have a list of things I want to stop and get. Nicole may come to Topeka and we will have lunch together if the weather cooperates. It will be nice to see her before she leaves on another big trip later in the week.
I am going to OK in a few weeks for a long weekend. A dear friend is going to house sit for me while I am gone. Thanks Sharon! I so appreciate you! I have a local woman that can come do chores but my preference is to have someone in the house while I am gone. The dogs seem to do better when a human is around most of the time.
The end of March my Match guy and I are going to go visit Kathy in KY, go to Washington DC to visit his son and then go to NC to visit his siblings. It will be nice to spend some extended time with my Match guy. I’m looking forward to that trip – especially to be able to see Kathy and spend a day with her.
I was whiny and bitchy last night but am finally over it. Think I was tired and needed a good night’s sleep. The full moon is Tuesday and it may be working it’s magic on me too. I have been near tears several times the last two days. Maybe I just need to have a good cry and get it out of my system.
Grateful my taxes are ready to go to the accountant, grateful for my friend Sharon’s willingness to house sit for me, and grateful to be back home and able to sleep in my own bed.