Got up and headed for Matfield Green at 8:30. I was pleased with how fast the newsletter was completed. There were 12 people working on it and we finished it in less than two hours. That must be a record. The Chase County Girls Basketball team volunteered and their help was most appreciated.
Afterwards we all enjoyed pizza and then I came home. I sat down in my chair when I got home and promptly fell asleep and slept for a couple of hours. Not sure why I have been so tired this week and have needed naps most days. I had broken the habit of taking naps but it seems like it has come back.
I managed to get two loads of laundry done today and have them folded and almost all put away. I haven’t made a dent in my long to-do list but there is always tomorrow.
I haven’t felt the best today. Have had a headache and just a feeling of feeling off. Not sure what is up with that. Trusting it will pass quickly.
Three days left for me to prepare for my trip to AZ Wednesday. I seriously need to give it some time and attention. For some reason, I am struggling to allow it to be a priority. Good thing I am going for four nights and won’t need to take much. With Kathy here I don’t have to worry about things here while I am gone. That makes it easy.
Tomorrow I may have a stay at home day. I would like to get started on my Christmas cards and make another couple of treats. Monday I have exercise at 2:00 and then I have a couple of errands to run. Tuesday should be another stay at home day so I can pack. I think I am going to take Christmas gifts and games off my plate until I get back from AZ. I will have six days to do it then. I can do it. At least, I think I can!
Feeling a bit disconnected tonight somehow. I have a strange relationship with time anyways and sometimes it can throw me off. Time is such an illusion and the more I step out of the false matrix the more more I realized time for what it is.
Grateful the newsletter got done in record time today, grateful for an afternoon nap, and grateful things find a way to get done.