This has been a busy day. I tracked down the two dogs and two cats and gave them their flea and tic medication and also gave the dogs their HeartGuard. That usually is a day’s work for me.
I made a batch of fudge, peanut brittle and New Year’s Cookies to take to my two brothers in Lebo tomorrow. I think all three things turned out OK – I don’t eat any of it so can’t taste test it.
Phil and his wife came and cleared out the remaining items from the basement. He hauled away the big pile of trash that was downstairs along with a bunch of shelving units that had been left behind. He filled his truck and trailer with things from the basement and then came back and took another big load out of the garage. He is coming back tomorrow afternoon to get another load out of the garage and then will need to clear out the remaining items from the barn. I am betting that will take at least three more trips if not more.
It will be so nice to have a cleared out garage and barn. I will need to clean both of them and reorganize what little is left. It will make me smile every time I pull into the garage now. It was so cluttered before I could never find what I needed. Clutter bothers me. I hate when I can’t find something, especially when there is too much stuff to look through.
The house is totally cleared out now so I can finish cleaning the downstairs and resetting the rooms. The house feels lighter to me now. It will be so nice when I get it all cleaned and reset. I can breathe again! I do need to move some furniture around but that may have to wait until I have some help to carry a couple things upstairs.
I stopped at Verizon and got a new phone yesterday. My old iPhone was a Model 8 and was starting to freeze up on me. I got a 14. I almost have everything working on it. Still haven’t figured out how to pair my Apple Watch to the new iPhone. Will have to go to Verizon on Tuesday and have them help me. The new phone is just a tad bigger than my old one but thankfully still fits in the pocket of my purse. It operates like my new iPad so now I won’t get confused switching between the iPad and iPhone.
I am tired tonight. I didn’t take much time to sit and do nothing today. It felt good to have an active day and get lots accomplished. I haven’t had too many days like that lately. Tomorrow I hope to get some cleaning done as well as helping Phil clear out the barn. I have all week free so should get the rest of the cleaning done next week.
We are having our family Christmas Saturday, January 7. I am almost ready for it. I still need to get one more gift and I also need to get some prizes for one of the games we will play. I know what I am going to fix for food and need to make a grocery list and get what I need to fix dinner. Friday I will fix some fudge, peanut brittle and New Year’s Cookies for the kids. I also need to make a batch of Chex Mix. It will be fun to have all the kids over for dinner on the 7th and to spend some time with them. I always have a fun time with them.
I don’t make New Years Resolutions but I do choose a word for the year. This coming year my word is going to be Balance. I learned through the situation with Jim that I had become unbalanced in several different ways on several different levels. Strengths can become weaknesses if you don’t stay balanced. Taking care of myself first instead of taking care of others first is not something that comes easily to me. But I learned this year that when I get unbalanced in that regard, I end up not taking care of myself or the other person as I get too depleted. The saying “you can’t pour from an empty pitcher” sure makes sense to me now. My task for the new year will be to check in with myself on a daily bases to make sure my inner pitcher is full.
Grateful for Phil and his wife and the work they did today, grateful the clutter in house and garage is being cleared out, and grateful the baking I did today turned out OK.