Tim came out and fixed my chicken coop door last night. He cut away about four inches of the mat in front of the door. He had to take out the screws that held it in place, cut the mat and then put the screws back in. It only took about 10 minutes to do. The door opens easier than it ever has. The latch even works. Wow! That was easy!
I had some beef stew in the oven that was smelling really good while he was here. I sent half of it home with him as a thank you for fixing the door.
I woke up feeling very cranky this morning. Not sure why other than I didn’t sleep much last night. A little after noon I went back to bed and was able to sleep really good for several hours. I’m not so cranky now. Maybe I just needed a nap!
I tried some CBD oil last night. The body aches I have had the last few days are gone today. I’ll try it again tonight. If I have to trade body aches for being cranky I am not sure what I will do. Don’t like either one!
Got the final results of the thyroid test the doctor in Houston had ordered. My levels have dropped from 4.8 pre-surgery and is now down to 1.2. My level was 2.8 the end of October. As they are still dropping I am hoping she won’t automatically advise me to have the radioactive iodine treatment. My goal is to get to zero on this test. It has been almost three months since surgery. Not sure how long they allow.
I haven’t stepped foot out of the house yet today. Too cold out there! Tomorrow is to be even worse. I’ll have to go down and lock up the chickens at dusk. I rigged a heat lamp for them yesterday but the silly girls went outside when Kathy went down this morning and opened their trap door. May keep their trap door closed tomorrow as it is to be 11 for the high of the day. I don’t usually use a heat lamp for them but when it gets this cold I felt it was needed for a bit.
My head feels so much quieter this afternoon since my nap. It was taking me to some really dark places this morning. I had a weird dream that continued taking me to a dark place during my nap. I rarely am aware that I had a dream. The dream I had today is still in my awareness. I have learned several tricks to get my head quiet and stop the dark thoughts but none of them were working earlier.
I am grateful I had nothing that needed done today so I could go back to bed today before I said or did something that would have caused harm to anyone, including myself. Sure wish I knew why it happened. I guess sometimes I just need to feel the lower vibrations and allow them to be what they are.
It is a better day now, thank heavens. The sun is shining and the skies are bright blue. The furnace keeps running or else I would think it is nice enough to go play outside. I need to check my propane level next time I go out and make sure I have enough to get me through this cold spell. I don’t think my propane guy has been out lately. I am on auto-fill so they are to keep an eye on it for me and keep it filled as needed. Maybe it hasn’t been as cold for as long as it feels like it has. More than three days is long enough for me!
Cold! Sunshine! Working chicken coop door! All is well on the prairie today!