Saturday, December 28, 2024

This has been a quiet day at home. I walked the dogs a couple of times but other than that I haven’t done much. I have been binge watching a series on Netflix called “You Can’t Ask That”. It is a series of interviews with a variety of people. They have interviewed people out of prison, people with various additions, people with a terminal diagnosis, etc. Fascinating interviews and very well done. I highly recommend it.

I have another quiet day at home tomorrow. Maybe I will get something done then. Maybe not! I seem to have gotten pretty good at doing nothing these days.

Still waiting on hearing back from Gentle Thunder as to what time of day on January 20 she is available to do a ceremony for us. Once I get a time set I will send out more details. Once I know how many people might be interested in participating I will find a space that will accommodate us. Not sure if we will need to be laying down or sitting in chairs as I am not yet sure what exactly she will be doing.

I have been reading lots of 2025 predictions. Most are saying that we are in for a ride. However, they are also saying that staying authentic and true to yourself is going to be critical. Doing your own work and staying grounded and regulated is essential. There will be lots of outer distractions that will attempt to pull you into a constant state of fear. Those that can tune that out and remember that we are love and that is the state with which we will respond to life will have an easier ride.

Grateful for a quiet day at home, grateful for TV that shows real people dealing with real life issues, and grateful for a beautiful winter day.