Project clean house is underway. Made some progress on some rooms downstairs. Have lots of house to go but have to be careful not to do where Tony goes until the last minute. He leaves cat paw prints everywhere as he likes to play in water.
We got 1.9 inches of rain last night. It was very welcome. The cooler temperatures and lower humidity today was a welcome change. You can almost smell fall in the air. We have a chance for more rain next week. We could use another couple of inches.
Got a phone call from Aunt Glenda today. She and Aunt Marylyn have decided not to schedule a Koch reunion for this fall. The risk of getting Covid and taking it to Jack in the nursing home is too high. I’m sad that we won’t gather this year but fully support and understand their decision. Aunt Glenda was exposed to Covid via a neighbor last week and is in isolation as a precaution. It would break her heart if she got it and gave it to Jack.
Aunt Glenda did say that if the cousins want to gather without her and Marylyn she would understand. I doubt that we do that but we will see what happens. I treasure those two women and want to see them stay healthy.
About five years ago I came up with a list of 70 things I wanted to do before I turn 70. Have managed to cross many of them off the list but still have lots on the list. I realized today that since I am turning 69 tomorrow, I better get busy and get to the rest of the things on my list. Covid has slowed down my travel schedule and not sure if and when that may change. I had a couple of international trips on my list but none of them seem enticing to me right now. I have some friends that have started international travel again but I just don’t feel comfortable doing so yet. Maybe I will add 10 things and call it 80 things to do before I turn 80! 70 snuck up on me quickly. I can’t believe I will be 80 in 11 years. It will be here before I am ready for it.
Got a phone call letting me know about a person in my community that doesn’t have any family and is going into Hospice care. If we weren’t leaving on vacation this week I would have called and offered my services. The call gave me confidence that the training I took will come in handy and I will be able to use it to be of service to others.
The girls only gave us 8 eggs today. Not sure why they have slowed down laying so much. I keep hoping that since it is cooling off they will start producing better but so far they have not. They are only 2 years old and should be be giving me twice what they are now. Jim doesn’t want to hear that they need replaced next year. They have become his pets and he will struggle to let them go.
Grateful project clean house has begun, grateful for the rain the prairie received last night, and grateful for my two aunts and the richness they add to my life.