What a day. I went to bed at a good time last night. It took a bit to fall asleep but was sleeping soundly by midnight. I woke up at 3:00 and couldn’t go back to sleep. Finally got up at 4:00 and messed around for a while. Went back to bed at 6:00 and was able to fall back asleep at 6:30. I had to wake up at 7:30. I was really sleeping good when my alarm went off.
I took Tagen to El Dorado to meet Craig and Nancy. They are going to take him back to school shopping. After I dropped Tagen off I headed to Costco in Wichita.
Got my Costco shopping done and then went to Chipotle for lunch. I ate lunch and then drove home. Kathy helped me get the car unloaded and after I put away the cold stuff I went to bed.
I slept for about an hour. Feel better although a bit of a hungover feeling. I have forgotten how to operate on only three or four hours a sleep a night.
I was planning on going to Costco next week but since I was only 20 minutes away I decided to get it done today. I’m glad I don’t have to make that drive again next week.
Michelle left about the time I got home to go meet Craig and Nancy and pick up Tagen. It didn’t take him long to get his shopping done. It was nice of Craig and Nancy to do that for him and to get to spend some time with him. They will take Ellexia on another day and do the same thing. She will take more time to do her shopping!
I need to get the stuff I got put away. I was so tired when I came home I piled it all on the counter and decided to deal with it later. This way I have a chance that I will remember where I put things and what I got. I’m not sure I even know what I got at this point.
I plan on getting some more cleaning done this afternoon after I get woke up enough to do so. I have some painting outside I would love to get done but it is too hot to do that now. Tuesday is it only going to be 81 so hoping that is the day I can get a lot of painting done outside.
With the rain we got last week I may need to mow again before next Saturday. We have a good chance for some rain tonight and tomorrow so hoping we will get another inch or more and I will really need to mow later next week.
Found out I may not have Cody on Tuesday. He is going to early start day of school as he changed grade schools this year. Not sure if I will have him for part of the day or not. He will be disappointed if he doesn’t get to come play with Ellexia next week.
Tagen starts Vo-Tech Monday and Ellexia starts 8th grade on Wednesday. That will change the schedule around here and free up my days. Not sure how transportation to and from school is going to work but we will get that all figured out this week. I remember the quick trips to Walmart the first couple weeks of school as the kiddos would find out things they needed for their classes.
One week from today is the family gathering. I am excited for it and grateful it is giving me a reason to get my house clean. The house is in great need of some tender loving cleaning and I haven’t been motivated to do so lately. I love a completely clean house but rarely make that happen these days. I am getting lazy and have been slacking off on cleaning.
If Cody doesn’t come next week, I will have a completely free week. Nothing else was on my calendar for the week. I’m sure something will get added as the week rolls around. It feels good to have some breathing space and lots of empty space ahead of me this week. I have needed that.
We may try to move some things tomorrow. Michelle has done a good job this week working at the house and dividing things up. She is getting close to getting all the smaller things out of the house. I think she is going to rent a U-Haul next Sunday and we will get the big things out. It will be good for her to get everything out of that house and be done with it.
My A/C unit is doing the ramping up and ramping down thing again. I will call the service people on Monday and ask about it. It tends to do that occasionally but it is happening way more than it used to. Not sure if it is something to worry about or not.
Grateful to have the rest of the day at home, grateful for naps to make up for lost sleep, and grateful I got the Costco trip out of the way today.