Saturday, April 21, 2018

Rain has arrived on the prairie.  Almost 1/2 inch in my gauge and the forecast calls for it to rain all day and evening.  Yeah!  It is a nice soaking rain that will surely help the grass start to grow and turn green.  I may get to mow next week!  Hallelujah!

I had a rough night’s sleep last night.  Slept good for two hours but the rest of the night was very hit and miss – mainly miss.  I even took a sleeping pill but it didn’t do any good.  Must have been the weather system moving in.  My feet hurt all night long.  I really don’t enjoy nights like that.  Feel a bit hung over today.  I might go back to bed to see if I can get some more sleep in a bit.

A dear friend went to a garage sale this morning and brought over some size Small and Medium clothes for Kathy and I.  That started my day off on the right foot!  How very thoughtful and kind of her.  Thank you so much Sharon!  I love you.  I scored a skirt out of it and a down vest.  I picked out several things that looked like Kathy would like.

Have the fireplace on this morning.  It is 44 out with the high only to be 49.  Keep thinking I won’t have to keep the furnace on anymore but keep turning it back on.  I will need to check my propane level and make sure I have enough to get me through the summer time.  Come on warm weather – I am ready for you to come and stay.

On day 70 of Bright Line Eating.  I have lost 17 pounds so far.  Haven’t lost any this last week.  I expected to start hitting a plateau and have done so.  There is something called a Woosh Factor where you go for at least a week or more at the same weight than all of a sudden drop two to five pounds in one day.  Trusting I will soon get to experience that.

I keep reminding myself there is no real rush to get to goal weight as nothing really changes when that happens other than I start adding food so I don’t drop more weight off.  Have a feeling with my thyroid condition I won’t be adding much food to my plan.  What I eat now is enough for me and most days I wouldn’t want to add more food.  However if I get more physically active I may need too.  I’ll cross that bridge 24 pounds from now.

Cleaned the garage out yesterday.  We still had the dog pen up in the garage but with the shock collars weren’t using it anymore.  I collapsed the pen and carried it down to the barn using the wheelbarrow.  I will hold on to the pen for a bit to see if I can find a use for it.  It would make a nice baby chicken pen if I decide to do baby chickens again.  Have lots of room in the barn to store it in.  Someday I need to finish cleaning the barn out.  Nice to have the garage cleaned out though.  Found lots more stuff to add to my throw away pile.  May need to borrow a pickup and take a load to the dump after all.  Have one or two things that the trash man won’t be able to take that need thrown away.  Made lots more room in the garage for Kathy to park.

Next Friday the baby chickens get to be moved to the big house.  They will be eight weeks old.  They sure look small but trusting they will be able to hold their own with the big girls and rooster.  It will be good to get them out of the house.

My locksmith came yesterday and installed the door handles with a key lock on them.  Great timing as my first guests arrive today.  I stopped and got some key rings for the guest keys.  Now I need to figure out a way to remind myself to ask for the keys back.  I don’t lock the house but some guests might want the privacy of a locked bedroom door.  The third bedroom doesn’t have a lock on it as it connects to Kathy’s room and it seemed pointless to put a lock on it.  It will be interesting to see if the guests even bother taking a key.

The house is all cleaned and ready for my guests to arrive.  Still not sure when they are coming but I have no plans today so guess it doesn’t matter when they get here.  Need to make sure I have sent directions to the three people arriving the next three days.  I need to set up a copy and paste directions sheet so I don’t have to type them out each time.

Grateful for the rain on the prairie today – I can hear the earth drinking it up, grateful the house is cleaned and ready for my first Airbnb guests to arrive, and grateful for a dear friend that surprised me with a gift of small-sized clothes today – I feel cherished and loved!