I am in a bit better mood today than I was yesterday. Still not back to where I want to be but moving in the right direction. The sun popping out for a bit today helped.
Someone came over this morning who may rent part of my pasture for four months to put two horses on it. I don’t have a water source for them so they will have to haul water and put up a line of fencing. They are to let me know later next week if they are interested. They are nice people and seemed to know what they are doing,
Kathy and I went into town today to get chicken feed and a bike rack for my car. I need to take my bike where there is a paved road to ride on until I get more comfortable with it. Kathy has used a rack like it before so hopefully we can figure out how to use it. Nicole told me I needed to get elbow and knee pads to wear. Wonder why she thinks that? Probably a good idea but I didn’t get them yet at least.
When Kathy got home yesterday she asked me if it was safe for her to come in. She must have read my blog before she came home. Thankfully by the time she got home I was in a better mood after I took a nap.
I broke down and took Advil again this morning to help my feet quiet down. They have been cranky the last couple of days. Not sure if it is weather related or something I am doing they don’t like. Not sure they are impressed with me wearing tennis shoes. The tops of my feet have been especially cranky since I started wearing my tennis shoes. Sure wish they would get over themselves. I’m tired of feet issues.
Roxy is putting more weight on her hurt paw. She keeps it lifted up when she wants to run. It is looking better but obviously still is bothering her some. Sure wonder what she did to hurt it. I need to take her in to get her fixed but decided to wait until her paw healed more before I do so.
We got another half inch of rain overnight. I was surprised that was all I got as it sure sounded like I was getting more. I’ll be glad to get my mower back next week as the grass is going to need mowed soon. I didn’t hear from them yet so am hoping they will work on it Monday as promised.
I have lots of empty space on my calendar for the next couple of weeks. I may spend a weekend or two in KC if Nicole wants help getting her old house cleaned out. Other than that I don’t have much on my schedule. It usually makes me feel a bit uneasy to have too much empty space. I had an old habit of being busy and when I am not busy now I can get restless and uneasy. When I remember to allow it to be what it is and remind myself I don’t have to be busy to be good enough the feeling usually passes. Old habits die hard sometimes.
The clouds are moving out and blue skies are returning. Maybe the clouds can pull this funk I have been in out of me and carry it away. I always feel better when there are blue skies and sunshine.
It is becoming a beautiful day on the prairie. All is well!