Sunday, July 30, 2017

I woke up in a fog this morning after another rough night of little sleep. I made my normal breakfast of toast with cream cheese. Without thinking, I put a light layer of the peach jam I made yesterday on top of the cream cheese. It was good but about 20 minutes later I felt like shit. I haven’t had sugar for over seven months and my body reacted badly to it. I finally went back to bed to sleep off the sugar head ache. Feeling better now. Think I will stay off sugar again. Not worth the pain!

Made seven more pints of peach jam last night and finished working up the box of peaches I had bought. I love hearing the jar lids pop when they seal. Only had one that didn’t seal. I had bought an off brand case of jars a year ago and although the rings are supposed to be universal they didn’t fit tight enough to made the lid seal.

Only one more sleep in my own bed for two weeks. I am going to unpack my suitcase this afternoon and double-check that I have everything I want to take. I need to make sure the liquids are easy to get to so I can make it through airport security without an issue. Trusting they will allow my walking sticks to go through. If not I may need to check my bag.

I need to decide it I want to take my purse or just put things in my pockets. I took a purse to Spain and ended up ditching it after the first couple of days on the trail. It just added weight to carry. I’ll see if I can fit my purse in my suitcase so I don’t have to carry it on the trail. I don’t want to ditch this purse if it doesn’t fit.

Kathy is cleaning today and maybe that will give me some motivation to do so to. I still haven’t cleaned my main floor. I hate to leave it dirty for Kathy to do while I am gone. Maybe my guilt will motivate me – nothing else seems to.

Only got three eggs this morning from my girls. I gave them a lecture and trust they will get after it and lay more eggs. It has cooled down some so they can’t blame the heat. Seems every once in a while they have a day or two of slacking off and then they get busy laying again. Maybe they take after me!

It is nice to be able to leave and not have to find a house sitter. Thanks Kathy! I know my critters will be in good hands.

Read about the meteor shower that is happening August 12. It is to be one of the biggest shows in years. Hoping I will be able to see it from the airplane on my way home. Not sure how the whole time thing works and if I will be in daylight or night skies on the way home. When I came home from Iceland two years ago I saw the sunset the entire flight home. Kinda made up for the very little sun we saw for the week we were there as we only had four hours of daylight each day.

I’m sure I will see some meteors the night after the 12th If I can stay awake and watch for them that night. I’ll see how bad jet lag is.

What a beautiful day out today. It is only 83 degrees and no wind. Maybe I will go out and weed my flower beds and get some fresh air to finish clearing my head. I still feel a bit of that sugar from the peach jam in my system and need to work it out.

My big adventure finally begins tomorrow. I’m getting excited! Seems appropriate that Nicole gets to sign papers to sell her house the day before we leave. A new adventure awaits! All is well.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Made seven more pints of peach jam this morning. I made three pints and one half pint yesterday. I have enough peaches to make seven more pints but I may need to get some more jars first. I tasted just a little taste of it this morning and liked it. I don’t use as much sugar as the recipe calls for as I think peaches are sweet enough without lots of extra sugar.

Found out Craig and I have to go to KC Monday to sign closing papers on the sale of Nicole’s house. I forgot we had co-signed on her loan when she bought the house. I’m going to ride to KC with Craig Monday and then Kathy will have to come get me when I fly in to KC August 13. We will drop Nicole off at her house then come home.

Had another rough night trying to sleep last night. Bedtime is quickly becoming my least favorite part of the day.

The chickens have been enjoying the peach scraps. I don’t give them the pits as I think I remember reading some where those aren’t good for them. I cleaned the refrigerator out yesterday and the dogs enjoyed the left overs from it.

Still can’t quite wrap my head around the fact that on Tuesday I am flying to Japan. I am ready to get out of my comfort box and experience something very new for me. Still a bit terrified about the walk but trying to remember not to anticipate and allow it to be what it is.

Need to run into town and see the grandkids one last time before I leave. I need to check how many jars I have and pick up some more while I am in town if I need them and get my third batch of jam made.

Bags are packed. I’m ready to go. Come on Tuesday!

Friday, July 28, 2017

Went into Emporia this morning to get some cash for my trip and some greens for my girls. I had lunch with Michelle while I was in town. I rarely get a chance to talk to her without the kiddos around so it was nice to catch up with her. I told her I would go into Emporia sometime this weekend to see the grandkids before I leave.

I got a box of peaches while I was in town. I want to make a few batches of peach jam this weekend. Michelle had given us some peaches earlier this week and both Kathy and I have really been enjoying them.

Need to touch base with Jason before I leave Monday. He is hard to get hold of sometimes as he goes to work at 4:00 in the morning and has been working 10 – 12 hour days six days a week.

Enjoying the cooler temperatures. I sure like mid 80’s much better than mid 90’s and above. I have very little energy when it gets that hot.

Doing a final check of what is in my bag and making sure I haven’t forgotten something. I need to keep reminding myself if I forget something I can get it in Japan.

Finally have a quiet head today. I have been on overload the last couple of weeks and have had trouble quieting my mind. I can remember when I had a busy mind all the time and didn’t know what it was like to have a quiet mind. No wonder I was depressed back then.

Grateful for the cooler weather. Loving the smell of fresh peaches. Enjoying connecting with my family before I leave. All is well on the prairie.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Another night of not much sleep. So frustrating to lay in bed and be tired but can’t sleep.

Some dear friends came to town to see me today. We had a long lunch at the Grand Hotel in Cottonwood and then continued our conversation at my house. It is always good to see them and I love our deep conversations.

I realized I have way too many food items in my suitcase and need to take most of them out. I not only have food items in my carry on bag but my day pack is full of them too. When I am on the trail I don’t want any extra weight in my day pack. I have no where to put the extra snacks I now have in my day pack as I don’t think we can eat that many before the walk. It isn’t like Japan doesn’t have any food to eat! I must have an obsession with food!

So nice to have a cooler day today. KC got lots of rain over night. Sure wished I could have gotten that here. Seems like a waste to have that much rain over a city when the prairie is so dry.

Nothing on my calendar for tomorrow or the weekend. Trusting I will be able to get some good sleep and will be well rested before I leave for KC on Monday and then Japan early Tuesday morning.

Nicole signs her closing papers on her house next Monday. The title company will deposit her proceeds for her while we are in Japan. I have never had a house sell in two weeks. It sure feels like it was meant to be and that Nicole had some behind the scenes help in getting this deal done so quickly.

Still having trouble believing I will be in Japan next week. Not sure how I prepare myself at this point. I am glad I realized I was once more living in fear through anticipating what might happen. I need to stay in the present moment and allow it to unfold without my worry or concern.

Getting excited. Staying present. All is well on the cooler prairie today!

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

We had a very brief shower mid morning. It was enough to knock the cobwebs out of the rain gauge and to lay the dust down for a bit. Have my request in for a couple of inches in the next couple of days.

Did some more hard mowing last night after it finally cooled down some. I came in covered with dirt and dust. I took a bath and the tub water was so dirty I couldn’t see the bottom of the tub. I had to clean the ring around the tub off when I got out. Reminded me of a time when I was a kid and there was a bad drought. We only took baths once a week on Saturday nights. The first kid got one inch of clean water. Each kid afterwards could add one inch of water. You got to choose between very little clean water or five inches deep of dirty water. No wonder I like a deep tub of clean water now!

Did a trial packing last night. Everything I wanted to take fits and the bags aren’t too heavy. I do have extra snacks that don’t fit but I will take some of the extras to Nicole and see what she can fit in. Kathy was impressed I am going to be gone for two weeks and only have a carry on bag and a day pack. Sure makes traveling easier when you don’t check luggage.

Not feeling very motivated today to do anything. I still haven’t cleaned house and need to do that before I leave. I did get a note out to the folks joining me for the solar eclipse adventure. We are moving up our start time by thirty minutes due to expected traffic jams. One of the guests responded that she has a port-a-potty she can bring along. May be a good idea! When you get a certain age being close to a bathroom becomes more important!

Notified my banks and credit card companies that I will be in Japan and ask that they allow me to use my cards there. I always carry two debit cards and two different credit cards just in case one of the companies has a communications issue and denies me use of my card. Nicole was going to do the same so trusting between us we will have access to an ATM machine and a credit card will work. I have found the easiest way to get foreign currency is to use my debit card at an ATM machine. The exchange rates are better than at the airport booths. Sometimes breaking the larger bills is a bit tricky though. I noticed the travel guide-book recommended we not bring big bills on the trail as the small places don’t have access to lots of cash to break them for us. I found that to be an issue on the Camino in Spain too. Luckily in the city most places accept credit cards and that is the easiest way to pay for things. They don’t take credit cards on the trail though.

Thankful it is to cool down after today and only be in the mid 80’s over the next five or six days. Maybe my energy will return with the cool down. I have some outdoor work I want to do and it has been too hot to do it lately.

My neighbor was working cattle yesterday afternoon when it was 100 degrees. I felt sorry for the horses they were riding and the cattle. Guess it needs to be done but sure didn’t seem wise to do it in the heat of the day.

Realized yesterday I need to let go of my concern about this upcoming trip. I want it to be a really good experience for Nicole and have been worried I will screw it up for her somehow by not being able to keep up with her on the walk. I need to let that go and allow the trip to unfold without my worry. Easier said than done but now that I am aware of what I have been holding I can allow it to release. I’m sure it will unfold and be in the best and highest interest of each of us. If it is as good as the trip to Spain was it will be a very good trip.

Grounding. Releasing my fears and expectations. Enjoying the cooler prairie today. All is well!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Next Tuesday I will be on my way to Japan! Not sure I am looking forward to being in an airplane for over eleven hours but I am looking forward to the Camino Kumano Kodo. I will admit to being a bit terrified about the walk though. I have not trained for it and walking up and down mountains scares me.

Went into Emporia this morning to get my haircut. I met a friend for lunch afterwards and then met another friend to return some art pieces to her. I stopped at Wal-Mart to get a few things and at Bluestem to get chicken feed. After buying gas I headed home. I got a lot done in town on this trip.

Need to go out and mow for an hour but it is almost 100 degrees out right now and I am having trouble making myself go outside. It is to be cooler later this week so may skip today and do some inside chores instead.

Nicole got her electricity back a little after midnight last night. She lost most of what was in her refrigerator and freezer. She was thankful it came back on and she could get her house cooled down from 93 degrees. Trusting she got some sleep after the house cooled down last night. Not sure which is worse – no electricity or no water.

Made some hotel reservations yesterday. Still need reservations for two more nights in Osaka but we decided to wait and make them after we get there and before we leave for the Camino. If we like the place I have booked us for before the Camino we might stay there after the walk for two nights. We will return to the airport hotel for our last night in Japan as we have an early return flight on Sunday, August 13.

Tomorrow I want to do a packing trial to see where I am at in what I want to take and decide what I need to take out if necessary. The obvious thing to take out will be the snacks I purchased. I’m sure I have way too many of those. I made the same mistake on the Camino and ended up taking a lot of them out and leaving them in hotels my first couple of days on the trail. My carry on bag was too heavy to carry up three or four flights of stairs with all the bars I had in it. I also dumped other items that I found I wasn’t using.

I took eggs to town to try to sell and forgot about them. Anyone need eggs? I have five dozen extra. $3 a dozen.

Figured out I can print with my new printer using my phone but not my iPad. Things like this drive me crazy as I can’t figure out why I can’t print from my iPad. Thankful I figured out I can print from my iPhone.

Another hot day on the prairie. The official count down has begun. Japan are you ready for us in one week? All is well on the prairie.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Just came inside from mowing the tall grass for over an hour. I sat for a bit and thought I was done sweating and then took a shower. I started sweating again after my shower. This is the hard mowing each year I do not like. The grass is over my head as I sit on the mower and there are millions of insects in the grass that fly in my face. Lots of hidden rocks to watch for too. I am over half way done so will have to go back out again tomorrow and Wednesday. I can only take about an hour a day of this type of mowing. It is hot again out there today.

Had a beautiful morning of healings. Five of us gathered for rich conversation and to lay hands on each other. This is how the world will be changed and healed!

After I cool down I need to do some more house cleaning. I did some yesterday but have lots more to do. Mowing takes my energy away but trusting it will return so I can tend to the inside of my house later.

One of my friends brought me some home grown tomatoes out of her garden. I had a BLT for lunch. I added some avacado as I realized I have not been getting enough good fats. Trusting it will help me not get hungry so fast. The tomatoes were so good! Can’t beat home grown.

Last I knew Nicole is still out of power. KPL had estimated she would have it back by noon today. She is still at work so don’t know if it will be on when she gets home or not. She had a very warm night last night with no fan or A/C.

Slowly working my way to being ready for Japan. I leave a week from today. We are spending the first night at a hotel near the airport as we have a 6:00 am flight Tuesday. Have most everything gathered up and on a kitchen table. Need to do a trial packing to see how much will fit and what I might need to take out. Only taking a day pack and a carry on bag. Nicole thought she may have some extra room so will take over flow to her to see if she can fit it in if I need to.

Still need to make some more hotel room reservations. I found a hotel I liked but my internet decided to act up and my attempted reservation didn’t process. Maybe we weren’t supposed to stay there. I’ll try again when I cool down and can find some patience. Not sure what we want to do so am not sure what part of town to look at. Most hotels mention being close to a public transportation system so guess we can get around once we learn how it works. Trusting it will be as easy as the one in Paris is.

I didn’t sleep very much again last night. It is so frustrating to be tired but unable to fall asleep or to wake up 15 minutes after I fall asleep.

Packing. Cleaning. Making my lists and checking them twice. All is well on the hot prairie today.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Relief from the heat at last! Only got 1/4 inch of rain last night and I welcomed every drop. Everyone on my corner of the prairie is much happier today – including all the critters. It is only to be 93 today – feels like a cool day compared to what we have had the last few days.

KC caught the biggest part of the storm last night. They had wind gusts of over 70 mph and side ways rain. Nicole doesn’t have power and has a big tree branch down in her back yard at her rental house. Luckily she doesn’t have any trees down at her old house. Her neighbors at the old house have lots of big trees down. She sure got lucky. It is about time she caught a break.

Nicole got two offers on her old house yesterday. One was really good and she accepted it. They want to close August 2. They have five days to do inspections if they want to do any so Nicole won’t know until the end of the week if the deal will go through. Her realtor was optimistic it would go through as it is an investor who is buying her house and he knows what he is buying. Fingers crossed this deal will work and she will be done with this house.

May do some mowing this afternoon and take advantage of the cooler day. My yard was mowed and hay put up last week. I like to mow the rest of the tall grass so when they burn next spring the grass is an even height. It is hard and dirty mowing though. I have lots of hidden rocks in my yard. I have already had two oops with my mower this year so trusting I won’t have three.

Kathy put up a tarp on the chicken coop so they have more shade. We may have to take it down when the wind blows too hard so it won’t damage the fence. I need to remember to put a permanent shade of some sorts on my wish list. The chickens looked much happier this morning and are spending time in their yard today. I have already gotten more eggs today than I did all day yesterday.

I have some friends coming over in the morning so need to do some house cleaning today. I haven’t cleaned much since the retreat a month ago. Kathy has done some for me thank heavens, but it is time to do a deep clean. I always feel better when my house is really clean.

Finally feeling like I have some energy today. Maybe I will put some of it to good use and get a few things done around here. Seems like there is always something that needs done.

Cooler day on the prairie today. I so appreciate the break from the intense heat. All is well and refreshed on the prairie today.

Saturday, July 21, 2017

Another very hot day on the prairie today. My car said it was 103 two hours ago when I came back from Emporia. Bet it is even hotter out there now.

I did a Wal-Mart run to get some groceries and the last two items on my list of things I wanted to get to take to Japan. Decided not to eat in town as I don’t know how a restaurant can serve safe food when they are under a water boil advisory. It was almost too hot to get out of the car and go inside someplace anyways.

I was going to stop and get some Colorado peaches and forgot to do so. May go back in later and see if they are still there.

I went to bed before the sun did last night and slept really good for two whole hours. Woke up and wasn’t able to go back to sleep until it was time for the sun to come up. Slept a couple of hours which I am grateful for but am still tired today. It might be time to get some medication to help me sleep. This is getting crazy again.

I have some cleaning I need to do today if I can find the energy to do so. Kathy helped me drag hose so I can sprinkle my chicken pen as the chickens are showing signs of heat stress. We were only out for ten minutes but it wore me out.

Sure trusting Japan won’t be this hot or I won’t be doing much walking. I don’t do well in this type of heat.

My propane company mailed me my pre-order contract for the propane I will need this winter. Hard to think about paying for propane to heat up the house today. Wonder how the weather will be this coming winter. The last two winters have been fairly mild. Will we have three mild winters in a row?

Next week is turning into a busy week. I have at least one thing to do and several days two or more things to do on four different days of next week already. That is rare for me. It will help make the week go fast before I leave for Japan on the 1st of August.

Need to make a final check of what I want to take to Japan so I can get anything I may have forgotten. Will need to restock all of the critters feed supply so they have enough to last two weeks. Grateful Kathy will be here to care for my critters.

The final ten day countdown is on. Not sure it has hit me I am leaving for Japan in ten days. Japan seems so exotic and foreign to me. Trusting we will make some wonderful memories.

All is well on the hot prairie today!

Friday, July 21, 2017

This may be the longest day yet! I barely slept last night. I took a second bath around 4:00 as sometimes that helps me relax enough to fall asleep. It worked but Tagen had a bad dream and woke me up at 4:30. He had trouble going back to sleep so I was up with him until after 5:00. He finally fell back asleep but I didn’t. Is it nap time yet?

Ellexia went home with her mom and dad last night. They came out and took showers as Emporia had water issues yesterday.

Kathy helped me get Legend and Roxy in my car this morning so I could take them in for their annual vet check. Tagen went with me and helped me get them from the car into the vet office. Both checked out really good and didn’t seem to notice the blood draw and the two shots they each got. Legend weighed 88 pounds and Roxy is 61 pounds.

We had to bring the dogs home and then go back into town to get Ellexia. I didn’t have room in my car for her with the dogs too. We stopped at the grocery store to get junk food for the kids today and then came back to the house. Legend had gone swimming this morning and I now smell like a wet dog. May need to take a shower and change my clothes.

I warned the kiddos I am tired and cranky today and it will be in their best interest if they behave today. Afraid I don’t have much patience today.

Thankfully other than watching the kiddos I don’t have anything else I have to do today. I need to clean house but it may have to wait for one more day.

My head feels like it is floating six feet above me today. My thought process is slow. Trusting I will make it through the day.

Another very hot day on the prairie today. All is well!

Thursday, July 20, 2017

I got home about 7:00 last night. I was in bed and asleep a little after 9:00. Slept almost all night and feel much better today.

I met with a realtor yesterday afternoon. He gave me some information to pass on to Nicole. His estimated sale price was a bit higher than we had expected. Nicole hit overwhelm and needs some time to decide what to do. The realtor did say not to replace carpet or do anything else to the house. He didn’t think the return on that investment would make it worth while so I cancelled the carpet estimate appointment.

We considered getting a second realtor to give us a second opinion but didn’t hear back from her before I was ready to leave town. She called on my way home. Not sure Nicole is up to showing her the house and I’m not sure I am up to going back to KC to show it to her either. We may just go with what the first realtor said and be done with it. He anticipated Nicole would get several offers within the first three days on the market and felt he priced it at a price that an investor would match or even bid a bit higher. It will be good if she can have a final offer before we leave for Japan August 1.

Kathy helped me get my car unloaded when I got home last night and I finally got everything put away this morning. Still need to do some house work but it seems to wait for me.

Craig called this morning to see if I would watch the grandkids today. Emporia has no water and their summer school got cancelled as a result. He brought them out around 9:00. I hadn’t seen them for a bit so it has been fun to have them here today.

I picked up the Kumano Kodo guide book that was waiting for me at the post office. The tour company we are using in Japan had sent it to me. It is a great book and is helping me finally make sense of the walking options we have. Nicole and I will read it on our long flight to Japan.

Not fully functioning on all my brain cylinders today. I keep putting things down and can’t remember where I put them. Good thing I have nothing important that needs done today.

Tomorrow morning I am taking Legend and Roxy in for their annual vet check. Tagen said he would help me if he stays all night. If he goes home tonight Kathy said she would go in with me. It is hard for one person to handle both of them as neither one are used to being on a leash.

Recovery day for me today. Another hot Kansas summer day. All is well.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Sitting at Nicole’s old house waiting for the VA to show up. I think I was told they would be here in the morning and it is now after noon. Trusting they will show up sometime today.

A realtor is coming at 2:00. Decided not to do any more cleaning until he gets here and I get a better understanding of which direction we will take to get this house sold.

I did line up a free in-house carpet estimate for today. That way if we need to finish getting the house ready to put on the market for a family to buy it we will have actual numbers to work with if we decide to go ahead and replace carpet in two rooms.

The truck from the VA showed up to haul away a garage full of donation items. There is only one man here to load all of this stuff and he won’t let me help. He called for a helper as he will need more room and help lifting the heavy pieces. He must have a strong back as he is stacking the heavy boxes above his head. Grateful the stuff is going away and that I didn’t have to pick any of them up.

After my two appointments this afternoon I am heading home. Nicole is done with this project and needs a break. May come back next week if needed. Anxious to see what the realtor says when he gets here.

What a two weeks this has been. I’m impressed we got so much done but we are both exhausted, especially Nicole. She really had to dig deep to get this job done. It didn’t help she had a work project she was under a time crunch for this week too. Things kinda piled up on her.

The second truck just showed up. Almost done clearing out the garage. Grateful! The house will soon be empty. All that is left is selling it.

Almost to the finish line. Grateful!

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Sleep at last! I slept really good last night. Woke up feeling rested. Love when that happens.

Nicole and I had a quiet night at her new house last night. I ordered and picked up Japanese Chicken Teriyaki for dinner and some Dove ice cream bars. Yesterday had not been an easy day for Nicole. She had to stay up late and work on a work project but I went to bed early.

She was already at work this morning before I got up. I went out for breakfast and then went to the old house. I mowed half her front yard and part of the back yard. I hope to finish mowing tomorrow morning when it is cool. I got too hot to finish this morning. Her new house yard almost needs mowed again too.

I worked on hand mopping some floors inside and then came back to her new house for a shower and clean clothes. After I hydrate and rest I will go back and do some more floors this afternoon. She has poison ivy or poison oak in her backyard and I wanted to get out of my mowing clothes and get them washed before I spread it to Nicole. I have never reacted to it but she does badly. Not what I want to happen before our trip to Japan.

I confirmed with the VA that they will be picking up her garage full of items she wants to donate tomorrow. They are to call me when they are headed to her house. I trust they are bringing a big truck so they can take everything.

I contacted two realtors this morning. I have heard back from one of them but they have to refer me to some one else as she is not registered to work in KS. Hoping to hear back from the lady who she referred us to and the other realtor I called sometime this afternoon or tomorrow so I can get them over to see the house tomorrow or Thursday. I’m not going to do too much more cleaning until I know which way Nicole is going on selling the house. If the investor buys it I won’t have to do any more work to it. If she lists it with a realtor I may need to do more cleaning and possibly arrange for some new carpet to be installed.

Two weeks from today we leave for Japan. So nice to have that to look forward to after these last two hard weeks. Hoping she knows what is going to happen to the old house before we leave. May not happen but that is the intention we have set. Craig has agreed to act on her behalf if needed while we are in Japan.

May go out and do a bit of shopping until I am ready to go back to the old house and work for another couple of hours. Have a few little things I want to get to take to Japan and I might as well get them here since I have time. May do a Costco run too.

Clean clothes and a shower make me feel like a new woman. Energy has returned and I can now proceed with my day. Getting things done today. We are ever so close to the finish line of this huge project.

Japan here we come in two weeks!

Monday, July 17, 2017

Not sure I slept at all last night. Not sure why but none of my regular tricks worked to help me sleep. I am tired tonight.

I came up to KC this afternoon and worked on Nicole’s old house for a bit. She has a big work project she needs to get done this week so I am cleaning out her old house. Got a good start on it today. Should be able to finish up tomorrow. Wednesday the VA people are coming to pick up her donation pile.

We need to line up a couple of realtors to come look at the house and tell us what needs to be done. She also has a friend that knows a guy that buys houses that need upgrades and he is going to come look at it too. Just want to make sure if he gives her an offer that it is a fair one and if he decides not to make an offer we have started the process to go a different route.

Picked up some more Restless Legs medication that I needed to take to Japan. Nicole is figuring out how to add international service to her phone so we will be able to stay in contact back home while we are there. We are almost ready to do. We leave two weeks from tomorrow!

Tired tonight. Trusting I will sleep tonight. I have lots to do tomorrow and it will be easier if I am rested.

Tomorrow is a new day. Both of us need a good one!

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Feeling like I have much more energy today. Kathy and I went into Emporia and did the Wal-Mart thing this morning. I have almost finished my shopping for my Japan trip. My critters are all set for food again for this week.

I went out and mowed for over two hours this afternoon. It is hot out there today. I wore my trail boots to get my feet used to them again. Need to remember to take my boots to KC this week so I can wear them while I am cleaning. My feet need to get used to not being in sandals.

I started a pile of things I want to take to Japan. Need some more Restless Legs medication which I can get in KC this week. Glad I set things out so I figured that out before it was too late to get some. So far that is the only thing left on my list to get.

Need to go take a shower and clean up. I wanted to quit sweating before I took my shower. Kathy brought me out a cold bottle of water which kept me going so I was able to finish my mowing without stopping today. Trusting I can get all the dirt out of my ears and other body parts. It is so dry out there. It was a bit of a bumpy ride today as I rode over the cracks in the yard. Sure could use a couple inches of rain. May need to do a rain drumming circle before I leave for Japan if we don’t get rain soon.

My girls have given me a dozen eggs already today. I’m surprised they haven’t slowed down a bit due to the heat. I try to keep cool water available for them but it is hard to keep it cool in this heat.

Hot summer day. Grateful for A/C! All is well on the hot prairie today.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

I got home around 8:30 last night. I stopped at Craig’s to return his pickup to him. He had surprised me and had my car detailed clean. Thanks Craig. I appreciate it. He had taken my car to Toyota to have them reset the check engine light. They said it was important I bring the car in to have it fixed. The gas station at Cottonwood told me it wasn’t important to get fixed. Who do I trust?

I was so tired last night but when I went to bed I couldn’t fall asleep. I finally took something around 1:00 and this morning I feel like I have a hang over without the fun of getting drunk.

This is definitely a recovery day for me. I’m doing some laundry and checking on my critters but other than that don’t have the energy to do anything. It is hot again outside. I was dripping sweat when I came back to the house from giving the chickens some water. I almost dumped some of the water over my head instead of giving it to the chickens.

Kathy had cleaned my house for me so I don’t need to do that today. Thanks Kathy! I appreciate you too.

May need to go to town to find some food later today. I’m too tired to do so right now.

Starting to make a packing pile for Japan. I got some single serving snacks to take while I was in KC. Need to start putting the things on my list together and see what I need to take out due to space issues. Nicole said she might have extra room so need to take her some things to pack for me. We were so busy last week we forgot to make our final two hotel reservations. Trusting we will remember to do that this week. We leave two weeks from Tuesday.

Nicole has taught me how to stay focused on one thing at a time. It was hard to look past cleaning out the house. Now that we are done with that project maybe Japan will hit our priority list.

Resting. Recovery day. Giving myself permission to do nothing and just be today. All is well on the hot prairie today.

Friday, July 14, 2017

We stayed home last night and relaxed. It finally rained with lots of loud thunder. The rain felt refreshing. It was cooler this morning but the humidity was higher.

We went over to the old house early this morning. Nicole cleaned out the attic and we worked for a little over an hour adding to the donate and the trash piles. We took a break and went out for breakfast and then returned to work another hour and half. We brought another load to the new house and then took a long rest.

We are almost done with getting it cleared out. We have another thirty minutes of carrying more stuff out and one more load to bring to the new house. When the guys show up this afternoon we will get the rest of it cleared out. Then we just need to get it cleaned and it will be done.

I am going home later today. Nicole has a work project she needs to do this weekend. She also needs to rest and regroup as she has to go back to work Monday. She is exhausted right now. So thankful she was able to get this week off to do this project and not try to do it after work each day.

I plan on coming back to KC next week and do the cleaning. Hoping by Wednesday we can get some realtors lined up to take a look at the house so we know what needs to be done before Nicole can list it. The finish line is in sight.

What a week! Nicole has been a trooper to get through it. When we get after it we get a lot done. Grateful neither one of us hurt ourselves other than a few bruises and bumps. The heat added to a tough week but we took good care of ourselves and rested when we needed to.

So looking forward to our reward trip to Japan. It is nice to have had that to look forward to during the hard spots this week.

Grateful to Kathy for caring for my critters so I could be here to help Nicole.

Feels good to have moved my body this week. Felt like really good training for our walk. My body is stronger than I think it is sometimes. Learned how much cooler trail pants and shirts are than jeans.

So close to being done with this project. Grateful!

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Nicole treated me to a pedicure yesterday afternoon. It was so relaxing to have my feet and calves massaged. My feet were so rough I would wake myself up turning over in bed at night. Nice to have soft feet again.

Nicole went out with her friends last night. I decided to finish mowing her front yard for her. I did most of it and had to take a break as it was still over 90 after 9:00 last night. Her very kind neighbor from across the street came over to check on me as I was sitting on the front steps. I was able to get most of the yard mowed before I ran out of day light.

I was surprised to see that it had rained when I got up this morning. I looked out the west front window and saw a beautiful rainbow. It sprinkled for a bit this morning but then it turned hot and humid again.

We went over to the old house early this morning and were surprised the dumpster hadn’t been emptied yet. They had told us they would change it out around 7:30. We did a few things but what we wanted to do we needed the empty dumpster for. We decided to go eat breakfast and then go to the Social Security office as Nicole needed to file for death benefits. We got to Social Security at 9:40. After almost an hour waiting we could tell it was going to take at least another hour before it was going to be our turn. We left and went to the old house and filled the pickup with another load. We dropped off the load at the new house and went back to Social Security. We only had to wait another 20 minutes before they called Nicole’s number. It took about three minutes to do what she needed to do with the clerk. Thank heavens she had taken all the paperwork she needed and doesn’t have to return.

We went back to the old house and the empty trash dumpster had been delivered. We put the trash from the garage in it and started carrying her big donation pile into the garage. I carried the stuff we had stacked in the bedroom that is on the same level as the garage. Nicole carried all the boxes we had filled from upstairs down to the garage. The place that is picking up the donation stuff can’t come in the house although they will carry it out of the garage. She has a huge donation pile that will go out into the world to bless other people.

We got all of the smaller pieces to the garage. Nicole’s friends are coming over tomorrow night to help her carry the bigger pieces out of the house to the garage or to the dumpster and to help bring the bigger pieces she wants to take to the new house.

We finished by walking through the whole house to determine what we have left to do. Thinking we only have about three hours of work left before we start cleaning. Thanks to her friends that are going to move the bigger pieces we should have the house empty by tomorrow night.

We came home and took showers and cleaned up. We then went out to lunch and did a little shopping. Not sure what the plan is for the rest of the day. Nicole is done with this project – emotionally and physically. She has done a super job digging deep to get done what we have so far. Maybe with some rest this afternoon we can find the energy to get this house empty tomorrow.

Not sure when I am going to go back home. I told Nicole I will get the house cleaned for her. May go home for the weekend to let Nicole have a few rest days and then come back early next week to clean. She hasn’t contacted a realtor yet to see what they recommend she does to the house before she lists it. Want to get it cleaned before we have them come over. We still have two full weeks plus this weekend before we leave for Japan. Our goal is to have it listed before we leave for Japan. Fingers crossed we can still get that done.

The heat this week has sure made this a tougher project. We have been taking good care of ourselves and not pushing ourselves too hard. We have not been working in the heat in the afternoons. Nicole is really tired this afternoon. I think the emotional toll is catching up to her.

Sitting in the air conditioned house this afternoon. Gathering our strength and energy to get this project done! We are ever so close now. We got this!

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

We were back at it around 8:00 this morning. We loaded and brought over two pick-up loads and put the stuff in the basement of the new house. We went back to the old house after we did the second load and finished up the master bedroom. Nicole did a great job of sorting. She put lots more stuff in the donate or trash pile than the keep pile. I packed up a closet while she was sorting other things.

When we finished that room we went for breakfast and ran a few errands. Two of my friends had some egg cartons for me so we stopped and picked those up. We went to Target to pick up some cleaning supplies. We went back to the old house and Nicole finished sorting the dining room and garage while I started cleaning the kitchen. After we got too hot we loaded the pick-up with one more load and came back to the new house, unloaded it and called it good for the day. It is just too hot to work right now.

Nicole only has one more room to sort tomorrow and she has already gotten through most of that room earlier. We are getting an empty dumpster in the morning so we can get the last of the stuff that needs to go away out of the house. Then we will take all the donation stuff to the garage so it will be ready to be picked up next week. After we do that all we will have left to do is to finish cleaning the whole house. We can see the finish line ahead although tomorrow will be another day full of hard work carrying stuff.

Still not sure how we are going to get the big pieces downstairs but we will figure that out tomorrow. We have figured everything else out.

We are both tired and a bit cranky today. It has been an emotional job and hard work. I didn’t sleep much last night. The hot weather hasn’t helped either.

This afternoon we are either going to go get pedicures or go to a movie or maybe do both. It may be beer o’clock rather early today. Nicole has more than earned a few beers tonight.

I’m so glad Nicole took a week off from work to finish this project. It would have been very hard for her to have attempted this while working all day.

We want to go get some lunch and find something fun and cool to do before we go have some beer.

Lots more done today. We will be done with sorting tomorrow. Then we just need to clean and we will have this project done. Yeah!

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

We worked on clearing out one big basement room today. It still has some stuff in it that needs moved out but it is sorted and mostly cleared. We were tired and hot and declared the rest of the day to be a shopping day.

We came back to the house and Nicole mowed her back yard. We took showers and are headed out for lunch in a bit. Nicole gets to pick up her new vehicle this afternoon. That will be fun.

We are going to go get the stuff we need for our trip to Japan. That is our reward for working so hard this morning.

Not sure if we are going back over to the old house today to do some cleaning or not. We need to line up someone to come pick up the big donation pile so we can get that stuff moved out of the way so we can clean the two rooms we have that stuff in. We also need to start moving the stuff she wants to keep over to her new house. All that may wait until tomorrow as it is really hot out again today. The heat index is over 104 already.

We need to get the dumpster emptied so we can fill it back up again. We have some big pieces that need to go to the dump and thinking it will be easier to dump the dumpster and load them in there instead of trying to haul them in a truck. May need to find some strong muscles for tomorrow to help us get the big pieces out of the house.

When we get the house empty we will need to clean it good so we can get the real estate people over to go through it. First things first and that is to get it empty. Getting closer to that goal.

Hot weather today to work in. Moving through things rather quickly but still have lots left to do.
Hard to know when we will get done but we made good progress again today already.

Ready to go play for a bit. Clean clothes and a shower gave us both new energy. We can do this!

Monday, July 10, 2017

I was in KC by 9:45 this morning. After a quick stop at Target after I picked Nicole up we got started on her big project of the week. We are probably 25% done. It got really hot so we came to her house to shower. We are going shopping for a bit and then going back to do some more work.

Nicole is doing a great job sorting through everything and is not saving very much. We want to label the stuff she is keeping so she can find it easily later. She has a huge pile she is going to donate somewhere.

Thanks Craig for the boxes. They are coming in handy.

We are going looking for some long skirts. If I go to Fiji I have to wear a long skirt and have my shoulders covered. I want to take a skirt with me to Japan to wear in the evenings to dinner on the trail. I thought I better look now while the stores still have their summer weight clothes in stock. Not sure I will be able to find summer skirts this winter.

Found a skirt at Old Navy. We went back to the house and packed up the stuff Nicole is keeping. I cleaned a bathroom while Nicole packed. When she was done we went out for dinner.

Getting my exercise in today going up and down steps while carrying boxes. May not be able to move tomorrow but so far so good.

Lots done today. We made a good start. Plan on going over early tomorrow before it gets too hot and doing one more big room. We have some shopping to do in the afternoon.

Slowly but surely this project is getting done. Can’t see the finish line yet but I’m sure it is waiting for us if we keep at it.

It sure got hot today. We decided we are getting good training for our walk in Japan. Not sure how many times I went up and down the stairs but betting over 30 at least. Trusting it will strengthen my legs for mountain climbing.

Another big day ahead of us tomorrow. We are getting it done!

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Got three loads of laundry done this morning so I can pack in the morning for my week in KC. Not sure I have anything else that has to be done before I leave so I may spend the afternoon knitting. It is too hot to do much outside today.

Nicole has named this coming week “It is time to be Done”. She wants to be done with several hard things in front of her. She knows grief is not something you are done with however. She has several projects we will be working on this week – none will be easy ones. Some how she will find the strength to get through them. I’m glad she was able to get a week off work so she can give these projects her full attention and not have to stress about work at the same time. Trusting by the end of the week she will be done with her projects and can then turn her focus to her trip to Japan.

I am so grateful to her group of friends that continue to step up and help her through this process. They are like family to her and I appreciate them helping her out so much.

Ellexia went home last night. She said if Tagen was here she would have spent the night. Not sure about that but that is her story so I’ll go with it.

Need to review my list to make sure it is complete so I can get my shopping done this week in KC for the things I need for Japan. Only three more weeks before we leave. Wish I could buy more endurance and physical strength! I have been slacking getting my body ready for this adventure.

Kathy got home last night. She sure seemed to be happy to be back to the quiet prairie. She had a good trip but it is always good to be home. Sophia grew leaps and bounds again. My dogs were happy to see the two of them.

Need to go to Emporia for lettuce for the chickens for the week. I am going to trade vehicles with Craig when I go to town so Nicole has a truck to use this week. It makes it easier to move things with an open bed truck. Not sure Craig enjoys driving my little car but I’m grateful he is willing to do so to help out Nicole.

Another hot, lazy day on the prairie. Kathy headed downstairs to take a nap and I am thinking I may be headed to my bed soon to take one myself. Hot weather drains me and I didn’t sleep much last night. It is a good day for a nap.

Bright blue skies. Lazy day. All is well on the prairie today!

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Happy birthday to my son Jason. I can’t believe you are 42 years old. It seems like it has been only 20 years or so since you were born. I’m very proud of the man you have become.

I took Ellexia swimming at the Cottonwood Falls pool this afternoon. I rarely go swimming but for some reason I was in the mood to do so and needed a swimming buddy. I drove into Emporia and picked her up. We had a really good time swimming. The pool has a slide which she loved and she even went off the diving board several times. We stopped for Subway on the way back to my house. She is now covered under a blanket on the couch downstairs watching a movie. I’m thinking she just might fall asleep as she was yawning on the way home. She is thinking about spending the night but hasn’t decided yet.

Kathy should be home around 7:00 tonight. Bet she will be tired of driving for a bit. It takes over 20 hours of driving time to get here from CT. Will be good to see her.

I finally slept last night. I got up this morning around 7:00 and by 9:00 I was tired again so went back to bed for a couple more hours. When I crash I sleep lots! Sure wish I could scatter out my sleep. Grateful for whenever it comes. Grateful I don’t work and had no place I needed to be this morning so I could sleep some more.

It has turned summer here. It is over 90 again today and the forecast calls for more of the same for the next 10 days. Nicole picked one of the hottest weeks of the year to work on her house next week. We will take it slow and easy if needed and get that job done regardless of the heat. I bet we can find some distractions of some sort if we need to cool off once in a while. She wants to get a new vehicle next week.

I need to gather some rocks and put them under my chicken fence. They have dug some holes and I’m afraid something can get into the pen. If I don’t get the holes filled in the chickens will eventually dig a way for themselves to get out. If they do they will quickly become dinner for Legend. I have a big pile of small rocks I can use if I can get some chipped out. It has been there for so long the rocks have stuck together.

Hot, lazy day on the prairie today. Felt good to move my body in the water. Summertime at its best! All is well!

Friday, July 7, 2017

Yesterday I mentioned that love will win! This morning Oriah Mountain Dreamer posted the following on Facebook. It says it so much better than I did.

“It’s going to take “a lotta love”- not the fuzzy, sentimental variety, but the kind of love that helps us roll up our sleeves and work together, the kind of love that makes it possible to keep our hearts open to the person or group that disagrees with us as we work for peace and justice and a sustainable way to live together. When I was a child there was a poster in the church my family attended that said: “Love is a verb.” And right now- it’s gonna take a lotta love, perhaps a Love larger than we can muster on our own. ~ Oriah”

Sleep was very hard to come by last night. I finally fell asleep around 6:00 this morning but woke up at 7:00 and again at 9:00. Sure wish I could figure out this sleep thing. It is becoming foreign to me again.

I cleared out my egg supply this morning. A friend came to buy eight dozen eggs. Thanks Kris – I appreciate you! I already have two more dozen today as I finished filling a partial carton from yesterday plus gathered another dozen. I like when I clear them out as they seem to pile back up rather quickly. One I picked up this morning was still damp as it had just been laid. I love when that happens. Talk about fresh, country eggs!

Almost have the third panel completed on the baby blanket I am making. Not sleeping is good for something! I wasn’t sure if one skein of yarn would be enough but so far it doesn’t even look like I have used any out of the big skein. May have enough yarn to make two out of one skein. I will weigh the skein when I get the first one done and see if I still have over half of it left.

Tonight is music night on Main Street of Cottonwood Falls. I trust I will remember to go. They move it inside if it is too hot to sit outside. I sure enjoy going and watching the musicians perform. All levels of talent come to play and sing and all are appreciated and honored.

I need to go into Emporia sometime this weekend and get lettuce for my girls for next week. I am stocked up with everything else the critters will need next week while I am in KC. Sometimes Wal-Mart doesn’t have enough lettuce in stock when I am there. My girls enjoy their greens once a day. Sometimes I think they eat better than I do.

I got a message from the Kumano folks. They wanted to know what time I wanted our luggage dropped off. I am hoping that is a translation error as I want it picked up that morning and not dropped off. I must have it at the train station at 7:45. The guide I wanted to use that day wanted me to be on the 6:45 bus. Not sure if there is a place to leave our bags or if I can’t use that particular guide. Oh the challenges of international travel! It will all work out some how eventually.

I figured out how to request our seat assignments for the return flight from Toyoko to Chicago. I have to register us first and that requires putting in our passport numbers. I am going to take my passport to KC with me and will register us together then. I didn’t see how to upgrade us to business economy like we did for the flight there. May need to call and ask if that is a possibility. We fly home using a Japanese Airline that is a partner with United. While I was looking at their site I noticed I have to go on line within 24 hours of flight time to register or they can give our seats away. I’m glad I went looking for a way to get our seat assignment or I wouldn’t have known I had to do that. What do travelers do that don’t have access to the Internet?

Nicole is checking with her phone service to see if she can get international service for the two weeks we will be gone. I had read in the guide book they strongly recommend we carry a phone and have it programmed to the local 911 number in case we run into trouble. If she can’t get it added we will pick up an international phone at the airport in Japan. Better safe than sorry I guess.

Wish I could find some motivation to do something. Mine seems to have left me behind in its dust. I’m tired of sitting but can’t seem to find any motivation to do anything else. I read a horoscope last night that said after the full moon tomorrow things will settle down and motivation will return. Trusting that is so!

It is a hot, beautiful day on the prairie. All is quiet and well!

Thursday, July 6, 2017

I was caught between world’s this morning. I woke up at 7:00 and got up and put on my walking clothes and headed out the door for a walk. Next thing I know it is 9:00 and I am still in bed. I was having a dream that felt like it was real. Not a great start to my day. Once I really got up it was too hot to walk outside.

After my shower I went outside and did chores. That always help me ground myself. I finally figured out what had happened and got myself fully back into this reality. I sure was confused for a while this morning.

Started knitting a baby blanket last night using the new yarn. Not sure I like it yet. It shows the pattern much more clearly than the other yarn did which means if I make one little mistake I need to fix it. The other yarn could hide little mistakes. I didn’t check the pattern and knitted two and one half rows wrong and had to tink (Tink is knit spelled backwards – it means to rip out.) I have 135 stitches per row so that took a bit of time to do. I almost ripped out the first eight rows to completely start over but decided it would be faster to just do the two and one half rows. The yarn is finally playing nice and I have the first of six panels done.

Legend is MIA this morning. His success rate at coming home sooner or later is 100% so will trust that he will come home when he is ready to. The other two dogs are sleeping in the garage. I heard them several times last night. They must have pulled an all-nighter protecting me.

Have done three loads of laundry today. Not much more to do on my day’s to-do list. Since it is too hot to walk outside I will ride my stationary bike for at least an hour or two today. Need to find a book to read while doing so as it helps the time go by faster.

Kathy is headed back to Kansas sometime this weekend. She will be back either Saturday or Sunday. Nicole told me I didn’t need to come to KC until Monday morning so Kathy and I can have a chance to get caught up before I leave for the week. The dogs especially will be happy to see Kathy. They have missed her and Sophia.

Still adding things to my packing list for the trip to Japan. I only plan on taking a carry on bag and my day back pack so thinking I will need to cross some things off my list. Since I am not checking a bag I have to make sure everything I want to take is small enough to fit and pass the security checks for carry on luggage. May need to buy some things in Japan such as shampoo, body wash, etc. Not sure why I think I have to take that stuff when I know I can get it there. I’m not going to a third world place where that stuff is hard to find.

Felt the world’s energy trying to pull me off my center again. This time I was able to recognize it for what it was and not allow it to pull me off center. I get so overwhelmed thinking about the crazy stuff happening in the world right now. If I allow it I can go down in vibration thinking there is nothing I can do about any of it. When I remember to keep my vibration high and remember that is doing something that helps the world I can stay out of the muck pond. My logical brain tries to tell me that is not enough. My heart brain tells me otherwise. I refuse to fall into fear. I lose my power when I do that. Love will win!

It is a beautiful, hot summer day on the prairie. All is well!

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

After I finished mowing yesterday around 3:00 I came in and took a shower and put my night-gown on. About 7:30 I couldn’t keep my eyes open and went to bed. Woke up around midnight and have been up since. May be a long day.

I went for an hour’s walk this morning. I was dripping sweat by the time I got back home. It felt good to finally move my body. One disadvantage of living at the top of a hill is the walk back towards home is all up hill. I only walked two miles but it is a start. I used my new walking sticks and wore my new back pack. I didn’t like the walking sticks as well as my old pair. The handles aren’t as comfortable. They don’t fit inside my carry on bag so may look to see if I can find a pair that has different handles and will fit in my carry on bag. I didn’t put any weight inside the back pack as I want to get used to it first. Every day I walk I will add more weight to it. Less than a month before I leave for Japan.

Went into Emporia to get food for my critters for next week. My little car sat low coming home as I had over 200 pounds of chicken feed, dog food, cat food, oats, and black oil sunflower seeds in the back of it. I got my exercise putting all those bags in my cart and loading it in and out of the car. I am stocked up for a bit now. I forgot people food again though.

I finally heard back from the Camino Kumano Kodo folks. They sent me a link to pick out the tour guide and route we want to take. I was too tired last night to figure it out. Nothing is familiar or easy with the names of the towns and routes and I am not sure which they are referring to. I sent the link to Nicole to see if she can figure it out. I didn’t realize we have several options each day as to which route we want to take.

I’m glad I went ahead and paid for most of the reservations as I didn’t hear back from them in the 48 hour time limit I had to pay for what they sent me or have to start completely over. They are working on processing my other night stay as well as the first day bag transfer. Once that is confirmed I at least know we have a place to stay each night on the trail and that we won’t have to pull our carry on bag with us. The guide is optional anyways so if that doesn’t work out we are still good to go.

I went downstairs last night to get some yarn to start my fourth baby blanket. I am out of baby blanket yarn! The kind of yarn I really like was discontinued some years ago. I bought all the remaining yarn the store had at a sale price. Guess I have worked it all up. I picked up another kind when I was in town today. I’ll try it and see if I like it – may have to go shopping for yarn when I am in KC next week. I haven’t bought yarn for several years. I still have lots of shawl yarn left.

The last several days I have noticed a icky smell by my bedroom doors. It smelt like a water leak. I went downstairs twice checking to make sure I didn’t have a water leak. I could not figure out where the smell was coming from. When I got up last night I finally realized it was from the vases of fresh flowers I had on each side of the fireplace mantel. I dumped the flowers out and washed the vases out. The smell is gone this morning. Sometimes I over look the obvious.

Need to go to town and get gas for my mower and to fill my car up. I forgot to do that when I was in Emporia. I did remember to stop at the bank to make a deposit. I even had gas on my list and still forgot. I think my brain is tired today.

Beautiful summer day on the prairie today. Bright blue skies and lots of warm sun. All is well!

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

My dear friend Rodney came over yesterday and fixed my mower. I had some how gotten Craig’s metal target practice thingy stuck in the blades. Rodney was able to get it out. He went home and brought back his grinder and sharpened the blades and I was good to go. He even mowed a big patch of my yard checking the blades out. Thanks friend! I appreciate you! Last time I had to get the mower fixed it was over $500. I’m sure this repair would have been close to that if I had to take it to John Deere.

While I was in the barn talking to him we noticed a cat was in the barn. Evidently it had gotten in when I was mowing last and I shut it in the barn without knowing it was in there. I had noticed Sunday night one of the cats didn’t come in and it wasn’t by the back door Monday morning. Good thing Rodney came over and we opened the barn. I’m sure there are mice in there for it to eat but there is no water source.

After Rodney left I mowed part of the yard. Still have some more to do today. I want to get it all mowed up before I go to KC next week.

I haven’t heard back from the Kumano Kodo travel group. I went ahead and paid for the part of the trip that we need. This morning I requested a room for the night they didn’t have space for where we wanted to stay and finally figured out how to request a luggage transfer for that day too. The only thing I haven’t figured out how to do is request a guide for the first day but if that doesn’t happen we will figure the trail out ourselves. Thousands of people walk it each year so it can’t be that hard – right?

They are to send us a travel book I requested. I’m trusting it will be full of good information. When I walked the Camino Santiago the travel book I had for it even included a packing list. The book I had ordered for the Camino Kumano Kodo wasn’t that helpful. I’m glad I have some walking experience so I have a general idea what we will need.

Nothing on tap for me today other than finishing my mowing. I’m glad the reservations are all but done. That helps me feel more relaxed about the upcoming trip.

Today is the day I take my trash to the curb. I only have one bag of trash this week plus the cat litter bag. Recycling is really paying off and reducing the amount of trash I have. When I dropped a box off at the recycling trailer today a nice man was there and he lifted my box into the trailer for me.

I watched several firework shows from my living room last night. It looked like both Cottonwood Falls and Emporia had their big shows last night. Not my favorite thing to do but it was nice for a few minutes to see the bright, pretty lights. I could hear the booms even from my house. Not sure my dogs are a fan of the booms. Neither am I.

I can’t get my new printer to print from my iPad. It works from my laptop. Not sure what I did wrong. Technology and I are not the best of friends sometimes. Next time some one comes over I will ask them to check it out for me and see if they can make it work. I have reached my limit on working on it without doing damage to something or myself!

Another quiet day on the prairie. At least it is cooler out today for my mowing time. All is well on the prairie today.

Monday, July 3, 2017

I could not fall asleep last night.  I was reading a book that was really good and would put it down and try to sleep and after an hour would read some more.  I finally finished the book around 6:00 and was able to fall asleep for a couple of hours then.  May need a nap this afternoon though as I don’t feel like I got much sleep.

I went into Emporia after I got up and got a new printer.  My other one was four years old and seemed to be having more bad days than good ones.  I couldn’t make it print very often any more.  The one I got is a cheap laser one that seems to work much better.  The toner cartridges are almost as expensive as the printer was.  At least they last longer then the ink jet ink cartridges do.

After I got it hooked up I got caught up printing off copies of my blog.  I learned my lesson the hard way when I lost over a year’s worth of material.  I have a back up system in place now but I also print out a paper copy of each day.

I heard back from the reservation people for the Camino Kumano Kodo.   The first night on the trail they don’t have a room available but recommended a solution for us.  I sent them back a response and when I hear from them how they want me to proceed I will pay for our walk.  It seems like this walk is getting more popular and they are a bit over-whelmed with all the requests.  Their system doesn’t seem to be user-friendly for them.  I’m sure it will all work out.

They recommended we stay at a town where our bus ride ends for the day.  We were to have walked about 1.5 miles to our first hotel after the two train/bus rides we take that day.    This will mean our first day of walking will be 1.5 miles longer than the way I had first requested.  We can do that!  We only walk 6 miles that day so this will only make it 7.5 miles.  I ask about changing the dates by a day but they couldn’t tell me if that would fix the problem.  The only way to do that was to cancel our whole reservation and start over.  They take the reservations in the order they come in and it may have created a bigger issue if I tried it that way as I would lose my place in line.

I also decided to request a guide for our first walking day on the trail.  They can hook us up with a local person who will walk with us on the trail.  I would feel more comfortable knowing someone was with us that can teach us the ropes of the trail.  The book I got makes it seem a bit complicated.  I doubt that it is but I would like us to be successful and this seems like a good way to get us started on the right foot.

A good friend volunteered to come look at my mower to see if he could fix it.  Fingers crossed it is an easy repair and I won’t have to take it to John Deere.  I so appreciate his offer to come check it out for me.  I am clueless on things like this.

Through a friend Nicole got introduced to someone who spent several years in Japan.  She is asking him all sorts of questions about the Japanese culture.  It feels like a wonderful confirmation for her that she is to take this trip.  I love when the Universe makes things easy and provides for us.

I need to remember to go into town later this week and stock up on all the critter’s food supply as I am going to be in KC next week.  Not sure if I will get to see Kathy before I leave or not.  She is headed back here July 7.  I told Nicole I would be in KC the afternoon of the 9th so we may cross in the night.

Chance of rain this afternoon.  Sure feels humid and thick outside.  I could use another inch or two of rain.  Thankfully it is in the low 80’s today so not as hot as it has been.  The humidity makes it feel much warmer though.

Tired.  Grateful I got the printer hooked up and running without issues.  Grateful for a good friend who volunteered to look at my mower.  All is well on the prairie today!






Sunday, July 2, 2017

The chickens have fresh linens.  The air is really thick today.  I was dripping in sweat by the time I finished and I was done by 10:00.  Wish we would get some rain to clear the air.

I came in when I was done and took a shower.  Had to dig out a pair of my old walking shorts as I couldn’t get my jeans on due to my sweating legs.  It took me over an hour to cool down after my shower.  It wasn’t even that hot outside when I was out – just very humid and thick.

I had an app on my iPad that got me to my blog.  All of a sudden it started saying the link is broken.  I had a link on the top bar that worked but today it didn’t work.  I can’t remember how to access the administrator part of my blog from my iPad now.  I had to get my laptop out to write this one.  I sure wished I knew more about this stuff.  It would make my life so much easier.  I’m sure I will eventually figure it out again.  I did it once so I know I can do it again!

The laptop has some short cuts that I don’t find helpful but can’t figure out how to turn them off.  I keep hitting a button that moves the curser to a place I don’t want it to be.  I’m used to the iPad touch screen now.  Habits!  What a habit driven creature I am.

I sat in my chair last night after dark and watched all the fireworks going off around me  I had kept hearing pops and couldn’t figure out what was going on until I finally saw the bright lights of a fireworks going off..  I like the display but not the loud booms.  I read where some towns have created firework shows that don’t have the booms.  Great idea!

I finished reading the book I had ordered about the Camino Kumano Kodo.  I didn’t find it as helpful as the book I had about the Camino Santiago.  Maybe it will make more sense when I am on the trail.  This trail is certainly more remote and has less services along the way than the Camino Santiago did.  The Santiago trail has places where I would walk most of the day without a place to get a drink or food but that was the exception on that trail.   The Kumano is like that everyday but I am only walking for six days on this trail.   Luckily the miles I walk on the Kumano are rather short in comparison.  The longest day is only 12 miles which was the average day on the Santiago Camino.  I think there is only one 12 mile day and the others are only 3 – 8 miles.  The trail is more difficult in places on the Kumano due to the steepness of the climb and descent.  The Camino Santiago has some rather steep climbs and descents too though.

Nicole and I leave a month from today for our grand adventure.  I’m not sure if I am excited or terrified or a bit of both.  Japan seems to be more foreign to me than France or Spain felt.  I could read and understand some French and Spanish but have no clue when it comes to Japanese.  Grateful Nicole has an ear for languages.  She downloaded an App to help her learn some of the language and I bet she can get us what we need.  I am always surprised when I travel how many people speak some English.  I am grateful!

The second week of July I am spending the week in KC with Nicole so we can clean out her old house and get it ready to be sold.  We will finalize our plans and make the last two hotel reservations we need to make.  Need to check to see if we need to pre-purchase our train tickets that will get us to where we need to be to start our Camino adventure and to get us back to the big city afterwards.  It always seems to work out – one way or another.

Spending the day doing laundry, mowing  and cleaning house.  Since I gave the chickens fresh linens I think I will treat myself to some too!  Getting my exercise in today taking care of the house, chickens and yard.  It is a beautiful day on the prairie.  All is well!






Saturday, July 1, 2017

I really enjoyed the Friday night music in downtown Cottonwood Falls last night. It was a beautiful evening to sit outside and listen to the cowboy music. Several recited poetry – I especially enjoyed the poetry about the dog and the cows that was read.

This afternoon I went to Pioneer Bluffs to volunteer for the music program which was followed by a home-made ice cream social. It is always fun to see friends and work beside them. There were over 50 people who came today to enjoy the music and ice cream.

Before I left I finished baby blanket number three. Still have one more to make and maybe two. I like to keep one on hand in case I get invited to a baby shower and don’t have time to make one.

I’m really tired this afternoon. Struggling to keep my eyes open so may need to take a nap. It has warmed back up again and the heat is draining me.

Nothing on my calendar for tomorrow. I do need to clean house as I haven’t cleaned since the last retreat. I still need to give my girls some fresh linens. There is always mowing that needs done. Maybe tomorrow will be the day I get some of those things done.

Beautiful sunny summer day. All is well on the prairie.

Friday, June 30, 2017

Another night of strong storms. The power surged a couple of times during the storm last night and it fried my Sonos Bridge even though I had the bridge plugged into a power surge protection device. I can’t find a replacement bridge and ordered a different type. Trusting it will work. I really enjoy having my Sonos system and would be sad if I can’t continue using it. My speakers are four years old and aren’t compatible with the newest Sonos system. Not sure I want to spend the money to upgrade them.

I have been playing Spotify from my iPad today and it just doesn’t sound the same as the Sonos speakers do.

Found a video of the Kumano Kodo this morning which lead me to several other videos. Wow! The trail looks very difficult in places but doesn’t scare me completely yet. I found on the Camino if I take it very slowly and focus on one step at a time I can do it. The views are absolutely amazing as I will be in the remote mountains with very little development around them. Discovered the trail is over 1,000 years old and has been used as a pilgrimage to nature ever since.

The chicken bedding got wet again last night. It is almost time to change it out so may get that done today. My local farmer was to have delivered more straw two months ago but must have forgotten. I’ll have to get hold of him again and see if he can bring me some more. I have enough to change it out this time and one more time then I will be out of straw. For some reason the eggs I picked up this morning were muddy. It is a muck boot type of day out here for sure.

If I remember I am going to the music at downtown Cottonwood Falls tonight. It is cowboy night. Kathy is on the look out for a cowboy so I’m going to go check out the possibilities for her. Who knows – maybe I will find me one too! If nothing else it may make for some good eye candy. I love watching people doing something they love to do and the people that play at this music event have a real passion for music.

Tomorrow I am volunteering at Pioneer Bluffs music program and ice cream social. I have been invited to a picnic Saturday evening but haven’t decided if I am going or not yet. Three things in two days may be one too much.

Need to start putting together a packing list for Japan. I know I need to get at least one more pair of hiking pants as I broke a zipper on one of my two pairs I had taken on the Camino. Thankfully I had taken a pair of leggings and used them as pants on the days when my other pair of pants didn’t get dry over night. I have enough shirts but do need a rain jacket as I left mine at the Santiago airport on the way home. I had gotten another pair of hiking sticks but need to make sure they fit inside my carry on bag. I am only taking my carry on bag and a day back pack so won’t have room for many clothes. We will be gone almost two weeks so will need to wash things out each night like I did on the Camino. If really helps when I take quick drying clothes so I don’t have to pack wet things. I found out quickly when I do that it gets everything else wet and then they really start to stink.

I’m going to be in KC the second week of July to help Nicole get her old house cleaned out. I’m sure I can find time then to go shopping and get what I need. Just need to get a list together. Hopefully I will have our trail reservations confirmed by then and will find out what I need to take. Not sure if they provide towels, etc. Since I won’t be checking a bag I need to make sure all my toiletries are small enough sizes to carry on board.

Almost finished the fifth panel on the baby blanket I am making. One more panel after the fifth one and my third blanket will be done. Just one more blanket to go. Good news is I have memorized the pattern by now so don’t have to look at it any more. Trying to figure out if I can take some knitting to work on during the 12 hour flight to Japan. Guess I can make something and give it away so I don’t have to carry it. Not sure I have room for yarn for the trip home though. Maybe I can buy some in Japan.

Quiet day. Clouds are moving away and the sun is coming out. Looks like it may warm up this afternoon. I will need to mow when it dries out a bit.

All is wet and well on the prairie today!

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Another night of very little sleep last night. My feet hurt bad last night. Once it finally started raining they started to feel better. Guess I have two weather indicators now.

Drove to KC this afternoon. Stopped at Costco and picked up a few things and then went to Nicole’s house. We booked our flights to Japan and requested our reservations for the Kumano Kodo Pilgrimage walk. It takes them three to five days before they can confirm our reservations for the walk. We also booked a hotel room at a hotel right by the airport in Japan for the night we arrive and for our last night in Japan. We aren’t sure what we want to do beside the Kumano Kodo so we will book the rest of the rooms when we decide where we are going to go. We have two more nights before and after the Kumano to find a place to stay.

When we were done we went to a Japanese Steakhouse for dinner. Nicole uses chop sticks like a pro. She tried to teach me but I am a slow learner sometimes. The waitress brought me chopsticks that had training wheels on them and a fork. I mainly used the fork. Thinking I will need to pack and take some forks with me to Japan. Good news is we both enjoyed the food. The attorney I used to set up my new trust was having dinner with his family at a table near by. They were celebrating someone’s birthday.

We are both so excited to be going to Japan. We both commented how small the world can be if we remember to go places. Not sure either one of us is looking forward to the almost 12 hour flight plus the connecting flights but we can do it. We did upgrade to business class for the long flight there so we won’t be packed in like a sardine for that long. We leave KC at 6:00 am and arrive in Japan at 3:00 pm the following day. We have over a three-hour lay over in San Francisco flying out. We weren’t able to choose our seats for the long return flight. Hoping when we get to the airport in Japan we can do that before we leave for our time in Japan and won’t have to just take what is left when we check in to come home.

I took clothes so I could stay over night in KC tonight in case the storms moved in as predicted. Thankfully the storm system must have slowed down as I was able to drive home tonight without running into bad weather. The sunset was absolutely beautiful tonight. I had trouble remembering I was driving and not supposed to be staring at the sunset. It is always good to sleep in my own bed if sleep decides to find me tonight.

Just a little over a month before I leave for Japan. Time to get my ass in gear and start walking.

August is shaping up to be an epic month with the trip to Japan and the solar eclipse trip on my birthday. I love adventures and both are going to be epic!

Home sweet home. Plans are being made. Adventures are forthcoming. All is well on the prairie tonight!

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Finally made it into Emporia this morning. I needed chicken feed, dog food and some groceries for me. The wind is in a big hurry today and it was hard to keep my little car on the road.

I’m going to KC tomorrow afternoon so Nicole and I can make our Kumano Kodo reservations for August. Not sure if I am going to stay over or drive home late evening. It will depend on how long it takes us to get them finished.

The heat of summer has returned. I sure liked the cooler days better. I turned the air on last night before I went to bed.

Had trouble sleeping last night. I had taken a short nap yesterday afternoon and it must have been enough to give me trouble sleeping. I didn’t do enough movement yesterday to get tired.

I’m going to fix a meatloaf for dinner. I invited the kids and Craig out to help me eat it. Not sure if anyone is free to come though. I’ll take leftovers to Nicole tomorrow if they can’t come.

Sitting with lots of empty space. The summer heat slows me down and with all my empty space I am not very motivated to do much. Glad I have my knitting project going. It helps makes me feel like I get something done.

Tired today. Hot and windy day on the prairie. All is well!

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

I have a full bus! All the seats have been reserved for our trip to Atchison to view the total solar eclipse on August 21. I am starting a wait list in case someone on the list can’t come. Let me know if you want on the wait list.

Feels good to have the list of those going complete. I’m excited others signed up to come along with me. It will be a really fun day!

Some friends brought me over some fresh beets they picked out of their garden this morning along with extra beet greens for my chickens. My chickens love beet greens and I love beets so we are all happy campers today.

I saw a beautiful rainbow last night after the storm blew through. I only got a few sprinkles and just a little wind for a brief time. It sprinkled again this morning but most of the rain went around me both times. I sure could use an inch or two to fill in the cracks in my yard. Loving the cooler temperatures. The heat is to return tomorrow.

Another quiet day for me. I may go into Emporia this afternoon to get some groceries. Need to wait until I decide what to fix so I will know what to buy. I do want to get some veggies so I can roast them with the beets I got this morning. Since it isn’t too hot I can turn the oven on and fix something tonight. I have some hamburger thawing so I can make a meat loaf. May need to invite the kids out to dinner as there is no way I can eat a meat loaf by myself.

Pioneer Bluffs is having a Brass Quintet play this coming Saturday at 1:30 followed by an ice cream social. I volunteered to help with it from 1:00 to 3:00. Come and enjoy the music and home-made ice cream if you need something to do this weekend. The ice cream social is a fund-raiser and they will be accepting donations for that.

Finished the first panel on the third baby blanket I am knitting. Didn’t have anything else to do last night and it seemed to be a better use of my time than playing iPad games.

Quiet day. Quiet mind. Cool temperatures. All is well on the prairie today.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Total solar eclipse is on August 21 this year. Can you say road trip? I am renting a bus and driver and taking 13 of my friends north to Atchison, KS so we can experience the brief period of darkness around 1:00. I sent an email invite to some friends and put a post on Facebook. I only have one spot left for sure but maybe four. I am temporarily holding three spots for some friends so they can check their schedules to see if they can figure out a way to come. I will start a wait list when it sells out in case plans change and someone decides they can’t come. Let me know if you want to go. Cost is $50 and includes transportation and lunch as well as a piece of birthday cake. Yes, that is my birthday. How cool the Universe is putting on a show for me. Last year I saw the biggest full moon rising I have ever seen that came up just to help me celebrate my birthday. Thanks Universe!

I have been working on clearing up some technology clutter by emptying my email junk and delete files. Need to learn a faster way of doing so. I hadn’t done it for several months so it seemed to take a long time as there were lots of them that needed cleared out. While I was emptying the delete file I got four new junk emails. I work to unsubscribe from as many as I can so I stop the incoming but it sure seems hard to keep ahead of all the junk emails.

I need to figure out a way to speed up my iPad. I googled how to do that and the best recommendation is to reset it to the factory settings and start over putting on it what I want and use. It will delete all the data that isn’t backed up doing so. I think I have everything stored in the Cloud but am not sure. Anyone an expert at this type of thing and want to help me out?

I cast on the third baby blanket I want to knit. May need to take a knitting break though as it is becoming tedious to count each stitch. This one is going to a baby who isn’t due until late fall so have lots of time to make it.

I am going to KC sometime this week so Nicole and I can be together so we can make our flight and Kumano Kodo reservations. Thinking this will be the easiest way rather than talking on the phone and trying to do it. She applied for her LOA from work and is hoping to hear this week if it is approved. The first of August will be here before I know it. Time to get things ready – including my slightly out-of-shape body.

Craig invited me out to dinner last night. We get the funniest looks from people when they see us out together. Is there a rule you can’t be friends with your ex? If so, we break that rule! People seem not to know what to say to us when we are together.

Enjoying a quiet day at home. Not getting much done other than the email decluttering. Feels good today to be quiet and not do much. Some days it really bothers me when I don’t get much done and other days I can enjoy that type of day. Today I am enjoying it.

Another beautiful summer day on the prairie. Not so hot today so the windows are open. The birds are singing. Dogs and cats are napping. Chickens are laying and then singing their I just laid an egg song. All is well on the prairie today!

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Happy birthday to my oldest brother Gene. Don’t think the package I mailed you got to you in time for your birthday but it should be there by Tuesday. Enjoy your day!

I am finally having a productive day. I have needed to do some house keeping all week and I was finally able to do it today. Changed the sheets on my bed – I wish I would do that every day. Nothing better than climbing into bed at night in a freshly made bed. Did four loads of laundry and put everything away. Mopped the kitchen floor. Cleaned out my refrigerator. Emptied the trash.

For some reason I didn’t have much energy all week last week and couldn’t make myself do anything. Glad what ever was going on with me is done and my energy is back and I can get a few things done again. I don’t like low energy days – especially when they drag out to a week of them.

I will finish the second baby blanket this afternoon. I’m down to only 12 rows left and then will need to bind off and weave the ends in. Nice to have another one finished. Two more to go so halfway done with this little knitting project.

I got a few sprinkles during the night. I happened to be up so was able to get the windows closed before the rain blew in. By the time I got all the windows closed it had quit raining. Looks like I still have a chance for some rain later this afternoon if the system headed my way holds together. I could use an inch or more. My yard has deep cracks in it again.

Loving having the windows and doors open today. Last night was a busy night outside with the birds singing, insects talking and my critters busy keeping me safe. The dogs usually sleep most of the day so they have lots of energy to chase off invaders at night.

Need to go find some food. I really need to figure out what sounds good to fix and make a list and go buy groceries. Hard to buy groceries when nothing sounds good.

May go out and weed my flower beds this afternoon. I need to take advantage of the cooler temperatures and get that project done. My glad’s have been really pretty this year. I love flowers that come back on their own and I don’t have to do anything with them.

So glad the fog I was in last week has lifted and my spirit is back. I was beginning to worry about myself as all I wanted to do was sleep. When I get too much sleep I am more tired than when I don’t get enough.

Cloudy day. Cool day. All is well on the prairie today!

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Thinking my critters may have saved my life last night. I woke up around 2:30 hearing the dogs barking really loud and the cows in the back pasture yelling. Stepped outside but couldn’t see what was wrong. Since I was up I picked up my iPad to check mail. I almost burned my hand when I unplugged it. The charging cord had splintered and there was a hot, loose wire. I will never know if it would have started a fire but it sure felt like it might have. Thanks critters!

I finally went back to bed around 6:30 this morning and slept my second sleep. When I woke up the second time my cranky mood was gone. I did chores and knitted for a bit and then went to Pioneer Bluffs to help with the Ranching Heritage talk. I’m glad I went as the talk was one of the better ones. It was given by the Mushrush family. They shared their ranching philosophy and values. I never knew how much science it takes to raise pure breed Red Angus. They specialize in selling Bulls and do business around the globe.

I came home really tired so took a nap. I have slept more this week than I have for the last month. When I woke up I went into town to get a new charging cord for my iPad. Not taking any chances and threw the broken one away.

What an absolutely beautiful day out today. High was in the low 80’s with bright blue skies and very light wind. It just doesn’t get much better anywhere than today was. Wish it could be like this year round. So nice to have the windows open and fresh air coming in. The dust came in too but I have learned to ignore it.

Still haven’t made it to the gym. Not sure why I am resisting going. I will really have to push myself hard when I get started. I remember I had trouble getting started when I walked the Camino.

I have another week coming up with nothing on my calendar I need to do. No excuses about working out I guess. I struggle when I have days and days of nothing to do. Working on stepping into that and allowing it to be what it is knowing I don’t have to do anything to have value.

Resting. Recharging. Grateful for the beautiful day. All is well on the prairie.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Another lazy day for me. Having trouble finding motivation to get much done. I did take two packages to the post office this morning and mailed them. Added another panel to the baby blanket I am knitting. Mowed some of the tall grass on the rocky ledge in my yard. It is hard mowing as the grass is tough and tall. I have to make two passes to get it all cut. Came in and took a shower as I was dirty and dusty. Hard to get all the dirt out of my ears and other body cracks and crevices.

I did cross something off my 70 things I want to do before I turn 70 list. I usually make a huge mess when I fill my mower with gas and spill it all over the mower and usually get some on my shoes. On my list was to be able to fill my mower with gas and not spill a drop. I did that today! It is the little things in life that give me a big thrill!

Need to go find some food. Not in the mood to cook and I realized last night I have not been eating much this week. All I have wanted to do is sleep and rest. I have been kinda cranky all week. It seems to come and go but mainly comes. A bit of sadness behind it too. Not sure if it is the summer solstice energy or just still worn out from the weekend. What ever it is it can go away soon. I have been doing my best to allow it to be what it is and not sit in resistance to it but I am getting tired of it today.

Tomorrow afternoon is an event at Pioneer Bluffs I probably should go help with. If the cranky stuff goes away I will go. Not sure they want me to come if I am still cranky.

I love the cooler temperatures today. I may turn my A/C off and give it a break. It is to stay cool for several days. Much prefer sleeping with the windows open.

A friend was gong to come have an energy session this afternoon but had trouble getting a rental car and cancelled. Probably worked out for the best for both of us. Not sure I would have been able to do her much good today in the mood I am in.

Ordered a book about the Kumano Kodo. I’m anxious to learn more about it and find out just how physically challenging it is. Course I didn’t always find the predicted hard days on my Camino so hard and I found some days they said would be easy to be hard. The mental aspect of a walk like this is the biggest deciding factor I learned.

Cranky today. This too shall pass. All is well and much cooler on the prairie today.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Sitting here marveling at the way the universe works sometimes. I have had six weeks of something to do almost every weekend. All of a sudden I have six weeks of empty space in front of me. I have been wondering how to use this time wisely and wondering why I have so much of it all of a sudden.

Last night Nicole called me and invited me to journey to Japan with her in August. She is going on a pilgrimage to the Kumano Kodo, a Camino like walk in Japan. It is only 26 miles long and we will do it in six days and five nights. Planning on going three days before so we can adjust to the time difference and staying over three days afterwards. If you are flying that far you might as well take in some of the sights and sounds of the local country.

Now I know why I have six weeks of empty space – training! This trail, although not near as long as the 500 miles I walked before, is more rigorous as it is in the mountains and at times is very challenging with steep ups and downs. I will have the option to take taxis over the hardest parts if I decide to do so. Because my feet hurt so bad when I came home from my Camino in Spain I quit walking and haven’t started again since I had my surgeries earlier this year. I am just past the three-month mark on my right foot which was how long the doctor had told me my recovery would take and advised against doing lots of walking until that time. Time to put my boots on and start walking!

We have decided not to walk together during the day but we will meet up and share a room each evening. That will give Nicole the space she needs to let the Kumano Kodo Camino speak to her. There is a company that arranges for a bag to be transferred from hotel to hotel and for a room to be reserved in advance for us. We have decided to use their services as I found it so nice not to have to worry about finding a room each night after walking all day. The hotels also provide breakfast, dinner and a sack lunch for the day’s hike.

I was excited to find out that if you walk the Camino in Santiago you get a special certificate in Japan to honor the fact that you walked both Caminos. I may have to take apart my framed picture which has my passport books from the Camino so I can take them with me to prove I walked the one in Spain. They have a passport book in Japan that you collect stamps in just like the one in Spain.

I have been craving an adventure for this year but nothing I looked at felt right to me. Now I know why! I consider it an honor that Nicole has ask me to journey with her. Trusting this Camino experience will be as full of wisdom and insight for both of us as my first Camino experience was for me.

I went into Emporia this morning and restocked cat food, cat litter, greens for my chickens, and dog food. Again I forgot to buy me food! Hate when that happens. When I made my list out I wasn’t hungry and I only got what was on my list. Guess I should have put “food for me” on my list.

Cleared out my egg supply yesterday. I had sold some over the weekend and some more on Monday and then a friend came and got my last four dozen yesterday. Always glad when I clear them all out. I picked up over a dozen this morning so starting a new pile. One of the eggs I picked up yesterday was wrinkled.

I started making my second baby blanket yesterday. Waiting on someone to give me an address so I can get the first one mailed off. My brother’s birthday is Sunday and I want to get a box fixed up to send off to him. As he is a bachelor I don’t know if anyone else gets him a birthday present or not so try to remember to send him a little something.

Loving the timing of the Universe today! Sitting in awe and wonder! What a beautiful lesson for me in patience and trust. All is well on the prairie today!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Woke up around 5:30 this morning and looked outside. I caught the moon as it had risen just above the breaking of dawn. What a beautiful site. I didn’t get a very good picture of it though. Love living where I do!

Went into Cottonwood Falls to drop off my recyclable stuff and go to the bank. When I drove past the gas station I noticed they weren’t busy so stopped and got my oil changed. I love that they wash my car really good when they are done. They even vacuum it. Small town service at its best.

This afternoon I am taking the cats in for their annual check and shots. I also need to get them and the dogs some tick and flea medication at it is the season for ticks and fleas. I need to get my tires rotated so may stop and get that done while I am in town. Since I will have the cats with me I won’t wait if they are too busy. I need to get some things in town but I will need to make a second trip later today or go tomorrow when I don’t have the cats with me. It is too hot to leave them in the car while I go into a store.

Am still tired today but finding a bit more energy. I think I have decided to not do food with any future retreats. If someone wants to come stay and fix their own food or bring it in I would be open to that. Doing food is just too much work for not much reward. I charge $12.50 per meal per person and by the time I buy the food and fix it I am lucky to break even. I rarely make anything for my labor. I struggle with charging more than I do.

I attempted this last retreat to keep track of the amount of time it took me to do the shopping and then the food preparation and clean up. I spent at least 50 hours just on the food part of the retreat. After subtracting the cost of the food I made less than $180 for my time. That is less than $4 an hour for my time. Not worth it! This retreat had extra people. Usually I don’t even make $4 an hour as I spend the total amount I charge on food.

Sitting with lots of empty space in front of me. I had stepped out of having empty space for over a month. It feels a bit overwhelming to step back into it for some reason. Facing some old thought patterns I though I had dealt with before. Trusting I am revisiting them at a higher level and they will disappear quickly this time. I did recognize them for the lie they are this time rather quickly. I will take that as a sign of progress.

When I have lots of empty space the old thought of what do I want to be when I grow up comes back to me. Breaking my old habit of always being busy to prove my worth has been one of the harder habits I have had to break. Learning to sit with the idea of being myself is enough and there is nothing I have to do to earn my blessings. When I can accept that and drop my resistence my life flows much easier.

Another hot sunny day on the prairie. Sitting in empty space. Allowing myself to refill. All is well on the prairie.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Happy Summer Solstice! A group of four of us celebrated yesterday. Solstice is a powerful day and is fun to tap into that power and celebrate.

Drove into Emporia this morning to pick up a friend today. I helped her take some of her art to Prairie Past Times to see if they will allow her to sell it. We ended up going to lunch with my friend that is very involved with Prairie Past Times.

I was going to stop and drop off my recyclables in Cottonwood Falls but the recycling trailer was pulling out as I was getting ready to pull in. They must have been taking it to empty it. I will take them tomorrow when I go to the gym.

I finally crashed last night and slept for lots of hours. I do that very infrequently and am always even more tired after I sleep too much. May need to take a nap this afternoon. I rarely sleep the next night anyways so might as well grab an hour or two of sleep when I can.

The big dogs are hanging around in the garage trying to stay out of the sun. They sure look hot. They are cold weather dogs and this hot weather is hard for them. I would fill and put out my kiddie swimming pool for them but they are afraid of it and won’t get in it.

I picked up a few groceries while I was in town. I forgot to get the chickens a watermelon. I need to go back to town later this week so will try to remember to get one then. It helps keep them cooler.

Not feeling very motivated to do anything today. I took a rest day yesterday and today feels like another one. As I don’t have much on my calendar right now I guess it will do no harm to take another rest day. House work always seems to wait for me.

Need to go out and give all my critters fresh, cool water. Maybe I will splash some on me and wake myself up a bit. All I want to do today is sleep and eat.

Hot, sunny day on the prairie. All is well!

Monday, June 19, 2017

Took Craig out to dinner last night to honor him for being the father of our children. We hadn’t had a chance to visit for a bit so it was nice to catch up with him. I’m not sure I was very good company though as I had trouble staying awake.

I went to bed early last night and woke up around 2:00. I couldn’t go back to sleep so got up and did some laundry, started the last load of dishes, and made some beds. Finally went back to sleep around 6:00 and slept my second sleep until 9:30. I often do two sleeps in a night. Always grateful for the second one and grateful I don’t have to be some where most days so I can sleep in if needed.

Got all the guest bedrooms put back together again. The dishes are all put away and the refrigerator is cleaned out and reorganized again. Still need to do the kitchen floors and clean the bathrooms and I will be done with recovery mode except for my body. My feet are still yelling at me today and I still feel tired. I’m sure by Wednesday even I will be put back together again.

I noticed today I am missing some wash cloths, towels and hand towels. I remember noticing that the end of my season last year and had forgotten to do any thing about it. The first retreat I had last year I came up missing a bath rug. I color coordinate each room so I know where to return laundry to. I’ll have to check on-line and see if the style of linens I use is still available. Not sure what I will do if they are not. Maybe I am the only one that would notice if the wash cloths don’t match the towels. Wonder why they disappeared.

I didn’t make it to the gym this morning. Trusting tomorrow I will be ready to start my new commitment to working out. Didn’t have it in me today. Maybe I can ride my stationary bike this afternoon to get me started.

Some friends are coming over in a bit so we can do a summer solstice ceremony together. I love these celebrations. They help me stay connected to nature and her wisdom. Always good to see my friends as a bonus.

So enjoying my empty space today. The quiet music playing in the back ground is so relaxing. Just what my soul needed for today.

Need to get my tires rotated, the oil changed and take the cats to the vet for their annual shots sometime this week. I don’t have anything else on my schedule so it is a good week to get that stuff taken care of.

I have another crack in my windshield. It is high enough up on the passenger side I may not spend another $450 to get it repaired. I just got a new windshield in May. This crack happened when a truck passed me on the Turnpike. Hate when that happens!

Feels good to be sitting today. Looking forward to my friends coming. It is a cool, cloudy day on the beautiful prairie today. All is well and put back together again.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

My last guests have departed. I am sitting in my corner chair listening to the sounds of silence. Ahhh……….

What a wonderful group of women I got to entertain. The best part of doing the retreat center is meeting such incredible women. Trusting our paths will cross again.

I learned this weekend I don’t want to do big groups again though. It was too much. Not sorry I did it but right now I can’t say that I will agree to do another big group unless I have help. Cooking five meals back to back for 15 people was a lot of work. I am trying to figure out how to eat for the next couple days and not cook or use any dishes as I am very tired of cooking and washing dishes!

Still not sure what direction I want to take the retreat center for the future. I don’t have anything on the schedule and right now am not motivated to put something on the calendar. Maybe something will present itself and I will add it. The part that drives me to do that is meeting new people and making new friends. That is my reward for my hard work.

I need to check in with all my critters this afternoon and make sure they are all good. I have barely given them any attention this weekend. The chickens enjoyed lots of extra treats from the veggie scraps and leftovers. The dogs got in some extra treats too.

Sure enjoying the break from the hot, humid weather today. It is absolutely beautiful outside today with the high in the low 80’s and lower humidity then we have been having. It is to heat back up this week but for today I will enjoy the break in the heat.

Trying to talk myself out of taking a nap so I can sleep tonight. We’ll see how the afternoon unfolds and if I can stay awake. I didn’t sleep much all weekend. I’m glad I have an open week this week so I can rest and recover.

Deep breathing. Listening to the sounds of silence. All is well on the beautiful prairie today!

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Three meals down. Two to go. I have dinner pretty well done. Someone else is going to prepare and cook the fish. I have the potatoes ready to go in the oven and the veggies ready to be roasted. I need to make beer bread muffins later. I dipped strawberries in chocolate for dessert.

The women are having a wonderful time. I feel like I have made a few new friends. One of the women grew up in Olpe. She is five years younger than I so our paths probably didn’t pass when we were in school. We have had a couple of good conversations and I trust our paths will cross again.

I am tired this afternoon. I was up by 5:45 so I could have breakfast ready at 7:00 as requested. I don’t think the first person ate until after 7:30. Betting tomorrow it will be closer to 8:00 before they are up and going.

The people running the retreat don’t have anything planned after 5:00 tonight. We are having dinner at 6:00 and then we get to relax and visit this evening. Several women would like a healing but I’m not sure I have it in me to do so. Maybe I will catch a second wind soon.

Both facilitators lost a partner when they were in their 30’s. One to cancer and one to an accident. It has been interesting to listen to them talk about that time in their life. They certainly understand what Nicole is going through.

Digging deep to find some energy to finish this retreat up. Sure glad I don’t have guests coming anytime soon so I can take my time getting the house back together again.

Almost to the finish line! I can do this! Yes I can!

Friday, June 16, 2017

My guests arrived just after the thunderstorm ended last night. They had driven in from Colorado and hit the storm in Hays and had to drive in it the entire way. Mother Nature welcomed them to the prairie with open arms though and gave us a beautiful sunset in the west and a full double rainbow in the east. One of them had never been to Kansas before. She is impressed with the view.

I got up at 7:00 this morning and have been doing food prep ever since. I don’t have many items completely fixed but have all the veggies and fruit chopped and ready to go when I start putting things together. I still need to make one of the soups for tomorrow and then the prep will be done.

I have run the dishwasher twice today and will have one more load before we have dinner. Dinner dishes will take two more loads.

Dinner tonight is at 6:00. I still need to put the turkey in the oven, finish making the dressing, and roast the veggies. Pies are made as is the fruit salad.

They decided they want breakfast ready by 7:00 in the morning so I will need to be up before 6:00 to get it ready. I’m making a Crustless spinach Quiche for breakfast that takes 45 minutes to cook. I have most of the rest of the breakfast items prepped so it won’t take long to throw them together.

I’m tired this afternoon. I didn’t sleep very well last night. Thinking by Sunday afternoon I will be lucky to still be standing. Almost deciding that doing retreats is too much work! What usually happens though is when the guests arrive and I get to meet some amazing women I change my mind and forget how much work they are to do. I am so enjoying the company of the two facilitators.

Rest time is over. Time to get back to food prep. Trusting I can pull off five meals without a major disaster. All is well on the hot prairie today.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

I posted a picture of the third little egg one of my hens gave me. A friend saw it and tagged one of her friends. Her friend posted a link that explains what happens. These little eggs are called fairy eggs. I love that! The link explained something got interrupted during the internal process when the hen was making the egg. Makes sense. It didn’t say if some hens only lay fairy eggs. I wonder though if that is what this hen is doing. I have yet to receive 19 eggs in one day. That should only happen occasionally but it should happen. Time will tell I guess.

I went into Emporia this morning for one last run of groceries. Realized I forgot to check my coffee supply. I don’t drink coffee so forget about that. Due to the distance I decided I would rather be safe than sorry and went into town to get some more. I needed chicken lettuce too. I forgot to get me food for today and tomorrow. I hate when I do that!

The first three guests arrive some time this evening. I think I am ready. I will spend the afternoon going through each room one last time and doing my final dusting. The dusting never seems to last very long even with the A/C on.

Man is it getting hot outside today. Forecast is for it to reach 98 some time this weekend. I am not a big fan of hot weather. It saps the energy out of me very quickly. It becomes a chore to keep all the critters water bowls filled and refreshed.

Last night I stepped outside to call the kittens in for the night. The stars were so pretty but there was lightning all around the horizon. I don’t see that very often as usually when there is lightning there is cloud cover over head. Never did get any rain out of it. Have a chance for some stray thunderstorms this afternoon and into the evening. I would welcome an inch or two of gentle rain.

Only have about 25 – 30 rows to do to finish the first baby blanket. I may get that done yet today. Probably won’t be able to start another one until next week. I have a busy weekend ahead.

After this weekend my calendar is almost empty. So looking forward to some empty space but knowing I need to find something for myself to do over the summer. Working out on a regular schedule is at the top of my list but I need to give myself motivation to do so. If I decide to go to Fiji I know the trip will be much easier if I am in better physical shape. I need to keep reminding myself of that so it can provide the motivation and reason I need to work out. Before I walked the Camino I had spent that summer walking several hours a day. It gave me something to do with an end goal in site.

One thing I don’t like about working out is you are never ever going to be done with doing so. One needs to use it or lose it! That thought overwhelms me some how and I don’t use it as I don’t want to think about doing it for the rest of my life. Silly really but there you go. Maybe if I tell myself I only have to work out until I go to Fiji I can stay with it until then and maybe by the time I get home I will be in such a habit of working out I will want to choose to continue doing so.

Last minute details getting done today. Ready to relax and welcome my guests knowing all is ready for them. It is a beautiful but hot day on the prairie today. All is well!

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Last night when I was cleaning downstairs I noticed I had water on the furnace room floor again. I went upstairs and turned the kitchen faucet on and went back down. Sure enough, the drain downstairs over-flowed.

I called my plumber first thing this morning and he was able to come right out and unplug the drain. I had visions of a swimming pool in the basement for my guests for a bit. Grateful the plumber was free today and could get it taken care of right away. Now I need to clean up his mess and the basement is ready for the weekend.

After the plumber left I went to Wichita to go to Sprouts to buy the produce I need for the weekend. I was able to get everything I needed and most of it is organic. I love Sprout’s produce section. Worth the trip to Wichita for sure.

One of my guests is vegan. I had a nice email exchange with her today so I could understand what she can eat. It is so helpful when my guests teach me and tell me what works for them. I want them all to be comfortable and if I know ahead of time what it takes to accomplish that it can happen.

This afternoon I will finish cleaning the upstairs of my house. I want to check one last time to make sure I have all the ingredients I need for the weekend in case I need to make one last grocery store visit tomorrow. I like to be ready by noon on the day my guests start arriving so I am in a relaxed frame of mind when they get here. This time the three facilitators are coming in a day early. The rest of the guests will arrive Friday afternoon. I will do my food prep Friday morning.

I mowed for a bit last night. I may go out and do a bit more this afternoon. The whole yard doesn’t need it but it does look better where I did mow. I seriously need some rain as the cracks are getting deep. It was really bumpy riding the mower last night as I bounced over the cracks.

Glad this retreat is almost here. I have driven myself a bit crazy getting ready for it. I have been a bit overwhelmed with the idea of cooking five meals in a row for 16 people. I think it has been harder since I have only had one other retreat this year. It has felt like I was starting from scratch again. I haven’t had one this big before that I had to fix all the meals for. I’m sure it will all go just fine.

Cleaning. Shopping. Checking my lists. All is well on the hot prairie today.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

The newsletter is done! Lynn brought the envelopes a little after 1:00. My friend Sharon joined us and we had them all stuffed and sealed by 3:30. Too late to make it to the post office today but they will go out tomorrow. Always feels good to have that project finished.

I worked on cleaning the basement this morning. Kathy had left it in pretty good shape so I am almost done with it. Got the steps vacuumed which I hate to do. I’ll finish the basement tonight and then tomorrow do the upstairs. Thursday I will buy the rest of the groceries and Friday I will start cooking.

Finished the fourth of six panels on the first baby blanket I am making. I clean for a bit and then knit for a bit. I should have the fifth panel done tonight. One more panel and the first blanket will be done. I remembered my niece is having a baby this summer so I need to make two more blankets instead of just one more. I have lots of free time coming up so I’m glad I have a project to work on.

Kathy made it safely to CT last night. She drove it all in two days. Since she had the dog with her it was hard for her to stop and enjoy meals in a restaurant. I was happy to hear she made it there. It is a long drive!

Another hot, windy summer-like day outside. There is a haze on the horizon. May have some thunderstorms pop up tomorrow around here. I sure could use an inch or two of rain. My yard is cracking badly.

I managed to make it to the gym this morning. I couldn’t make myself go this weekend. I hope to start going more regularly after this retreat is over this weekend. The trainer was there working with some people this morning. I need to get started working with him. I have lots of free time this summer and that seems like it would be a good use of that free time for me. I think if I had an appointment with him regularly it would help me hold myself more accountable in working out.

I missed my class with my mentor today. It started at 3:00 and I forgot about it as I was stuffing envelopes. Thankfully he was to record it and send it to us. Last month he has some technology issues. Trusting those got worked out and I will be able to view it later.

Cleaning. Checking my list twice. All is well on the prairie today!

Monday, June 12, 2017

Flexibility has been my word for the day. So far nothing has gone the way I was expecting things to go today. The newsletter is still not done. The missing envelopes were to have been on a truck and delivered this morning so we could finish this little project up today. We had expected to have the envelopes printed and ready by 2:00 this afternoon and were going to get them done after that. Just got a call and the truck delivering the missing envelopes hasn’t shown up yet. If it shows up yet today and they get them printed I will go get them and get started on them and we will finish them tomorrow.

I went into Emporia this morning to get some more grocery items for the retreat this weekend. I also stopped and got chicken and dog food. Only need to get produce items Thursday at Sprouts and I will be ready to start cooking Friday.

Still need to do some housecleaning but I can’t do that until Wednesday. As dry and dusty as it is the house will get dirty again if I clean and dust it too early.

I got another baby egg today. It is barely bigger around than a quarter. Not sure if it is from the same chicken or what is going on. I haven’t seen this happen before. I haven’t cracked this one open to see if the yolk is yellow. Last time the yolk was clear-colored. Starting to think I have a slacker in the group.

Got over half of the first baby blanket made yesterday. It is an easy knitting project except for many of the rows I have to count every stitch as I have to keep switching from knit to purl. I can’t work on it if there is someone else around to distract me.

Kathy made it over half way yesterday. Trusting today is going as smoothly for her as yesterday did. It is a long drive to CT by yourself with a dog. Hard for her to go into a restaurant to get food when she travels alone with her dog.

May go out and mow part of the yard this afternoon if the missing envelopes don’t show up. I won’t have to mow all of it but the area up close to the house needs trimmed up. Sure is windy out though. May have to put a scarf over my face while I mow to avoid eating what I cut.

I turned the air down so the house would be cool for my friends that were coming to stuff envelopes. Feels nice! I could get used to it being set at 75. Don’t want to pay for that though.

I think I solved the water on the floor issue in the furnace room. I checked it again yesterday and the floor was wet again. I found a water hose that comes out of the water softener had partially come out of the pipe it is stuck in. I pushed it farther down in the pipe and haven’t had water on the floor since. I’ll have to remember to keep checking it but I think I solved the problem. Glad I didn’t call a service guy out for that if that is all the problem was. I have a fan running to dry up the rest of the water that was on the floor.

Feeling a bit like I have allowed myself to get pulled off my center again. It is probably the change with Kathy leaving, the newsletter unpredictability, and the retreat coming up. I keep reminding myself to go with the flow and change. Nothing major in any of the changes anyways. I think it is probably good for me to not allow myself to get too comfortable in things unfolding as I expected them to. Funny how I forget that and need a gentle reminder sometimes.

Hot, summer day on the prairie today. Flexibility is required of me today. I can do this! All is well.