Feeling a bit better today. Still sleeping more than I am awake. I managed to wash, fold and put away two loads of laundry today as well as load and unload the dishwasher. Man! I was productive today! Ha!
Went down this afternoon to do chicken chores. Came back to the house with a chill. Finally took a hot bath to get warmed up. I haven’t run a temperature today so am thinking by tomorrow I should be good to go – slowly. I put on a pair of Tagen’s sweat pants after my bath. They fit nicely. He is outgrowing them. May have to ask him to give me his old ones that are getting too small for him.
Th wind has finally calmed down a bit. It was in a bit of a hurry when I was out earlier. I considered walking down to get the mail but thought better of it. Just walking down to do the chickens wore me out. Figured I wasn’t ready to walk a half-mile to get the mail. Maybe tomorrow I will be ready to do so.
As I put Vic’s Vapor Rub on my feet I thought of my mother tonight. She always treated our colds with a humidifier tent and greased us up with Vic’s. I can still feel her cold hands rubbing it into my chest. She would bring me a cup of hot tea sweetened with sugar. Dad would bring me warmed bourbon to cut a cough. The smell of it was enough to make me stop coughing.
Today was Jason’s step-mother’s Celebration of Life Ceremony. I was sorry to have to miss it. I didn’t want to take a chance that someone would catch this crud from me. Not sure I had the strength to drive, park and walk either. I talked to Jason this morning for a bit. Trusting it was a grand ceremony that honored a beautiful soul that is gone too soon from this world.
The sun just disappeared from the horizon in the west. Oh how I love watching the sun set every night. There is a beautiful after-glow tonight with a pink rim around the entire horizon.
Thinking it is almost bed time for me. It is only 5:50 but I didn’t take an afternoon nap today. I got up this morning, ate breakfast and went back to bed for three hours. My body is craving sleep and allowing me to get lots of sleep. Wonder why it doesn’t do that when I am not sick?
Got frustrated with myself for a bit this afternoon. I am already tired of not having any energy and not feeling well. I sure wouldn’t make a very good long-term patient. Tomorrow I will start pushing myself a bit and see how I respond.
Trusting tomorrow I will have turned the corner on this crud and start feeling better for longer periods of time. I will have to ration my energy next week so I don’t overdo.
Grateful for a beautiful spring-like day on the prairie, grateful for my grandson’s sweat pants that fit me, and grateful healing is happening in my body.