Wednesday, April 17, 2019

It has been a nice couple of days having my Match guy here.  He arrived Sunday around 6:00 and left this afternoon around 2:00.  Monday we had some of my friends over for dinner.  All four of us sat outside after dinner and watched the sunset.  There was a prairie fire to the east of the house that we watched for a bit before my friends went home.  It was the first night prairie fire I have seen this year.

Monday afternoon we got the yard mowed up.  My Match guy wanted to ride the riding mower so I saved the mowing for him.  My mower had a flat tire so we took that into Strong City Tuesday morning and got it repaired.  Grateful for my Match guy’s expertise in knowing how to remove the tire and replace it.  I don’t know that I would have noticed the tire was flat or known how to take it off.

We met Tim and Ellexia and the Chicken House in Olpe for dinner.  The food was good and the dinner conversation was great.  It was a nice day to take a drive for dinner.

I had my Match guy help me move some beds around so the rooms will work better for the guests that are coming next week.  Also got my fireplace covers washed.  I needed his help figuring out how to take the fireplace apart and then putting it back together again.  It is nice having a man around the house to help fix things.  Today he fixed a gutter downspout that had come loose.

We continue to have lots of fun when we are together and the only hard part of our relationship is when we have to say goodbye after each visit.  I won’t see him again until he comes up a week from Sunday.  We will be leaving that day or the next day for a trip to CA and will be gone for a little over two weeks.  We are going out to visit his other son.  We had planned to go via Yellowstone but after checking road conditions decided not to go through Yellowstone as most of the roads might not be open for the season.  We will go via Salt Lake City and then up to Olympia National Park and then drive down to Berkeley.  We will be coming home through Santa Fe and stopping there for a couple of days.  I am hoping to see the couple I met on the Camino who live in Petaluma, CA.  Once we finalize our plans I will contact them and see if they will be around on one of the days we are in the area.

Tomorrow I need to finish getting the basement ready for the guests that will start arriving Monday and Tuesday.  I have one bedroom, one bathroom, and one hallway done.  I will get the other two bedrooms, the remaining bathroom and the great room and kitchen room done tomorrow.  Saturday the kids are coming for Easter dinner.  Sunday I will clean the upstairs rooms and then I will be ready for my guests Monday.

Friday I am going to KC to have lunch with two dear friends.  It may be a quick trip up for lunch and then back home again as I do have a lot of stuff I need to do before next week.  I still have some yard work that needs done.  If we get the rain that is predicted for tonight I may need to mow again next week.  Seems like there is always something around here to keep me busy and out of trouble.

I have a headache this afternoon.  Thinking it is from the smoke that is in the air.  I welcome the rain that is to arrive this evening.  It will help clean the air a bit.  Trusting the strong thunderstorm stuff will not occur.  I am in a Severe Thunderstorm Watch for the evening.

Feeling a bit empty and lonely this afternoon.  After having my Match guy in the house I really feel how big the house is when it is just me here.  I may try to get downstairs and get a few rooms done so I will have less to do tomorrow.  Moving my body will help move this down feeling out of my system.  But sometimes making myself take the first step towards moving my body is the hard part!

Grateful for the time with my Match guy, grateful he was able to meet Tim and Ellexia and my friends, and grateful he arrived home safely from his visit here.


Saturday, April 13, 2019

I finally had a productive day today.  I got one bedroom and bathroom plus a hallway cleaned downstairs today.  I hand mopped the floors and washed the woodwork.  May get one more room done tonight yet.  Feels good to have the deep house cleaning started.

Went into Emporia this afternoon to get some groceries for next week.  I stopped by to see Ellexia.  She proudly showed me the medals she had won at her gymnastics meet that was held while I was gone.  I think she has grown two inches since I saw her last.

The smoke is thick in the air tonight.  Several ranchers are burning pastures around my house.  My house smells like there is a bonfire burning inside.  I would like to have a window open but that would defeat my cleaning really quickly.  It has been cloudy and cool today.  I am ready for spring to return to the prairie again at least for a day or two.

I need to move some beds to make the room arrangements work better for the guests that are coming the next three bookings.  I got the twin bed out of a room and another one out of the closet and they are sitting in front of the room they need to go in.  I looked at the double bed but it is too big and heavy for me to move alone.  Hopefully I will remember to have my Match guy help me move them when he is here tomorrow.

The chickens are only giving me two or three eggs a day.  I had to break down and buy some store-bought eggs so I could have some hard-boiled eggs.  I trust when it warms up and stays warm the slackers will get down to business and give me more eggs.  They aren’t earning their keep at this rate.

I’m excited my Match guy is coming tomorrow late afternoon.  The only hard part of our relationship is the distance between us.  He is staying until Wednesday and then we won’t see each other for two weeks as I have to stay close due to the Disc Golf guys that are coming in the day after Easter.  It will be weird to have guests again.  I haven’t had any for a long time.

My music has played all day so maybe my internet problem is fixed.  It hasn’t been staying on lately.  I still don’t have my new keyboard for my iPad working.  I forgot to take it to town with me to have Tim look at it.  I’ll have to google it and see if I can find instructions.  I can’t seem to get it to connect via Bluetooth.

Still feeling a bit restless tonight.  Moving my body while cleaning helped a bit but am still aware of it.  I have had trouble settling since I came home from my trip.  I feel grounded but restless.  I’m curious as to what is behind this feeling.  I can’t quite put my finger on it yet.

Grateful the deep cleaning has begun, grateful my Match guy is coming tomorrow, and grateful I got to see Ellexia and her parents today.






Friday, April 12, 2019

I finally got some good sleep last night.  I got a text at 6:30 which woke me up but I was able to go back to sleep until I got a phone call at 8:30.  Felt good to get several more hours of sleep than I have been getting.

I went into Emporia this afternoon and ran a bunch of errands.  I have been having trouble with my internet and my service provider recommended I get a new router to see if that would help.  So far, so good.  I was able to get it installed after I got home.  I also got a new keyboard cover for my iPad but I haven’t been able to get it to connect via Bluetooth yet.  Not sure what I am doing wrong.

Got a few more house keys made.  I stopped by Toyota and got a new battery for my key fob.  I had notice a warning that the battery was low and remembered to stop and get a battery installed today.  Last time Toyota gave me a battery it was free but this time they charged me $2.71.  A salesman wanted me to look at a new car.  Tempting but I passed.  Mailed some bills, filled the car up with gas and stopped by the bank to cash a check and then headed home.

A group was burning some pasture between Road W and Road V.  I have never had to drive through such thick smoke before.  I had no visibility.  Glad it was a short patch to drive through.

The wind is finally slowing down.  It has been howling again today.  It has me on edge a bit so am very grateful it is slowing down.  Enough is enough already!

Tomorrow is another empty space day.  I do need to think of some meals to fix for my Match guy when he comes Sunday so will need to go to the grocery store tomorrow.  I don’t think he will want to eat the same thing everyday like I do.  I invited some friends over for him to meet Monday night so will need to decide what I am going to fix for them too.  The hardest part of fixing a meal for me is deciding what to fix.

Hard for me to believe we are in the middle of April already this year.  Time seems to have speed up for me lately.  Guess the old saying time flies when you are having fun is true.  I have some friends I would like to visit before I leave for another trip the end of April.  I have guests coming for a week starting the day after Easter and I leave the day after they leave the following Sunday.  I am running out of time to go visit my friends.

My head hurts from trying to figure out the new technology stuff.  It takes me a bit to remember how to do new things.  Neither new product had instructions with them this time.  I had to use my laptop computer and I haven’t used it for several months.  I forget how to use it between uses when I go so long.  I still don’t like it as well as I like a desktop.

Sitting with some restless energy tonight.  I haven’t moved my body much lately and I think it is telling me to move more.  Maybe I will get on my stationary bike and take a long spin tonight to see if that will help.  Changes are coming my way and I keep reminding myself not to project into the future.  Right here!  Right now!  All is well!

Grateful the wind has calmed down, grateful for extra sleep last night, and grateful all is well in the present moment of time.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Not a very productive day for me today.  I had trouble sleeping again last night and was finally sound asleep when the alarm went off this morning.  I went into Emporia and did my final tax shift of the season.  My last client gave me a hug when we were done.  Seemed to be a fitting ending to a rewarding volunteer job.

Came home and had intended to get my mowing done today.  It was too cold and windy to mow.  It only reached 40 for the high today.  I sat in my chair after my lunch and got cold.  Turned the furnace back on and went to bed with the electric blanket turned on.  Fell asleep and slept for over two hours.

After my nap I braved the cold and wind and did chicken chores.  Man!  That wind is  cold today.  The winds are gusting to over 30 MPH on the prairie today.  Almost did a Mary Poppins flying act on the way back to the barn with the empty water bucket.

Other than doing two loads of laundry I haven’t gotten anything else done today.  Too late in the day to start anything so I guess I am going to chalk this day up to being a rest day.  Maybe tomorrow I will feel motivated to do something.

Today marks my 14 month anniversary of eating the Bright Lines Way.  I am back to honoring the system again after gaining five pounds while on vacation.  It will take me a bit to get back to where I was but I will get there.  My body sure feels better when I eat clean.  I’m so thankful I found this way of eating and that it works for me.

Feeling a bit down this evening.  I haven’t fallen into the muck pond yet but am close to the edge.  The house feels very big and lonely to me today.  After being with my Match guy for three weeks in a row I am noticing the loneliness in a new way.  I’m grateful he is coming back up to see me this Sunday.

Grateful for the chance to get some good sleep this afternoon, grateful for the hug my client gave me this morning, and grateful it is to warm back up again very soon.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

I didn’t sleep very good last night.  I woke up to a beautiful sun rise this morning.  It was as if the sun was saying welcome home!

I had a very busy but productive day today.  I worked from 9:00 – noon at the Emporia Public Library book sale.  I was proud of myself as I didn’t buy a single book this time.  I have plenty of books left over from the fall sale and didn’t need to replenish my stash.

After the book sale I met with my realtor/business partner and got caught up on my rentals.  Then I picked up a prescription and my income taxes.  Bought some groceries and then came home.  Ate lunch, did chores and then had to go back into Emporia for a tax shift.

Came home from doing taxes and wrote some checks to pay some bills.  Got the last of the mail that came while I was gone sorted and taken care of.  Finished unpacking my suit case and sorted laundry to do for tomorrow.  Started a load of dishes after I fixed dinner.  It is good to be back home doing normal things.

Tomorrow I have my last tax shift to do at the Senior Center.  It has been a fun volunteer project to do taxes.  I have really enjoyed doing them.  I’m glad it is over though so I can have a bit more free time.  My soul is craving some empty space days.

After being with my Match guy for three weeks it sure feels lonely being in my house by myself.  I miss him!  He is coming down Sunday afternoon and staying until Tuesday afternoon.  We are sure putting the miles on our cars traveling back and forth to see each other.

The wind is howling tonight.  A cold front is going to be coming through and dropping the temperature for a day or two.  It has been in the 80’s again today.  I like the 60’s and 70’s better.  I’m not ready for summer heat yet.  I need to mow tomorrow afternoon so hoping the wind will die down a bit before I mow.

Sitting with a bit of restlessness tonight.  The wind does that to me sometimes.  I am also very tired as I haven’t slept well the last few nights.  Changes are coming and I am struggling to release the anticipation of what if.  I keep reminding myself that right here, right now all is well.  Rarely does the future unfold in the way I imagine it will.  Things have a way of working out for me if I can allow them to unfold organically and not push things to go a certain way.  That has been a hard habit for me to break though.

Grateful for a productive day, grateful for the opportunity to have been in service to others by doing taxes, and grateful it is bedtime.  I am tired tonight!

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Home at last!  Three weeks and 3,450 miles!  It is good to be home.  Spring arrived on the prairie while I was gone.  The air is hazy and thick with smoke from the prairie fires that have been happening.  My grass was burned while I was gone and there is a fresh growth of green coming up. This is one of my favorite seasons of the year.

The drive home went quickly today.  Traffic was light and construction zones weren’t backed up. I stopped for gas and to get an iced tea.  I needed some caffeine to help me stay awake.  I am tired tonight!  Thinking it will be an early bedtime.  I have a very busy day tomorrow starting with working a volunteer shift at the Emporia Public Library at 9:00 for their spring book sale.  After that I have a meeting with my realtor and business partner and I need to get groceries and pick up my taxes after that meeting.  I go back into Emporia at 5:00 for a tax shift.  Thursday after I do a tax shift in the morning I will have the afternoon free.

I had ordered new batteries for the dogs electronic collars.  The batteries arrived while I was gone but now I need to find the dogs and see if I can figure out how to put the batteries in their collars.  Both dogs are MIA this evening.  I haven’t found the cats yet either.  Maybe they are hiding from me!

The trip with my Match guy was a great success.  Seeing Kathy started us off on the right foot. We then went to the Washington, DC area and I got to meet and spend time with his son.  We had a grand time in DC touring around and helping his son do some repair work and painting in his condo.  I wouldn’t want to live in DC but it was nice to visit.  The cherry trees were beautiful.

I got to meet my Match guy’s three brothers and his sister while we were in Asheville, NC.  I could see the family resemblance in each of them.  I also met lots of his nieces and nephews.  Not sure I got all the names rights and who belonged to who but they were all nice people and accepted me into their family with much grace.  They all worked hard to accommodate my dietary needs and fixed wonderful food that I could eat.

I gained five pounds on the trip!  Ouch!  It is back to strict menus tomorrow.  I think my problem has been snacking.  I have stayed off sugar and flour but haven’t followed the three meals a day routine. It is so hard to stay on a schedule when I travel – especially since my Match guy doesn’t like to eat breakfast or lunch.  He snacks through the day and then eats a late dinner.  We did some hiking but did more sitting.  Thinking it will take a couple of weeks to get back to where I was before I left.  I took it off once. I’m sure I can take it off again.  It was a good wake up call to me to stay more vigilant next trip and not to allow myself to snack.  I snacked more out of boredom from traveling then I did from being hungry.  Not a good idea!

My house sitter did an excellent job while I was gone.  I think my house is cleaner now then when I left. She was gone when I got home this afternoon.  I will need to track her down this week and get her paid.

My Match guy and I are already planning our

next adventure!  This time we will be headed northwest and will be gone for three weeks again.  Can you tell we both like to travel?

The hills were so beautiful driving home today.  I love seeing the magic happen after the hills have been burned.  I saw a few pastures being burned on the drive home and many of the pastures already have a fresh carpet of green covering them.  I can barely see the sun tonight as there is a thick smoke film covering it.  I want to open the house and let some fresh air in but am hesitant to do so as the smoke and ash will also come in.  It reached 88 today!  Spring has definitely arrived on the prairie!

Grateful for a safe trip home, grateful for my house sitter, and grateful for the great memories I will hold and cherish from this trip.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Made it to Stillwater, OK from Asheville, NC yesterday.  It was a drive of almost 1,000 miles.  Felt good to get out of the car when we got here.  I’ll drive back to my prairie home tomorrow afternoon.

Our trip was over 3,000 miles in total.  My ass is sore from all that sitting.  We did get in some good hikes in the mountains but I sure did a lot of sitting too.  Thinking I gained at least five pounds.  Back to basic eating starts Wednesday.

Wednesday will be a busy day for me as I have a shift to work at the library book sale in the morning and a tax shift to do in the evening.  I need to pick up my personal income taxes from the accountant and get them sent off.  I will also need to do some grocery shopping.  After three weeks of being away from home I will have a big pile of mail to process and bills to pay.

I have a house full of guests arriving the Monday after Easter so will need to get started deep cleaning all the house.  The downstairs hasn’t been cleaned for a bit so am thinking it is dusty.

Grateful for the wonderful adventure I am wrapping up, grateful for safe travels, and grateful for the time I have spent with my Match guy.


Thursday, April 4, 2019

i am in Asheville, NC visiting with my Match guy’s family.  His sister had us over for dinner last night. She lives on a farm with horses, sheep, chickens and dogs. I felt right at home.

Tonight his oldest brother is having us over for dinner.  We have been staying with one of his other brothers.

We went to Biltmore house yesterday and took a tour. The gardens were my favorite part of the tour. The spring flowers are in full bloom. The house was crowded and hard to navigate my way through.

Today we are going hiking this afternoon after lunch and a stop at Black Mountain.

Saturday all the family is gathering for a lunch at his sister’s house. Sunday we head for home and will arrive in OK sometime Monday. I’ll drive to Strong City Tuesday. Getting ready to be home.

The weather has been beautiful although rain is in the forecast for tomorrow. I see more green on the trees everyday.   It is beautiful scenery here but I miss the plains  I feel a bit clostaphobic in the mountains and miss seeing the sunrise and sunset.

Grateful for the hospitality my Match guy’s family is showing me, grateful for the beautiful spring flowers, and grateful for this new experience.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

We are having a wonderful adventure. Had a great day with Kathy Tuesday. We took a long hike by a lake. Found some wonderful food and got to visit one of her clients. We got a taste of the beautiful work Kathy is doing. It was obvious her clients love her and she is making a difference in their lives. We also got to meet most of her house mates.   They give me such hope for the future of our world.  It was so nice to hug Kathy and have a good visit with her.

Wednesday we drove to the Washington DC area to see my Match guy’s son. We got stuck on the interstate for two hours.  The interstate was totally closed down. They finally had us do a U-turn and rerouted us around the block on the interstate.

Thursday we took the Metro downtown and visited several museums and walked the Mall to the Lincoln and Vietnam Memorials. We were tired by days end.

Friday my Match guy did some Sheetrock repair in his son’s Condo. I took a nap after I helped his son plant some flowers.

Today we are doing some painting and cleaning. Sunday after church we head out for our next stop.

Grateful for safe travels, grateful for seeing beloved family members and grateful for beautiful weather.

Friday, March 22, 2019

The visit to OK is going great.  Tuesday we went to a woodwind quartet concert in OK City.  It was fabulous.  Wednesday we installed interior wall and ceiling material on a garage addition he had built.  I had moderate success using the power screwdriver to put in screws.  The suckers, I mean screws, had trouble getting started going into the wood.  It felt good when they finally went in – if that happened.  We took an hour and half hike through the cross-country field that is across the street from his house.

Thursday my Match guy taught two classes in Tulsa for Osher.  I went along and got to see him teach.  He is a great teacher.  He has more history knowledge than anyone I have ever met.  His head must be crammed full of history facts.  One class he taught was on the history of American religions and the other was Black American history.  I learned lots of new things in both classes.  It gave me a different perspective of who he is.

Today we are running errands in preparation of our trip which starts Sunday.  We may get back to finishing installed wall boards in the addition.  We ran out of material Wednesday.

The full moon was beautiful Wednesday night.  I didn’t get to see it rise but did go outside and stood under it’s light for a bit.

The spring flowers are in full bloom in OK.  He has daffodils and hyacinths blooming in his yard.  Hyacinths smell so good!

It has been nice to be away from my home and responsibilities and be with my Match guy..  We are having fun and enjoying each other.

Looking forward to our trip and especially seeing my sister early next week.

I may update my blog along the way.  Kinda depends on how busy we are.

Grateful for this time with my Match guy, grateful for the beautiful full moon, and grateful to be of help with a construction job.  Although I am not sure how much help I really am.

Monday, March 18, 2019

It has been a more productive day for me than yesterday was.  I was in town by 9:15 for my doctor’s appointment.  Had to have some blood drawn for a test he had ordered.  The guy that drew my blood was good.  I didn’t even feel the needle go in.

The doctor changed me back to the same blood pressure medication I had been taking.  I am to cut the pills in half as a way to get around the insurance company not allowing the smaller dose pills in what they cover.  He told me to play with the dose and see if I can find out what works best for me.  He suggested I do 50 one day and 25 the next and see what that does.  He would prefer I not skip days although if my BP goes too low he said I could.

Stopped at Walmart after my appointment and picked up some shampoo and conditioner for my trip.  I came back home and started cleaning.  I got the laundry room cleaned really good and washed out the cat box and food containers.  They had made a big mess back their last week.

Used the weed blower to clean out the garage a bit.  I had spilled chicken feed and it was a mess with that and all the mud I and the dogs have been tracking in.  The garage looks better now.  It isn’t clean by any means but doesn’t look trashed.

Am working on packing for my trip.  I had gotten a bunch of nuts that I divided up into individual bags.  I did the same with a big bag of Epsom salt.  That stuff is heavy and this way each night I can grab a small bag out of the car and take it in if where we are staying has a bath tub.  Still need to finish packing but I have my list made out so it won’t take long to put things in a suitcase.  When I go on a road trip I always take too much stuff as I have room to take extra stuff.  At some point I will need to do laundry as I don’t have three weeks worth of clothes to take.

Still have a bit of cleaning left to do but am getting close to being able to leave tomorrow and have a clean house for the house sitter to come into.  With the windows open and the dust blowing in I’m not sure the house will be dust free.  Soon there will be ash blowing in from the prairie fires.

I have a big bruise on my hand.  I must have hit it when I was cleaning out the chicken coop Saturday.  The damn chickens didn’t even give me one egg today.  I gave them an R rated talking to when I went down to gather eggs and there weren’t any in the boxes.  I only have one egg for breakfast tomorrow.  All that work cleaning out their coop and nothing to show for it.  The slackers!

I had a rough night trying to sleep last night.  I had slept fairly well the two nights before that. Sure wish I could figure out the sleep issue and solve it.  So frustrating to lay in bed most of the night awake and not be able to stay asleep.

When I got up to go to the bathroom around 3:00 the moon was bright enough I didn’t need to turn a light on.  I love the way the moon lights the prairie at night when she is almost full.  It feels almost magical to me to witness the shadows she casts on the hills.  Wednesday night is a Super Moon and it happens to be Spring Equinox.  I have sure felt the power of the coming full moon this month.  I have warned my Match guy he might be in for a storm from me.  He told me he would fix a padded room for me if needed.

I’m excited to see my Match guy tomorrow afternoon.  It will be fun to spend three weeks with him.  This trip is different from the last one as this time we will be visiting family for most of the time.  It could be interesting!

Grateful the house is almost all cleaned, grateful for a productive day, and grateful I get to see my Match guy tomorrow.


Sunday, March 17, 2019

Lazy day on the prairie today.  I was going to clean house all day today and haven’t done much yet.  It is too beautiful outside to stay inside today.  Mid 50’s, no wind and bright blue skies.  Love spring days like this.

Went into Emporia and met Tim and Ellexia for lunch.  I wanted to see Ellexia before I take off for three weeks.  Tagen was at his dad’s house so I didn’t get to see him.  Michelle has worked the last three nights so she was home sleeping.

I stopped at JCPenny’s after lunch and got a few t-shirts to take on my trip.  I hadn’t replaced my bigger t-shirts last summer after I lost weight and wanted a few short-sleeved shirts to take with me if the weather decides to warm up while I am on my trip.

Stopped by Michelle’s house and picked up two big bags full of Tagen’s hand me downs.  I went through them and found three pairs of jeans that fit and lots of t-shirts.  Thanks guys!  I will find a good home for the things I couldn’t fit into or didn’t want.  Anyone know of a little guy that wears size 14 or 16 and is in need of some good quality jeans and shirts?

Went down to the chicken coop and removed the heat lamp and heated watering can.  Put the long extension cord into the barn.  They have rearranged their fresh linens.  I only got two eggs though.  Sure hope they start laying big time while I am gone.  They are barely keeping me in eggs the last couple of weeks.  My allowance for them slacking is just about used up.

Tonight I am going to Ad Astra for dinner at 6:00.  Elexa Dawson is singing and I love listening to her.  I reserved a table for two and it will just be me.  Anyone want to meet me there?

All I want to do today is sit out on the back deck and enjoy the warmth and the sunshine.  It is absolutely beautiful out.  Rain is in the forecast for much of the coming week.  Maybe I ought to treat myself and give myself permission to rest today and enjoy the fresh air.

Tomorrow I have a doctor’s appointment in the morning and then will need to pack in the afternoon.  I am doing a tax shift Tuesday morning and plan to head for OK after that shift is done.  I want to have my car packed and ready before I go to bed Monday night.  I’m getting excited to see my Match guy again and to think that we will get to spend three weeks together.

Grateful for this beautiful spring day on the prairie with no wind, grateful for new to me clothes, and grateful my trip starts in only two days.


Saturday, March 16, 2019

A top ten-day on the prairie today.  Mid 60’s, no wind, bright blue skies and magnificent sunshine.  The sunrise this morning was a beautiful way to start the day.  The sunset will be amazing as well.  I love living on the prairie on days like this!

I went into Emporia this morning to do my tax shift.  It was fun as normal and I get to see people I haven’t seen in a long time.  Afterwards I stopped at the bank to cash a check and get some cash for my trip next week.  Then I went to Bluestem and got 300 pounds of chicken feed and 150 pounds of dog food.

When I got home I headed out to the chicken coop to clean it out.  Man!  I am tired tonight.  Nine wheelbarrows full of chicken shit!  The coop sure smells better now and the girls love to rearrange their fresh linen aka straw.  My back is sore though.  The shit was piled up knee-high under the roosting bars and I had to remove it in layers.  It was wet and heavy.  Glad that job is done!  During the rest of the year I clean it out monthly and it is only a 30 minute job and 1 or 2 wheelbarrows full.  During the winter I add fresh straw on top of the old stuff monthly as the shit helps keep the coop warmer.

The person that will be house sitting for me while I am gone came with her mother today to learn how to do chores.  My step-grandfather was the house sitter’s mother’s uncle.  What a small world!  Her mother knew my grandmother and loved her.  I will be leaving my house= in good hands.

Got the chicken feed poured into the smaller containers and the dog food out of my car.  That was my weight lifting exercise for the day.  By the time I was lifting out the last couple of bags I was tired.

Tomorrow I need to start cleaning my house.  I haven’t touched it for two weeks and it is dusty and needs attention.  I don’t want to leave a dirty house for the house sitter.

I need to do another recycling drop off tomorrow.  I am going to Ad Astra for dinner tomorrow night so I can listen to Elexa Dawson sing and will take the recycling when I go to town tomorrow night.  I reserved a table for two but it will be just me.  Anyone want to join me?  6:00 Ad Astra.

I am so looking forward to my trip with my Match guy.  I will stay at his house from Tuesday until Sunday and then we will head towards KY.  We will spend all day Tuesday with Kathy and then head for the Washington DC area on Wednesday.  His son lives in that area.  We will stay there until the following Monday and then are going to Ashville, NC for a week.  That is where his brothers and a sister live.  We plan on doing some sight-seeing along the way and will be going to museums and such in DC.  I trust this trip will be as much fun as our last trip together was.

It feels good to have moved my body today but I am a bit sore and tired tonight.  I took a shower when I was done cleaning the chicken coop out and I might take a soaker bath tonight with some Epsom salts to ease the back ache I have.  Tomorrow I will start cleaning the house and getting it in order.  Monday I have a doctor’s appointment in the morning and then will need to pack in the afternoon.  Tuesday I have a tax shift in the morning and then will head for OK.

Grateful for a clean and fresh smelling chicken coop, grateful for a perfect spring day on the prairie, and grateful it is warm enough outside I can have my windows open  and hear the birds singing.

Friday, March 15, 2019

The Newsletters left for the post office by 9:15 this morning.  Always good to have that project done.  I finished them last night.

A guy came this afternoon to look at my bamboo floors.  He is going to work up an estimate and get back to me.  Down in the barn are some left over floor pieces.  He took several with him and is going to play with them and see how they will refinish.  The floor pieces actually came refinished.  He said he could match them.  The living room needs sanded down but the rest of the dining room and kitchen just need a new coat of finish on them.  I have no idea how much it might cost.  Guess I will find out tomorrow.  He told me he also does decks so if he does the job and does a good job I will have him bid my decks.  They need finishing too.

It has been a beautiful day on the prairie today although the wind has been in a bit of a hurry.  It warmed up to 50 which is much better than yesterday was.  It is to get even warmer the next couple of days.  Bring on Spring!

My Match guy sent me a picture of his daffodils in full bloom.  He lives 200 miles south of me. Spring is creeping northward.

I got a good night’s sleep last night.  I was sleeping really good this morning when the alarm went off.  I almost didn’t get up.  As usual though when I get more sleep than normal I am sleepy today.

Michelle sent me a note.  She had cleaned out Tagen’s closet and has lots of hand me downs for me.  I may end up with a whole new wardrobe if he has things that fit.

I started a packing list and realized I will need to take some T-shirts as the weather may turn warmer than I have been used to.  I may need to go get some new T-shirts to take.  The ones I have from last summer are too big for me now.

The dogs were MIA this morning again but came home this afternoon.  I am at a loss as to what to do next.  I thought I had fixed their collars.  Am starting to think they have figured out it only hurts for a second and they bust through the boundary lines.  Damn!  They are going to get run over if they keep running away.  I hate to tie them up but may have to for a bit.

Roxy turned three years old today.  I thought by now she would have settled down and be content to stay home.  Guess I was wrong!

I bought a big jar of cashews at Costco Wednesday.  I wanted the 2 oz individual packages but they didn’t think have any.  I weighed out 2 oz portions and put them into sandwich bags. I can’t stop eating them if they aren’t already portioned controlled for me.  I like to travel with nuts for a quick energy pick me up if we skip lunch.

My house sitter is coming over tomorrow so she can learn how to do chores.  I so appreciate her.  Maybe she will have better luck keeping the dogs home.

I have a tax shift in the morning.  I was going to get critter feed afterwards but will want to get home as the house sitter is coming in the early afternoon.  I have to go to town Monday for a doctor’s appointment so will get it then.

I started cleaning house today but have a lot more to clean.  It is amazing how dusty the house gets, even in the winter time with the house closed up.

I have enjoyed staying home all day today.  I’m glad the floor guy was a little slow in telling me when he was coming as that made me stay home.  My soul needed a day at home to recharge and refill.  This week has been way too busy for my liking.  It has gone by quickly though.  Haven’t even had time to miss my Match guy much.  It will be good to see him Tuesday afternoon though.

Grateful for the beautiful sunshiny day today, grateful the Newsletter is done and in the mail, and grateful for the good sleep I got last night.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Did another tax shift this morning.  Got done around 11:30.  Stopped at Walmart to pick up cat food and litter and then went into Cottonwood Falls.  Dumped my recycling material and picked up the last piece of the newsletter.

Came home and ate lunch and have been working on the Newsletter all afternoon and evening.  I only have two trays to glue shut and that project will be completed.  My shoulders are sore and needed to take a short break before I could finish.

It has been an ugly weather day on the prairie today.  High was 41, the wind blew at least 20 MPH all day, it has sprinkled off and on and even had occasional snow flakes and ice pellets.  Thankfully the sun is to return tomorrow and it will start another warm up.  The weekend looks like it will be beautiful.

When I was in Walmart I looked in women’s clothing for a wind breaker for me.  They didn’t have any yet so I went to the boy’s department and found one that fit.  Boy’s clothing is cheaper than women’s anyways.  That works for me!

Tomorrow I need to go to town to have blood drawn.  I was going to stop today to do that and forgot so will have to make a trip tomorrow.  I need to get 3 bags of dog food and 6 bags of chicken feed so will probably get that taken care of when I am in town tomorrow.  I am ready for a stay at home day or two but that won’t happen before I leave unless it is Sunday.

I let Sophia come in the house this afternoon to take a nap while her collar was charging.  She is one big dirty dog.  She was tired so she slept for two hours in the warm house.  Roxy finally came home after being gone for 36 hours.  I may have figured out what was wrong with their collars.  I’ll see what happens tonight with them.

My house needs some attention.  I have been so busy this week I haven’t done any house cleaning and it is starting to show.  I would like to get it all cleaned for my house sitter who is moving in Tuesday.  Now that the newsletter is almost done I should have time to get to it.  I’m starting to run out of time before I leave though.

Grateful for my warm house on this cold evening, grateful Roxy came home safe and sound, and grateful the Newsletter is almost done!


Wednesday, March 13, 2019

It was a rough drive to KC this morning.  I drove through some pretty hard rain and if it wasn’t raining the wind was blowing.  I was glad to get there safely.  The drive up took a bit longer than normal as there were times I couldn’t go the speed limit due to the amount of water on the highway.

I met Nicole at Costco and we went shopping.  I had a rather long list of supplies I needed to get.  After we finished shopping we went to lunch and then to her house for a bit.  I met a friend for coffee in the early afternoon and then drove home.  The drive home was dry but even more windy than the morning drive.  My arms were a bit sore from being tense driving due to the high wind.  I wished my car weighed a bit more on days like this.  I only got 32 MPG on the way home.  I usually get 45.

I didn’t have time to come home when I got back so went directly to my tax shift.  Did five returns and then came home.  I was thankful for daylight savings time as it was still light when I got home around 7:30 so I could see doing the chicken chores.  Only got 2 eggs today – the slackers!

I got my car unloaded and then drove down to the mailbox to get the trash can.  Decided not to try to pull it up to the house in the 30 MPH plus winds the prairie is getting tonight.

Loaded my car with recycling stuff I need to drop off tomorrow afternoon.  I have to go into Emporia for another tax shift and afterwards go into Cottonwood Falls to pick up the Newsletter envelopes.  I’ll drop off the recycling stuff while I am in Cottonwood tomorrow.  It will take me all afternoon and evening tomorrow to get the newsletters stuffed and sealed.

The sound of the wind wears on me after a bit.  It is to blow hard all night tonight and most of the day tomorrow.  I can understand why pioneer people went bat shit crazy when the wind blew for days on end.

After I get the newsletter done tomorrow or Friday morning I can turn my attention to preparing to leave on my trip with my Match guy.  I have started making a list of things I need to get done before I can leave.  I have a tax shift on Saturday morning and while I am in town I need to pickup chicken and dog feed for three weeks.  My car will be heavy then with over 600 pounds of feed in it.  Maybe I should have stopped and gotten it this morning before I left town.

It has been a long day.  I was gone for 11 hours today which is unusual for me.  It feels good to be home and be sitting in my corner chair with my feet up.  I am looking forward to Friday afternoon and some empty space.  This week has been way too busy for my liking.

Still living in my peaceful valley.  Things don’t seem to bother me much and pull me off-center when I am firmly in the center of the valley.  I understand when stuff happens that it isn’t really about me.  When I get pulled off center I forget that.

Grateful for a safe trip to KC, grateful to have been in service to others by doing taxes tonight, and grateful the sun came out for a bit this afternoon.


Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Another busy day for me.  I was in Emporia this morning before 9:00 for a tax shift.  Got done around 11:30 and came home to grab a quick salad then headed to Cottonwood Falls to do another tax shift.  Got done there at 3:30.  Stopped at the print shop to pick up some envelopes that were missing from yesterday but they weren’t done yet.

Came home and have stuffed 500 of the remaining 1,000 Newsletters.  My shoulders were getting sore so am taking a short break and will get those finished yet tonight.

I am going to KC tomorrow to see Nicole and a few friends.  I have another tax shift tomorrow night at 5:00 so will be gone all day and evening tomorrow.  Thursday I work yet another tax shift in the morning and then will come home and hopefully finish up the Newsletter if the outer envelopes are ready.

It has rained off and on all day today on the prairie.  My rain gauge is broken and I haven’t put the new one up yet so not sure how much rain I have gotten.  It is nice to get spring rains.  We haven’t had any spring rains for a couple of years.  It is to rain most of tomorrow too.  The fog is rolling in this evening making it feel darker and later than it is.  I might go to bed early if I get my Newsletters stuffed.

This week got stuffed full of things to do and places to go.  A bit too busy for my liking.  I am craving an empty space day and that won’t happen until Sunday.  I need to get a packing list for my trip next week started.  On the top of the list is checking my critter feed to make sure I have enough on hand to last three weeks.  I also need to clean the house and get it ready for the house sitter.

Sophia came home this morning from being gone all day and evening yesterday.  When I talked to her this morning she wouldn’t look me in the eyes as if she knew she had done something wrong.  I have got to find some time to find out why their electronic collars aren’t working properly.

My mind is empty and quiet this afternoon.  Everything feels a bit like I am in slow motion.  I didn’t sleep very good last night and thinking I am just tired.  I haven’t had much if any down time today.  I don’t usually have so many busy days back to back.  I think my body is wondering what the hell I am doing to it.

Grateful for the rain on the prairie today, grateful for the interesting people I get to meet by doing taxes, and grateful Sophia came home this morning.





Monday, March 11, 2019

Busy day on the prairie today.  I was in Emporia a little before 9:00 for my first tax shift of the day at the Senior Center.   Got done and stopped by Dillon’s to pick up a few groceries.  Got home and quickly ate a salad and went into Cottonwood Falls to work my second tax shift of the day.  When that was done I stopped and picked up part of the pieces of the mailing I am putting together for Pioneer Bluffs.  One last piece still needs to be finished up but I can get started tonight folding and collating.

Tomorow I have two tax shifts again.  It keeps me busy and out of trouble I guess!

What an absolutely beautiful day on the prairie.  It is upper 50’s, bright blue skies and little wind.  Rain is to come in tomorrow and hang around for a couple of days.  I may go take a long walk and delay starting the Newsletter a bit.  It is too nice outside to be inside.

Sophia got out of the yard this morning and hasn’t returned home yet.  Trusting she will find her way home soon.  I worry when they get out and disappear for a bit.  Roxy is still hanging around.

My Match guy sent me a photo of some blooming daffodils and a dandelion from his yard this morning.  Spring will be here soon!

I must have eaten something that causes cravings as I am hungry this afternoon.  Good thing I don’t have any junk food in the house or I would be eating it.  I can’t remember that last time I had cravings this bad.  My Match guy eats a lot of white potatoes and I ate a bunch while I was in OK too.  I’m thinking that is what has caused withdrawal like symptoms today with my cravings.

Today marks 13 months on Bright Lines.  Still being able to maintain my weight loss fairly easily.  I have noticed I am not eating as many vegetables as I want to lately though.  Vegetables are sometimes the hardest thing to find on a menu when I eat out.  I prefer cooked veggies over salad veggies and I don’t count white potatoes as a veggie – I count it as a grain.

Sitting in my peaceful valley today.  I come home from doing taxes feeling very grateful for all I have.

Grateful for this beautiful day, grateful to have been in service today, and grateful for 13 months on Bright Line Eating and being able to maintain my weight loss.


Sunday, March 10, 2019

Home again after spending the last couple of days in OK with my Match guy.  We had another magical time together.  It is nice to be home again and back out on the prairie.

We spent a quiet couple of days together.  The first full day I was there we took a long hike and then had two of his friends over for dinner.  It was a fun evening with his friends.  Dinner was good and the conversation interesting.  Saturday there was a wind storm that came through and did some damage to the roof of the garage. Match guy had to spend several hours fixing that.  I’m gad I was there as the ladder to the roof blew over and he wouldn’t have been able to get down easily.  After he got that fixed he noticed the sewer line had backed up so he had to fix that.

We fixed steaks for dinner Saturday night and had a quiet evening at home.  Sunday morning we went to church together and then out for lunch.  I drove home in the afternoon.

Time with him is very relaxed and easy for me.  We can sit and be quiet together or have interesting conversations.  I had taken some knitting with me so while he was outside working Saturday I knitted.  The time went by very quickly.  The only hard part is when I had to leave and say goodbye.  I am really looking forward to our trip back east together in two weeks.

I have a busy week ahead.  Tomorrow I do taxes at the Senior Center and then go to the Cottonwood Falls Senior Center in the afternoon to do another shift doing taxes.  The same schedule applies on Tuesday.  Wednesday I am going to KC to see Nicole and a friend and then I have to get home by 5:00 for another tax shift.  Thursday morning I do taxes in Emporia again. I also will be stuffing the Spring Newsletter for Pioneer Bluffs this week.  Parts of the Newsletter are ready for pickup tomorrow and maybe all of the pieces will be ready.

I found someone who is willing to come look at my bamboo floors to see if he can refinish them.  I had called two other guys that refinish hardwood floor and neither one of them were interested in the project and wouldn’t even come look at them.  Trusting this guy will show up as promised this Friday and will accept the job.  They have needed done since I moved in five years ago.

It is nice to relax in my own home tonight.  The sunset was stunning with bright red colors.  Not used to daylight savings time yet and it feels weird to still have a bit of daylight at 8:00 pm.  Maybe I can sleep in a bit tomorrow with the light coming later than I am used to.  I will have to get up by 7:00 though as I have to be in town by 8:45.  Might have to set an alarm as the sun won’t be available to wake me up early.

Booked my last room for the Symphony on the Prairie weekend.  If I am going to have three rooms booked I might as well have all four.  I have three full house bookings on my calendar, one in April, one in May and one in June.  I’m not taking other bookings right now as I don’t know what my availability is and I don’t want to have commitments that I can’t get out of easily.

Decompressing after being gone for a few days.  The house feels big and empty to me tonight after being with someone for the last couple of days.  It is always good to get back home after being away but I sure miss my Match guy.  Things continue to heat up between us.  It feels right to be with him.

Grateful or the time with my Match guy, grateful for a safe trip home, and grateful for my house sitter that took good care of the house and critters so I could get away and play.


Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Got a text this morning from the leader of the tax program I volunteer for.  They had three cancellations for tonight and she told me I didn’t need to come in to town today to do my shift.  That was a nice surprise and a welcome text.  I have some things I needed to get done so I could leave on time tomorrow afternoon and now I have the time to get them done.  It is surprising to me that others think the drive in to town is a long drive.  I have gotten used to it and don’t think twice about driving into town.

Three dear friends came over this afternoon and we celebrated Spring Equinox a week or so early.  There is a new moon tonight so the timing felt good.  We had another beautiful and powerful ceremony.  After I led us in a grounding and balancing meditation we each named three areas in our life where we feel we need to find a better balance.  After that we smudged each other to help us release them and then came back to our circle and each named three things we wanted to celebrate where we had found balance.

I have learned to set my intentions carefully during these ceremonies as the power is strong and the intentions I set happen.  I truly believe the world would be a better place if every person had a small group they were part of that one could be very vulnerable with.  The love and support that is shared during ceremony is beautiful to be a part of.

I had a moment this morning that set my day off on the wrong foot.  My Match guy has been building a door from scratch.  He has spent hours making this door, nailing it together board by board, sanding it, staining it, and now varnishing it.  I am going to help him hang it when I am with him this weekend.  He is justifiably proud of it.  When I saw a picture of it he had sent me last night all I could think of was how is he going to be able to leave it behind if we continue our relationship and we each sell our homes to find one that is ours.

I sent him his daily letter early this morning and questioned whether he would be able to do just that.  Five minutes after I sent the letter I wished I hadn’t.  Please tell me I am not the only one that does that!  Ha!

He texted me later in the day after he got up and assured me he is willing to sell his house so we can become us when the time is right.  He then admitted he was concerned I wouldn’t be able to leave my dear friends that I had gathered with today.  He thanked me for being bold and honest with him about my concerns.

We have some big hurdles to jump over together in the future.  Combining two separate lives into one seems huge, especially since we live 200 miles apart.  It will be interesting to see where this all goes.  Still not sure where we might end up living if we decide to live together.

I’m not sure why I got so insecure this morning. I have been thinking about balance and the ways it appears in my life – and ways that feel out of balance.  Maybe that stirred up some unconscious thoughts and beliefs.  I regretted sending the email shortly after it was sent but there was nothing I could do at that point.  I am so very grateful he responded the way he did and even appreciated my honesty.  I think I have found a winner!

I am knitting a blanket so after I get some things done around the house to get ready for tomorrow I will spend the evening knitting.  It has been a bit since I have knitted and can’t knit in one sitting as long I used to be able to.  It does feel good to be knitting again though.

It warmed up above freezing today and much of the snow melted away.  There is still some deep drifts here and there but the thin layer of snow is gone.  I appreciated it being above freezing today.  It is to be even warmer tomorrow.  Bring on the heat!  I am so ready for it.  The chicken coop ground wasn’t too muddy today.  The ground is still partly frozen in places and the wind dried out the other part of it.

Feeling very grounded, centered and balanced after our ceremony today.  The little problems of the day seem to be easily handled when I am in this space.  Trusting I will remember to return to this space when I fall out of balance.

Grateful for the dear friends that joined me in sacred ceremony today, grateful for the way my Match guy responded to my moment of insecurity, and grateful for temperatures above freezing.  Spring may actually be on the way!

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Another day of doing taxes in the morning.  We kept running out of clients today so stood around visiting a lot of the time.  Wish they would schedule more clients so we stayed busy.  I know there are lots of people who could use our service if we added more openings.

Stopped by the pharmacy and picked up the remaining anti-inflammatory cream for my bunions.  I thought I was only getting one more tube but they gave me three more.  Think I have a lifetime supply of it now.  I haven’t even used up the first tube yet.  I only use it when the bunions are screaming at me and with my new shoes they don’t often scream.  Miss wearing my cute shoes though.

It is a beautiful day on the prairie today.  It is to reach the high 20’s today.  The wind is in a bit of a hurry though so it feels colder than that outside.  We are to get the mid 40’s the rest of the week.  That should help melt the snow off.  I keep looking for the first shoots of grass but haven’t seen much evidence of things waking up yet.

Need to bundle up and go do chicken chores and pull the trash can to the mailbox.  I got cold when I came home and haven’t been able to warm up yet.  Maybe I need to go get my chores done and then take a hot bath and warm up.  I hate to be cold.

Nicole FaceTime with me this morning.  It is 96 where she is at in South Africa.  She laughed when I told her it was 6 degrees when she called.  She seems to be having a grand adventure and has seen lots of animals in the wilds.  She heads for home Thursday and will arrive sometime Friday after a 17 hour flight plus some connecting flights.  Don’t envy her that flight!  14 hour was plenty long for me.

Need to make a packing list for Thursday.  I am going to OK to see my Match guy for a few days.  I’m looking forward to seeing him again.  When we are apart for more than a week or so I start thinking we can’t make “us” happen.  My doubts go away when I am with him though.  If it is meant to be we will find a way to merge our lives.  Still not sure how or what that will look like.

Feeling better every day.  My B/P has behaved itself for a day or so and is not swinging so high or low.  It is settling down but hasn’t quite got there yet.  The pressure in my chest is much less today than it had been  Thinking I am on the mend and will be good to go in another day or so.

Sitting in my peaceful valley and appreciating all the great things going right in my life.  It is interesting to watch what pulls me out of my peaceful valley and how long it takes for me to return to it.  Allowing my feelings to be what they are without attaching a story to them or pushing them away helps keep me in my valley of peace.

Grateful for being in service this morning, grateful for the sun shining today, and grateful for my peaceful valley where life is easy and solutions to problems are easy to find.



Monday, March 4, 2019

I went into Ad Astra for dinner last night and to listen to Annie Wilson and her group sing.  It was a delightful evening.  There were several people at the restaurant that I knew.  I ended up sitting by Annie’s husband John and eating dinner with him.  I’m glad I got out on a very cold night.  The restaurant was nice and warm and the friends made it cozy.

Today I met a dear friend and we drove to Council Grove to have lunch at Hay’s House.  The drive was beautiful, the company delightful and the food was good.  It was good to get out of the house and drive through the hills.  I’m so blessed to have the friends I do and enjoy spending time with them.

I took a nap when I got home.  I slept in bits and pieces last night and guess I was still tired.  I had been sitting in my chair and kept falling asleep so decided to lay down.  I slept really good for a bit.  Got a phone call from someone looking for beds for the Symphony on the Prairie weekend in June.  I am booked for that weekend.

It has basically been another non-productive day.  Can’t say I got anything done other than lunch with my friend.  That made it a good day – just not a productive one.  Not sure why I can’t get motivated to do anything.  Good thing I don’t have anything that needs to be done.

Tomorrow I have to be in Emporia by 9:00 to do another tax shift.  Need to remember to stop by the pharmacy and pick up the last tube of the anti-inflammatory medication for my bunions.  The prescription was for three tubes which the pharmacy has had trouble getting in stock.  The one I will pick up tomorrow is the last of the three to come in.

I do need to do a bit of house cleaning tomorrow or Wednesday.  I am leaving Thursday to go see my Match guy in OK and have a house sitter coming to stay in the house while I am gone.  I haven’t cleaned downstairs for a bit and need to touch it up some.  Amazing how much dust blows in, even in the winter time.

It was cold doing chicken chores again today.  At least the sun was shining which makes it feel warmer than it was.  The wind was brutal again.  I cheated and drove my car down to get the mail.  I do not like the cold wind blowing on my face.  I haven’t let warm since I came back in from doing chores.  Only got three eggs today – barely worth making the trip down to the coop.  Guess I will give the girls some slack though as it is too cold to lay an egg.

Haven’t heard from my accountant about my taxes.  Usually by know I have had a request for more information.  Trusting he is working on my taxes and will have them done soon.  I doubt that I get a refund but would like to know if I have to pay.

Hard to believe that Spring Equinox is just around the corner.  The light has been returning and soon we will have a day of equal light and darkness.  A day of perfect balance.  Spring Equinox is a good time to look at the balance in your life and give gratitude for the ways that you notice balance and set intentions for the places where a better balance would serve you.  Maintaining balance in life is a huge challenge for me sometimes.  I tend to swing and staying grounded, centered and in balance is hard for me.

Grateful for the beautiful sunset tonight, grateful for a dear friend that went to lunch with me today, and grateful Spring will be here soon.






Sunday, March 3, 2019

Another blast of winter hit the prairie over night.  Hard to tell how much snow I got due to the high wind blowing the snow around.  I had to shovel a thigh high area behind my garage doors this afternoon.  The snow is light and powdery and was easy to shovel.  Glad it wasn’t heavy.   At least the sun is shining this afternoon.  Makes it feel a bit warmer than the 12 degrees that it is.  If you stay out of the wind it didn’t feel too bad out but if you faced the wind it was brutal.  Sure hoping this is winter’s last blast.

Did the chicken chores.  The chickens were mostly huddled together on the roosting bars trying to help each other stay warm. They didn’t come out to greet me when I went down.  I took pity on them and gave them their oat treat inside their coop.  The silly dogs were laying on top of a snow bank and acted like it was a delightful place to lay on.  The dogs did come inside and slept under the heat lamp in the garage last night so I know they aren’t completely dumb. The cats had no interest in going outside for some fresh air.

Feeling a bit better today than I was yesterday.  Still not back to 100% but getting there.  I took a nap this afternoon.  Sleep helps a lot of things – including my mood.  Haven’t gotten anything productive done today again though.  I am on a streak of  non-productive days.  Sure glad I have had taxes to work on as that is about the only productive thing I have done the last two weeks or so.

My blood pressure is doing better.  It was 116/79 last night after my bath.  It has bounced around a bit today but nothing too high or too low.  I switched back to the blood pressure pills I have been taking that contain a light diuretic.  I lost three pounds the day after I switched back so am thinking I had some water weight building up.  My body is hard to regulate sometimes.

I may go into Ad Astra tonight to listen to Annie Wilson sing.  I love hearing her and it would do me good to get out.  I didn’t walk my driveway to make sure it is clear.  Trusting I can get out if I decide to go.  I don’t want to get stuck and have to get towed out.  My neighbor has someone take care of his horses daily and they cut a trail through the snow for me in the east west part of the driveway.

Tomorrow I am having lunch with a dear friend.  We were going to go to Council Grove but thinking we may go to the Grand instead.  We’ll see how the roads are in the morning.  Tuesday morning I have a shift doing taxes.  It is to warm up a bit by then.

Grateful chores are done for the day, grateful the snow was light and easy to shovel, and grateful the sun is shining today.





Saturday, March 2, 2019

Went into Emporia this morning to do taxes.  Did 4 or 5 returns and ran out of clients.  Dropped some cookies off with Ellexia and then came home.  The wind is strong on the prairie today and the temperature is dropping.  We are to get up to six inches of snow overnight.  Yuck!

Did chicken chores and walked down to get the mail.  Not bad out if you aren’t walking into the wind.  It is only to be 15 for the high tomorrow with the lows below zero.  Maybe this is winter’s last blast.

I’m in a funky mood this afternoon.  Not quite in the muck pond but close.  Not sure what is going on.  Not motivated to do anything and feeling a bit vulnerable.  Feeling a bit lonely this afternoon which is unusual for me.  I’m tired so maybe I just need to go take a nap and sleep off what ever this is.

I need a project to do at home.  I have had way too much unproductive time on my hands lately.  After a while it isn’t fun to do nothing all the time.  The house is fairly clean and doesn’t need my time right now and I really don’t have anything on my to-do list.  I keep reminding myself to appreciate this empty space time and embrace it. Some days I do better than others in doing do.

Nothing on my calendar for tomorrow so if the snow comes I won’t have to worry about getting out.  I will be able to sit in my chair in the corner of the living room and appreciate the beauty of the snow on the prairie.

Grateful chores are done for the day and I can stay inside the rest of the day, grateful that this mood will pass – sooner or later, and grateful to have been in service this morning preparing taxes for others.


Friday, March 1, 2019

It was a beautiful day on the prairie today.  Warmed up to the low 40’s and the sun returned from vacation for a bit.  It wasn’t even windy today.  I wish I had stayed home and gone for a long walk.

I went to Manhattan to visit some dear friends today.  We had a good long visit.  It had been too long since I had made it over to see them.  I always enjoy our conversations.  The drive over was wonderful. The hills were beautiful.  There is still a bit of snow on the ground in Manhattan.

The latest forecast is calling for my little corner of the prairie to get up to six inches of snow Saturday night and Sunday.  It is to get really cold Sunday with the low below zero.  It will warm up mid-week and then more snow is forecast for next weekend.  Can it be spring yet?

My blood pressure is still high tonight although not as high as Wednesday night.  Wish I could get it to settle down some.  Patience, grasshopper, patience!

Didn’t get anything productive done at home today.  Had trouble sleeping last night and finally was able to get some sleep early morning so I didn’t get up until 9:00.  It makes for a short day when I sleep in that late.

Tomorrow I have a shift in the morning preparing income tax returns.  After I get done with them I don’t have anything on my calendar until Monday when I am meeting a friend for lunch.  If we get the snow that is forecast I will be glad to stay home and tuck myself in for a bit.  Trusting I’ll be able to get out of my driveway Monday.

I stopped in Manhattan to pick up a few groceries on my way home.  The store was jammed – thinking people were stocking up in case the snow comes in.

Grateful to be able to visit with my dear friends today, grateful for the beautiful weather on the prairie today, and grateful in advance that my blood pressure will calm down.


Thursday, February 28, 2019

Last night got interesting. After I blogged I started feeling icky. My blood pressure spiked high again. I took a bath to see if that would calm it down and relax me. I felt better for a few minutes and then felt restless and icky. I got out of the bath and got dressed. Took my BP and it was 200/100.

Decided I better go in and have it checked as I was having very mild chest pressure. When I got to the hospital four nurses swarmed over me. They drew blood, started an IV, did an EKG and asked me lots of questions. Thankfully the EKG was normal.

After the nurse got the computer updated they all left my room. A lady came in and did a chest X-RAY and the registration lady came in. After a long wait the doctor came in.

He told me that when you don’t have a thyroid and get the flu it can cause your body to get unbalanced. All the labs were within normal except for the BUN. My potassium was .1 lower than normal. He told me the thyroid medication I take is not as smart as your thyroid is and can’t adjust automatically to a change in my electrolytes that happens when you have the flu. He thinks that within two weeks my body will settle down and things will return to normal. He let me go home shortly afterwards.

My family doctor had changed my BP medication. The ER doctor said my system must be very sensitive and the change in the medication caused a reaction. He said to continue with the new medication for two weeks and if things don’t settle down to go back to my family doctor and see what he wants to do.

I had forgotten when I first got my thyroid out I had huge swings in my heart rate and BP for about two months. I had another episode of the same thing happening in April last year.

I’m glad I went in and even more grateful that it wasn’t anything serious.

I texted the kids after I got to the hospital and they let me have my phone back. Jason ran up to see me. He got there just as I was about to leave. Michelle and Tim both offered to come up if needed. Love my kids!

I slept for five hours straight last night! Wow! I could get used to that quickly. I feel much better today. So far my BP is higher than it has been runnng but not scary high. Trust it will settle down soon.

Today is an empty space type of day. I haven’t really gotten much done yet but that is what empty space days are for. I will bundle up soon and go down and do chores. The sun is on vacation and it is a dreary cloudy day on the prairie. Not looking forward to the snow that is to come Saturday evening and Sunday. I am so looking forward to green grass and spring flowers.

Tomorrow I want to drive over to Manhattan to visit some dear friends. Sounds like the weather will allow me to do that. It will be good to get out and drive through the hills. Saturday morning I have another shift doing taxes and then am free the rest of the weekend.

Grateful everything checked out OK last night, grateful for the love and care my kids show me, and grateful for waking up this morning feeling rested.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Another cold day on the prairie.  Snow fell off and on most of the day although it never snowed hard enough to accumulate.  It was cold doing chicken chores today.  I was grateful for my insulated coveralls.  Wish I had gloves that kept my hands as warm as my coveralls do my ass.

The Pioneer Bluffs committee meeting went well.  I baked chocolate no-bake cookies and served those along with some Chex Mix and pistachios.  A few drank a cup of hot tea and two of us drank iced tea.  I had told them I had to leave at 4:15 but they were done and gone by 4:00.

I went into Emporia at 4:15 and did another tax preparation shift.  I did five returns tonight.  I was home by 6:45 as we ran out of clients tonight.

Tomorrow I have an empty space type of day on my calendar.  I get to choose how I spend my time tomorrow.  Don’t have much that I have to do but hate to waste an entire day.  Not sure what I will find to do.  I only have one more empty space day before my adventure with my Match guy in March.  I best use my day wisely and appreciate and enjoy it.

I found a house sitter for the time I will be gone in March.  I’m relieved to have done so.  I have a friend that would come do chores twice a day but the dogs do better when someone is in the house and they have someone to guard at night.  She will probably be available when I take my trip to CO in July too.  Yeah!  What a relief.

This morning my blood pressure was 124.77 which is perfect.  Tonight it is too high at 185/100.  What is going on?  I’ll check it again in a bit and make sure it goes down. I’ll call the doctor tomorrow if it is still too high.  I ate some Chex Mix today that has a lot of salt in it and is food I normally don’t eat.  I don’t know if that makes a difference or not.  Something feels off inside but I don’t know what it is.  Last night I thought I was getting either a UTI or a kidney stone but have had no symptoms of that today.  Hmmm…..  Just what is my body trying to tell me?  Just took it again and it is 135/86.  Up down Up down!

Today has been a better day than yesterday was for me.  My mood was much higher and more level.  I was able to walk out of the muck pond I was in yesterday and didn’t look back.  Today felt easy and grace-filled.  If I could get my blood pressure thing fixed it would be icing on my wonderful cake of life.

Grateful to have found a house sitter, grateful tax shift went easy, and grateful I was able to walk out of the muck pond and have a good day today.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

What a difference a day makes in KS weather.  It has been cold and windy today.  The sun has left for a week’s vacation and the prairie has been cloudy all day.  It was cold doing chicken chores this afternoon.  Come on spring – I need you bad!

Went into Emporia for a shift doing taxes this morning. Finished up by 11:15.  Went to Bruff’s for a veggie burger minus the bun.  After lunch I walked around Walmart killing time.  Didn’t find a thing I needed to buy.

Went to my 1:15 doctor’s appointment.  My blood pressure was 100/60 in his office today.  I’m not sure I agree with his treatment plan.  He originally was going to cut my blood pressure medication dose in half.  When he found out insurance doesn’t cover the lower dose he decided instead to change my medication from the one that contains a mild diuretic to one that doesn’t and keep the dose at 50.  He wants me to come back in three weeks and he will run some labs and then decide if what he wants me to try is working.

I told him I had quit taking my triglyceride medication due to leg and foot cramps.  I went off of it for two weeks and the cramps disappeared.  When I started taking it again they came back.  He told me he didn’t think the medication had anything to do with it.  Ummm……

Some days my doctor is curious and does a good job of listening and hearing what I have to say.  Some days he doesn’t and today seemed to be a day where he couldn’t hear me.  I am going to follow his advice with the blood pressure medication and see what happens.  I’ll take my blood pressure several times a day and record the results.  If it continues to stay too low I will go to plan B – whatever that is.  I’m going to wait to restart the triglyceride medication until we get my blood pressure situation resolved.

Stopped at CVS to pick up the new prescription.  When I got there they told me it would take an hour before the medication would be ready.  I told the clerk I lived 30 minutes away and didn’t want to have to go home and then come back to town to get it. She rolled her eyes at me and said she would attempt to expedite it for me.  30 minutes later they had it ready.  They only had one customer in that time.

Starting to think I may be getting a UTI again.  It seems to come and go though so not sure what is going on.  It feels a bit like it did when I had a kidney stone years ago although I don’t have any pain in my lower back.  Ummmmm…..  I’ll go to ER if it gets worse. It didn’t start bothering me until after I left the doctor’s office today.

Feeling a bit vulnerable and uncomfortable this evening.  One disadvantage to living alone is when you don’t feel good and don’t have a backup close.  Think I will take a bath and go to bed and feel better in the morning.

Tomorrow a Pioneer Bluff’s committee is meeting at my house at 2:00.  Then at 5:00 I am working another tax preparation shift.  Thursday is an empty space day for me – I will look forward to that. I won’t have another empty space day until March 15.

I’ll need to clean house a bit in the morning to get it ready for the committee members that will be coming at 2:00.  I want to bake some cookies so I have something to serve them.  I forgot to pick something up at the grocery store today.

The forecast is now calling for snow this weekend.  Yuck!  We have had enough snow this winter as far as I am concerned.  It it to get below zero Sunday night.  Spring where are you?  Please come soon!  My soul needs you!!!

Sitting in the muck pond tonight.  I’m going to go take a bath and remind myself to enjoy the muck for a bit and then rise up and walk out of it.  And this too will pass……

Grateful for being able to complete four tax returns today, grateful for knowing about the muck pond and how to rise up out of it rather quickly  (I used to live in the muck pond), and grateful that this day is almost over and a new day will be here very soon.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Had another low blood pressure episode last night.  This time I did not pass out.  Laid on the bed for a few minutes after I got out of the bath tub as I was light-headed.   I decided to check my blood pressure.  I had to change the batteries in the blood pressure cuff.  When I finally got a reading it was 85/50.  That was ten minutes after I got out of the bath tub.  A little low perhaps?  I checked it every five minutes for three times and it got up to 120/68.  I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow afternoon so I will see what he says.  I had taken my blood pressure pill yesterday.

I didn’t sleep very well again last night.  Sure makes for a long night when I have a night like that.  I had felt a bit restless and anxious all day yesterday and last night I felt a bit sad too.  Not sure what was behind all of that but did my best to allow it to be what it was without creating a story about it.  Whatever it was is gone today.

Went to the Senior Center in Cottonwood Falls and did five tax returns this afternoon.  Learned something new with two of them.  Love learning new things.  It would take me several years to learn all there is to know about them.

Came home and did chores.  It is beautiful outside.  The sky is bright blue and the sun is shining brightly.  It is muddy though, especially in the chicken coop.  I was slipping and sliding in the coop carrying the bucket of water.  I found a fairy egg today.  Fairy eggs are smaller than a quarter and have no yolk in them.  I get one about every month or so.  They are cute but worthless.  I must have a slacker hen that just lays fairy eggs.  They make me smile so guess they are good for something.

I have had to wash my eggs lately.  The chickens do not know how to wipe their feet before they get into the nesting boxes to lay their eggs.

Sophia went on another adventure today.  I changed out her collar to see if she will stay home again.  The collars seem to work part-time now.  Roxy is the only one that never leaves the yard.

Ellexia seems to be feeling a bit better today.  It is so hard when the little ones are sick.  I went into Emporia to get groceries and got her a box of Popsicles and took over to her.  I texted her to tell her to eat one and she said she did.  I told her to eat another one and she said no.  She is like me and doesn’t like to eat or drink when she is sick.  She had to go to ER last night to get some fluids as she wasn’t peeing.  Trusting she has turned the corner and will recover quickly.

I was talking on the phone with my Match guy and wasn’t watching the clock so I was a few minutes late to my tax preparation shift.  I only live 10 minutes away and couldn’t make it on time!  Dang!

It was nice to get out of the house today.  I realized I hadn’t been out since last Thursday.  I just remembered I had some where to go today at 4:00 and totally forgot about it.  Man!  I can’t seem to get to where I am to get to today on time.  Maybe tomorrow I will have better luck.

Tomorrow I have a tax preparation shift from 9:00 – noon and then a doctor’s appointment at 1:15.  I’ll have lunch in town as I won’t have time to drive home and back to town.  Wednesday a committee is meeting at my house in the afternoon and then I have a tax shift from 5:00 – 8:00 in Emporia.  Thursday is an empty space type of day.

Felt like I left my peaceful valley yesterday for a bit but was able to find my way back into it today.  Life is much easier for me when I can find my ground and center and stay anchored.  Problems and issues arise but are easily solved and I don’t take things that happen personally.  Much of my life feels like I am an observer of it and not emotionally connected to outcomes.

Grateful for this beautiful warmer day – jut what my soul needed, grateful for being in service to others today, and grateful Ellexia is feeling better.


Sunday, February 24, 2019

It has been another lazy day on the prairie.  I had a rare empty space day and have done absolutely nothing today.  I must be tired as I have no motivation to get anything done.  Good thing I didn’t have anything that had to be done today other than chores.  I did unload the feed I got earlier this week from my car and get it sorted into smaller containers.

The sun has shined most of the day although clouds are trying hard to take over the sky this afternoon.  It only got up to 35 today but tomorrow the sun is to return and it is to get up to 51.  I am so ready for a warmer day.

Tomorrow I am going to the Senior Center in Cottonwood Falls in the afternoon to do taxes.  That will be a new place to do them in for me and should be a fun afternoon.  Wonder if I will know anyone that comes in to have them done.  I really enjoy doing them and appreciate the clients that I have met.

Ellexia is sick with a high fever.  I have been sending her healing light and love and trusting that she will feel better soon.  Michelle took her into the Urgent Care Clinic.  Not sure what the diagnosis was as the clinic is out of flu swaps.  It is hard to see little ones sick but they normally get well fairly quickly.

I haven’t made it into Emporia to buy groceries yet.  May wait and go in the morning or I may find some energy and do it yet this afternoon.  I don’t need much and it is hard to drive in for only three things.

I still have standing water in my back yard.  The ground must be frozen enough that the water isn’t soaking in.  The dogs look like they have been making mud pies and the chicken coop is a big mud pie.  Grateful for my muck books today.  I held on to the fence in the chicken coop so I wouldn’t fall down.  Mud is slick!

I was able to get out of the tub and dressed last night without falling over.  Progress!  I skipped my BP pill yesterday.  I took it this morning.  I made an appointment to go see my family doctor Tuesday this week.  Thinking I don’t need the BP pills anymore – or at least need a lower dose if I still need them.

Sitting in my peaceful valley.  Feels like I have been here for a long time.  I have fallen into the muck pond a very times but didn’t stay in it very long.  It is nice to have found some smooth sailing for a bit.  The world has a lot of chaos happening and it can be a challenge to hold my center when I am out in the world.  Starting and ending each day in my peaceful valley helps with that.

Grateful for a beautiful, quiet day on the prairie, grateful to be living in my peaceful valley, and grateful for all the healing thoughts and concerns friends and family have sent me.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

This has felt like Sunday all day to me.  Not sure why.  The weather on the prairie has been changeable the last 12 hours.  We have had fog, drizzle, heavy rain, hail, thunder, lightning, sun shine and now snow is predicted for later today.  Leave it to KS to cram all four seasons into one day on the prairie.

My Match guy left around 3:15 this afternoon to head back to OK.  We had another couple of wonderful days together.  Didn’t do anything special or even leave my house the two days he was here.  He didn’t get here until almost 8:00 Thursday evening.  We had crock pot chicken and roasted veggies for dinner.  Friday night I fixed a meat loaf and baked potatoes.

Friday evening I took a bath like I normally do.  I felt a bit light-headed during my bath and opened a window to let some cool air in.  I thought it had gotten better but a minute or two after I got out of the bath tub I passed out.  I couldn’t figure out why I was lying on the floor.  I think I scared my Match guy.  My blood pressure has dropped with the weight loss and thinking I need to see if my doctor will approve me going off my blood pressure medication for a trial or maybe decreasing the dose yet again.

My Match guy is so easy to be with.  We keep commenting on how easy the other is to be with.  We manage to find things to talk about and haven’t gotten bored with each other yet.  We are still learning new things about the other and both of us keep liking what we discover about the other.  Still not sure how we would go about merging our lives together but more possibilities seem to be opening.

I got a call from my volunteer place today.  They were wondering if I was OK since I didn’t show up this morning.  I had sent them an email two weeks ago to let them know I needed off for this Saturday and they had answered that they would find someone else to cover my shift.   Someone must have forgotten.  I feel bad they were a person short today.  By the time they called though I wouldn’t have been much help even if I went in.  By the time I would have taken a shower and got to town it would have been 11:15.

The house feels so very quiet and big to me this afternoon since my Match guy left.  I get used to living alone until I don’t and when I go back to being alone I notice the difference in a new way.

I may run into Emporia and get some groceries before the next round of storms roll in.  I may wait and go tomorrow as I am a bit tired this afternoon.  I slept fairly good Thursday night but had trouble sleeping last night.  A nap sounds really good right now.

Sophia got out of her boundary and went on an adventure in the pasture to the west of the house.  She hasn’t come back home yet.  Roxy didn’t join her today.  I’ll have to change out Sophia’s collar when she comes home and see if that will help keep her home.  At least there aren’t any cattle in the pasture for her to chase.  Star was Sophia’s partner in crime.  Bet Sophia is missing Star today while she is out on her adventure.

Tomorrow is a rare empty space day for me.  I have managed to book lots of things on my calendar and don’t have many completely empty space days.  I do enjoy the days where I have nothing that has to be done and I can stay home all day.

I have managed to drop the weight I gained while I was at Michelle’s house last week.  I’m glad it came off easily.  I do feel better at the bottom end of my range and when I eat on plan.

Sitting in my peaceful valley this afternoon.  I am tired but so very happy.  My relationship with my Match guy continues to grow.  The only hard part of it is saying goodbye to each other when it is time to part for a bit.  He is very considerate and kind and we share lots of common values.  It feels like we are building a very solid foundation to build a relationship on top of.  We have been together for four months now.  We are both starting to talk about a future together some day.  We’ll see how things unfold and develop.

Grateful for the time with my Match guy, grateful for the moisture, and grateful for an empty space day tomorrow.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

I have had a productive morning after another night of little sleep.  Went into Emporia this morning and dropped off my taxes with my new accountant.  I liked him.  I knew his dad as his dad was a teacher at my high school.  I didn’t come home with a list of things he needs but he may call me and request something.  He didn’t give me a date when he thought he would have them ready and I forgot to ask.

I then went and got my haircut.  I am trying to let it grow out a bit so he didn’t cut much off.  My hairdresser gave me some styling tips.  We’ll see if I can make it look like the way he made it look.  I do like the softer look but am not used to having this much hair.

Stopped and got a couple of pair of SmartWool socks at the shoe store. I had managed to misplace a couple of socks and two older pair are so stretched out they don’t stay up and need to be thrown away.  It is nice to have my socks replenished with wearable, comfortable socks.

Met a friend for lunch.  Always good to catch up with her.  Saw a dear friend and his wife as we were leaving the restaurant.

Stopped and got some oats and black oil sunflower seeds for the chickens and two bags of dog food at Bluestem.  I will need to put the oats and sunflower seeds in smaller containers.

My last stop was to get a box of bacon from Fanestil’s.  Thursday they sell a ten-pound box of bacon for $25.  What a deal!  I had bought a 1 1/2 pound package at Walmart for $9.98.

Got home and got the bacon put in gallon zip lock bags and in the freezer.  Need to finish cleaning my living room and laundry room this afternoon.  My Match guy will be here around 7:30 tonight so still have time to finish cleaning the house before he gets here.  I put a chicken in the crock pot for dinner and will roast a pan of veggies to go with it.

Nice to have all my errands completed so I can enjoy the weekend.  I do need to check to make sure I have what I need to fix dinner tomorrow night.  I think I have everything I need but I am not sure.  I should have done that before I went to town this morning and I forgot.

It is close to 40 out today.  Feels almost like a spring day!  More rain and snow is headed my way Friday and Saturday.  I am so ready for spring I can hardly stand it.

Nice to have a productive day and cross some things off my to-do list.  This has been a  fairly busy week for me.  I don’t have many empty space type of days on my calendar for a bit.  I have really enjoyed doing taxes.  I wish I could find another similar volunteer job to do.  It does tie me down a bit but they have been very flexible with my schedule and have taken me off some days when I had a conflict.

Sitting with anticipation of my Match guy arriving this evening.  It will be good to see him.  We have a lot of fun when we are together.  We never run out of things to talk about although we can sit in silence at times too.

Grateful for a productive morning of errands run, grateful my Match guy will be here this evening, and grateful my bacon stash is restocked.  I do love bacon in the mornings with my farm fresh eggs.



Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Woke up at 5:00 this morning and couldn’t go back to sleep.  I finally got up at 6:00 as I had to be in Emporia by 8:30 and didn’t have time to try for more sleep.

I had my teeth cleaned by a first year student at the Vo-Tech today.  She did a great job.  It took a long time though as she had to have her work checked after every little bit and we had to wait for her teacher to get free each time.  She is the student that stayed with me last fall so we knew each other and had good conversation while we were waiting.  We took a lunch break from 11:00 until 12:30 and I was finally finished a little after 2:45.  Makes for a long day!

During my lunch break I went to the health food store and got some Vitamin D.  I will start taking it tonight.

After I got home from my dental appointment the friends I met on the Camino that live in CA called.  They read my blog and called to see how I was doing since losing Star yesterday.  We had the best visit via FaceTime.  She celebrated her 80th birthday this week.  All 12 of her children came home for the weekend without their spouses.  They called it a Womb Party.  How fun is that?

After I finished talking with them another friend called to check on me.  She offered to come help me bury Star.  I am so lucky to have such good friends!

I went back into Emporia for my tax shift at 5:00.   We had two cancellations tonight and I was done and home by 7:15.  I did four returns tonight and reviewed one return.  I got pissed when I did one return though.  The client had made $20,000 and she owed $1000 to the Feds.  She said the same thing happened last year.  I looked at her W2 again and they had only held out less than $500.  I advised her to go to HR and have them take an additional $110 per month out of her check every month so she wouldn’t have to pay next year.  She had no idea where she was going to come up with the money she owes.  She couldn’t afford health insurance so was hit with that penalty and didn’t quality for the poverty exemption.  I wish the politicians would understand when they play the games they do who gets hurt.

I have another busy day tomorrow.  I am meeting with my new accountant tomorrow morning and then meeting a friend for lunch.  My Match guy is coming tomorrow evening so will fix dinner for him.  I still haven’t finished cleaning my house so need to do that either tonight or tomorrow afternoon.

I didn’t sleep well again last night for the second night in a row.  I think I am tired but when I go to bed I can’t sleep and if I do manage to sleep I don’t sleep for very long before I wake up.  Maybe tonight will be the night that I crash and get some good sleep.

Got the Antibody thyroid test results back today and it was the same results as it was in December!  There is no trace of cancer markers left in my blood.  The doctor told me that flour and flour products act as an inflammatory in your body – especially in your liver.  Thyroid disease starts in the liver.  Evidently giving up flour was good for my liver as it calmed down much quicker than the doctor is used to seeing.  Trusting I will remember this and use it as my motivation to stay away from flour and products that contain flour.

I am excited that my Match guy is coming tomorrow evening.  It will be SO good to see him again.  We have both been busy the last couple of weeks and this is our first chance to see each other in three weeks.

Sitting in my peaceful valley today.  Today felt easy compared to yesterday.  I so appreciate all the love everyone is sharing with me at my loss of Star.  It does help!

Grateful for friends that call and check on me, grateful for the dentist program at Vo-Tech and for Anna for doing such a gentle job, and grateful for positive news from my Endocrinologist.  I kicked cancer’s ass!


Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Went out to do chores this morning before I left for Topeka.  Roxy met me in the garage and acted like I was to follow her.  I saw some pinkish colored blood spots on the floor of the garage.  I followed Roxy to the front of the house and found Star dead in the yard.  Man!  I wasn’t expecting that!  Star has had some nose bleeds the last couple of months.  A vet was out here a couple of months ago and checked her and told me it was nothing to worry about.

I had noticed she was loosing weight and had made an appointment to take her in and get her checked out.  Not sure if I had taken her in earlier if it would have made a difference.  I had a dream about a month ago that she died.  She was my free spirit dog.  She was very independent and never did learn her manners.  She was the first one to greet me whenever I returned home and always ate more than her share of the dog food and treats.

When I got home from Topeka Sophia and Roxy looked at me with their big sad eyes.  I think all three of us are spending the afternoon crying.

I called a dear friend and he is going to come over when he gets off work tonight and help me dispose of the body.  What a friend!  I appreciate him so much.  Thanks Rodney!

I got really good news from the Endocrinologist today.  She was most impressed with my weight loss and with my blood pressure.  I weighed 119.5 today and my blood pressure was 120/68 this morning.  She did labs as she wanted to double-check the antibody test.  It is most unusual that the level is back to normal so quickly.  She wants to double check that the lab read the results correctly in December.  I appreciate her thoroughness.  I mentioned I had been having leg cramps at night and when I stopped taking the triglycerides medication the leg cramps had gone away.  She said it could be a low Vitamin D level so she ordered that to be checked today too. She said that your Vitamin D level often drops after you have your thyroid out.  No one had mentioned that to me before.

She wants me to check with my family doctor about lowing or discontinuing my blood pressure medication.  I told her I have been getting light-headed when I get out of the bathtub at night.  She thinks with the weight loss I may not need the blood pressure medication any more.  He had cut my dose in half about six months ago.

My thyroid level is higher than it should be to help prevent a reoccurrence of the thyroid cancer.  However because I had an episode of AFib she decided she wants to keep my level high to protect my heart.  A new study was just done that shows if your T3 level is above 4 it adds a layer of protection to your heart and decreases your chances of a heart attack or heart failure.  She thinks my chances of having the cancer come back is very low and wants to protect my heart.  If you have one episode of AFib you increase the odds of having another.  It is a balancing act where you play the odds.  To prevent a cancer reoccurrence my level would have to be below 2.

If I promised to go see my family doctor in six months for a complete physical I don’t have to go back to see her until next year.  However when I booked the appointment it isn’t until May of 2020 as she is booked until then.  I will have to remember to go get a physical in August around my birthday.  If the blood work drawn today comes back normal I don’t have to have an ultrasound or other blood work done until I see her in May 2020.  If the blood work shows something she will have me come in sooner.  I am to call her if anything changes with my health and she will re-evaluate the time-table.  She will order a T3 anytime I call her office and request one.

After I left the Doctor’s office I went to Lowe’s to get a floor mop.  I then went to the mall and got a few more bras.  I had lunch at Chipotle and then went to Michael’s to get some yarn.  I haven’t bought yarn for several years. What I used to pay $3 to $4 a skein for is now over $7.50 a skein.  Wow!  I’m glad I don’t go through two to four skeins a day like I used to.  I want to make two blankets to take as hostess gifts for my trip in March and wanted a particular color for each which I didn’t have on hand.  I was surprised the store didn’t have the fancy yarn I use for the ends like they used to carry.  Their selection of the yarn I use to make shawls and blankets was very slim pickings.

I went to Hy-Vee’s to get a few groceries.  I eat a salad for lunch everyday that I put diced beets on.  Hey-Vee’s is the only place I can find them.  The stores in Emporia only have sliced or whole beets.  I bought all they had in stock and picked up a few other groceries I needed.  I stopped and got gas and then drove home.  I beat the snow.  We are to get 3 – 5 inches of snow tonight.

I have an appointment at the Vo-Tech tomorrow to get my teeth cleaned.  If we get the snow that is forecast they may cancel school and I will have to reschedule.  I’ll have to check in the morning before I drive in and see if they will be there.  The girl who stayed with me for a bit last fall is going to clean my teeth.  It will be fun to see her again.

I have a shift doing taxes tomorrow night.  Trusting by tomorrow night the roads will be cleared and I can easily get to town.  I don’t like driving at night, especially when the roads are snow packed.  I’m sure if it is too bad out they will cancel the tax shift.

I need to finish cleaning my house.  I got a good start on it and may finish it tonight.  My Match guy is coming Thursday evening and I want it all cleaned before he gets here.

It has been a roller coaster day.  It was such a shock to find Star dead this morning.  I am happy for the good news I received at the Doctor’s office and am trusting the blood work will confirm her good news.  I am teary eyed and sad this afternoon.

Grateful for the life of Star and all the love and joy she brought to me, grateful for my friend Rodney that is coming to help me out this afternoon, and grateful for the good news from my Doctor and her concern and care she provides me.



Monday, February 18, 2019

I had a magical morning today.  I woke up around 5:30 and laid in bed for a bit.  I started coughing so I got up to get a drink.  As I walked into the dining room I noticed the start of daybreak in the east.  There was a bright planet shining brightly above the horizon.

I got my drink and then looked to the west.  The moon was a giant red ball low on the horizon.  I stood and watched it set.  I rarely catch a moon set and consider it a sacred moment when it happens that I get to watch it set.  The moon will be full tomorrow so it was huge this morning.

After the moon set I turned back to the east and after a bit watched the sunrise.  There was a ribbon of color all around the horizon before the sun came up.

I went back to bed and checked my email.  I had gotten a beautiful letter from my Match guy.  We write each other a letter each day and his letter today was very special.

I was on a gratitude high for a while and couldn’t go back to sleep.  I don’t understand why I have been given so much and others have so little.  I felt wrapped in love and beauty this morning.  It is one of those morning I will put into my memory bank and pull it out and cherish the memories of the beautiful start to my day.  I don’t think I will ever tire of seeing the sunrise and the moon set on the prairie.  What an honor it was to witness both events this morning.

I called and got an appointment for Thursday to take my taxes to my accountant.  I also called and rescheduled Star’s vet appointment for later this week.  Nice to get those two appointments on my calendar.

A dear friend of mine is teaching a Feldenkrais class and I was finally able to make it to her class this afternoon.  It felt good to lay on the floor and stretch my body.

Tomorrow I have to be in Topeka at 10:45 for my appointment with my Endocrinologist.  I have some shopping to do afterwards if it looks like the snow will give me a chance to do so.  If not, I will head straight home and order on-line.

Feel a bit like I have floated through this day.  Not sure what I have done today.  I felt a deep level of contentment and was in slow-motion all day going mindfully though my day. It was one of those days that everything I did felt easy.  I have been waiting for the full moon emotional kick to hit me but it didn’t happen today.  Felt it over the weekend as I was teary and had no motivation.  Maybe that is all I will experience this month.

Grateful for the beauty Mother Nature provided me this morning, grateful for the beautiful letter I received from my Match guy, and grateful for my friend’s class today.   I am blessed beyond measure in so many ways.


Sunday, February 17, 2019

A friend came into town last night and invited me to have dinner with her at Ad Astra.  It was nice to have a face-to-face adult conversation.  Thanks Willow!  It was good to catch up with you.

My goal today is to clean my house but I am having trouble getting started with that project.  I finished putting away the files I had out from doing my taxes and emptied some trash but that is as far as I have gotten.  Feeling a bit sleepy and lazy today.  Guess there is always tomorrow if the motivation doesn’t strike today.

I woke to the sunrise this morning.  I had missed seeing it while I was in town last week.  There are bright blue skies and sunshine this afternoon.  The wind is in a bit of a hurry though so feels colder than it actually is.  What I probably should do is go out for a hike and get some fresh air.  My cough is almost gone and I think I can tolerate a walk today.  I’ll go down to take care of the chickens in a bit and see how I do.  I am loving the sunshine today.

It has been a quiet day at home so far.  I have needed a day to stay home and recharge my body.  May go take a nap in a bit.  I might as well sleep if I am not going to clean – right?

I managed to stay on plan yesterday with my eating and didn’t give into the craving for peanut butter.  That felt good.  So far I have held to plan today.  My body likes me better when I stick to plan.  Now I need to start moving my body again and I will be back to normal.  If it is too cold to walk today I will get on the stationary bike and ride for a bit.

Sitting in my peaceful valley.  Doing taxes for others has really made me grateful for what I have.  I so remember the days when I lived paycheck to paycheck and was one emergency away from a financial disaster.  I wish the politicians would come spend a day doing taxes and seeing the reality of how people have to live.  I am so disgusted with the games the politicians play that impact the people who can least afford it.

Grateful for this beautiful sunshiny day, grateful I am back on track with my eating, and grateful for friends that come to visit.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

The kids got home around 5:00 last night.  Their children were very happy to see them.  I was glad to get back home and be able to stay home and sleep in my own bed last night.  Ellexia sent me a text around 8:00 telling me she missed me.  How sweet was that?

Went in to Emporia and did a shift preparing taxes this morning. I have to complete a series of questions about the clients.  I asked a man what race he was and he said “human”.  I told him that was the best answer I had ever received.  We shared a moment together.  Did four or five returns today and was able to learn some more things.  Not sure how many one would have to do to be able to know all one should know about completing them.

I am humbled when I see how little people are able to live on.  I did a single parents taxes today and she is working two jobs full time and raising her three-year-old alone.  She was in tears when she found out she is getting a big return.  Makes it worth doing taxes to be able to share that moment with a client.

Bought groceries when I was done and then came home.  Did the chicken chores just before it started sleeting.  The sky was blue when I started doing chores but the clouds quickly moved in and claimed the sky.  It didn’t sleet for long.  There is still a chance for some more snow this evening in the forecast but is to be clear tomorrow.

A friend is coming to Emporia this evening for a musical event and is eating at Ad Astra and invited me to join her for dinner.  She is to call when she gets to Ad Astra and I will go in and join her.  I haven’t seen her for a bit so it will be nice to catch up with her.  I invited her to spend the night if the snow comes and the roads get bad.

I got my taxes done this afternoon.  I will call Monday and make an appointment to take them in.  The accountant I used and liked so well retired so not sure who I will be assigned to.  Trusting I will like them as well as I did the other one.  Good to have that project completed.

I need to call this week and get an appointment for Star.  I had cancelled the other appointment I had made when I got sick as I didn’t have the strength to take her in.  Maybe I will get an appointment when my Match guy is here Friday and he can help me take her in.  She is not leash trained so is a challenge to handle.

I did taxes instead of cleaning my house today so tomorrow I will need to clean house.  It has been too long since I have done so and it is past my comfort point of clean.  Time to get her cleaned up again.

Hoping the weather will be nice Tuesday when I go to Topeka for my Endocrinologist appointment as I have a list of things I want to stop and get.  Nicole may come to Topeka and we will have lunch together if the weather cooperates.  It will be nice to see her before she leaves on another big trip later in the week.

I am going to OK in a few weeks for a long weekend.  A dear friend is going to house sit for me while I am gone.  Thanks Sharon!  I so appreciate you!  I have a local woman that can come do chores but my preference is to have someone in the house while I am gone.  The dogs seem to do better when a human is around most of the time.

The end of March my Match guy and I are going to go visit Kathy in KY, go to Washington DC to visit his son and then go to NC to visit his siblings.  It will be nice to spend some extended time with my Match guy.  I’m looking forward to that trip – especially to be able to see Kathy and spend a day with her.

I was whiny and bitchy last night but am finally over it.  Think I was tired and needed a good night’s sleep.  The full moon is Tuesday and it may be working it’s magic on me too.  I have been near tears several times the last two days.  Maybe I just need to have a good cry and get it out of my system.

Grateful my taxes are ready to go to the accountant, grateful for my friend Sharon’s willingness to house sit for me, and grateful to be back home and able to sleep in my own bed.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Is it spring yet?  The prairie is getting a coating of snow today.  The forecast had called for up to six inches but so far we have only gotten an inch or two.  It is still coming down but seems to be lighter than it was earlier.

I dropped the kids off at school on time this morning.  Neither one had a smile on their face but they made it on time.  The line at the middle school seemed to go extra slow this morning.  We were a few minutes later than we had been on Monday.  Tagen was very worried he was going to be late.

I came out to the country house after I dropped the kids off at school.  I have been working on taxes.  I am almost ready to call and make an appointment with my accountant and get them finished up.  I’m anxious to know what the outcome will be this year with the change in the tax laws.  Hopefully I’ll come out without having to pay taxes.  I had to put two new roofs on two of the rental properties so had some extra expenses this year.  I did make more this year at the Airbnb but have lots of depreciation that will be applied against that.

Funny that I have to pay an accountant to do my taxes when I do others for free.  Where I do taxes we can only do the simple ones.  With my rentals and Airbnb expenses they get too complicated to do at the site I work at.

There are still a few spots left for us to do others taxes for free.  If you want yours done just call the Emporia Senior Center and ask for an appointment.  Allow extra time when you come for your appointment as sometimes the reviewer gets backed up and it takes a bit to get to everyone.

I am getting ready to head back into town.  I want to allow lots of extra time with the roads getting snow-covered.  Ellexia would be most upset it I wasn’t there to meet her at 3:09.  Not looking forward to standing outside waiting for her but I will do it.  Haven’t heard from Michelle and Tim so don’t know if they will be able to make it home tonight or not.  I have a tax shift at 9:00 in the morning.  I’ll have to take Ellexia with me if they don’t make it home.

Got my bathroom sink faucets ordered from the plumber today.  I was going to try to find some myself but decided it would be easier if I let him order them.  They will be out sometime in a week or two to install them.  I have had three home repair jobs this month.  Hadn’t had any for a bit so guess I am making up for it this month.  I hate to spend money on things like that.

I weighed myself this morning after I got here.  It was after I ate breakfast but yikes! I have gained five pounds this week.  I didn’t think I was that far off plan.  Thinking it has to do more with me not feeling so good and not moving much.  I have done much more sitting while I have been in town than I normally do.  Time to get on top of this again and get 100% back on plan and start moving my body again.

This week of babysitting has gone easy and fast.  It will be good to get back to my boring normal routine though. I have a fairly busy week next week.  Sunday and Monday are my only free days of the week and I have something Monday afternoon to go to.  Maybe I will get my house cleaned Sunday and Monday.  It is way over due for a good cleaning.

Grateful for a successful babysitting week, grateful for the time at home today, and grateful the snow is ending and the roads are mostly clear.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Ellexia was feeling much better today so she went back to school.  She has gymnastics tonight but am not sure I will let her go.  I’ll see how tired she is.  Gymnastics lasts for 90 minutes which seems like a lot for a tired little one.

After I took Ellexia to school I came out to my house and have spent the day there.  It has been nice to be home for a bit.  Baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies for the kiddos.  Did the chores and let the cats go outside for a while.  It is a beautiful day on  the prairie today with temperatures in the mid 50’s.  A cold front with snow is coming in tonight.  I have a bad case of spring fever and am ready for the winter to be done.

I’ll go back into town this afternoon.  I have to pick Ellexia up from school at 3:09.  Tagen is riding the bus home.  They have requested spaghetti and meatballs for dinner.  That will be easy to make and they both usually eat it fairly well.  One more night and then tomorrow their parents return and I can return to my normally scheduled life.  It has been fun taking care of them but I am ready to go back home and get back to normal.

Saturday I have a morning shift of doing taxes and then I will have the rest of the weekend free.  Next week I have to go to the Endocrinologist in Topeka on Tuesday for my regular appointment with her.  I have a few things I need to shop for if the weather will permit.  It is to snow again on Tuesday.

I have tracked lots of mud into my house from doing chores.  Thinking I will wait and clean till next week.  More moisture is headed my way and no use cleaning it up and then tracking it back up.

Saturday when I finish my tax shift I need to buy some groceries.  I don’t have much food in the house.  I am doing better at getting back on track with my eating.  I haven’t been home to weigh first thing in the morning so am not sure where I am with my weight.  My pants still fit so thinking I am OK.  I feel better eating foods that fuel my body correctly.  Glad I was able to climb back on the wagon and stay free of flour and sugar.  I learned my willpower really drops when I am out of my normal routine and when I don’t feel good. I haven’t learned what food comforts me when I am sick as this is the first time I have been sick since I started eating Bright Lines Way.  Peanut butter sure tasted good but have found it is a trigger for me and makes me crave food I no longer eat.

Still sitting in my peaceful valley.  Have been a bit teary lately.  Not sure what’s up with that.  Allowing it to be what it is.  Missing my Match guy.  He is coming up the end of next week for two nights.  It will be good to see him again.  I kinda liked when we saw each other every other week better than waiting three weeks between visits. We both have been busy and couldn’t find a couple of days that both of us were free. He is teaching three Osher classes that take lots of time to prepare for.  I have been doing my tax thing as well as caring for the grandkids.

Grateful for this day at home on the beautiful prairie, grateful Ellexia is feeling better, and grateful my normal life will resume tomorrow evening.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Last evening Ellexia started running a temperature.  She had to stay home from school today.  So far her temperature is staying below 100 today.  She doesn’t have much energy and has laid in bed or in the chair most of the day.

We went out to do chores at the country house.  Afterwards we went to Walgreen’s and got a humidifier for her bedroom as well as some Tylenol.  Went to Freddie’s for lunch and came back to Ellexia’s house.  It has been a quiet day for both of us.

Not sure if she will be able to go to school tomorrow or not.  I’ll see if she spikes a temperature again tonight.  If not I will probably send her back to school tomorrow.  It is Valentine’s Day and a fun day to be at school.  We need to get her Valentine’s ready this evening in case she can go back to school tomorrow.

Glad I didn’t have a tax preparation shift to do today.  I was going to go out to my house and work on my own taxes but that will have to wait for another day.  I have been doing a bit of laundry and cleaning today.  The dogs have managed to track up the floors and they need cleaned up.

Tagen is going to go to his dad’s house tonight after school.  He is going on a cruise with his dad and family next week and the last thing we want is for Tagen to get sick this week or to come down with the crud while on the cruise.  If Ellexia is able to go to school tomorrow then Tagen will come here after school Thursday night.

I have tried to watch TV since I have been here and can’t find a thing worth watching.  Guess I haven’t missed anything by not having a TV.  I didn’t recognize the names of any of the programs that were on last night.  Ended up watching the dog show.  There was a beautiful Great Pyrenees in the finals of the herding group.

Ellexia has been counting down the days until her parents return.  She agreed the time has gone by fast and we have gotten along OK.  She said she may be braver now about spending more nights at my house.

I have the next two days to survive.  So far – so good.  It will be nice to get back home.

Grateful for the warmer weather today, grateful I was able to stay home and take care of Ellexia today, and grateful she is feeling better.


Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Four more tax returns completed. Had a few new things to learn today but it was another easy day.  We could have done a few more as I stood around with nothing to do for part of the time.  The people are most appreciative of our service.

Got Ellexia to school on time with a smile on her face this morning.  She had time to eat a bowl of cereal before we had to leave.  This morning routine is getting easier!

Went out to the country house and did chores.  Had to cart the trash down to the curb today.  It was slick and muddy and was a job to get it down the drive today.  The wheels on the cart picked up mud and resisted my efforts to pull it.  My boots picked up mud and were heavy and I was sliding in the mud.  Gave the dogs their HeartGuard and chickens water.  The chicken coop is one big mud pen.

I will go pick Ellexia up a little after 3:00 this afternoon.  She showed me where to be when I dropped her off this morning.  Little Caesar’s has Village School night tonight so we are going to get her a pizza for dinner.  I don’t know if they have salads or not – I may have to fix me something when we get home as I don’t eat pizza.

Tomorrow will be an easy day as I don’t have a tax preparation shift to do in the morning.  I will have to find something to do all day.  May go out to the country house and spend the day there.

I went to JCPenney’s and got Tagen three pair of sweat pants.  He will have to try them on and if they fit I will get them washed up for him and then go through his drawers and find some that are too small for him for me to take home.

My cough is much better again today.  It is almost gone.  I did have one big coughing fit this morning after I got up.  Ellexia was getting concerned about me for a bit.  Once I got through that I haven’t coughed much today.  Still working on drinking lots of extra fluids to help wash this crud out.  Grateful to be feeling better.  I am tired today again but I haven’t been sleeping very well the last two nights.  There is no place like home!

Almost halfway done with my babysitting job.  So far  so good.  This week is going by quickly.  It has gone very smoothly so far.  Trusting that will continue

Sitting in my peaceful valley.  I am getting back on track with my eating.  Maybe it is a good thing I am not home this week and haven’t been weighing each day.  Hopefully by Saturday morning I will be back to my normal weight.  It was a bit disheartening to have fallen off the wagon a bit after going a year clean.  Maybe I needed a little kick in the pants wake-up call.  I was able to avoid sugar and flour but ate grain and more chips than I should have.  My tummy did not approve of the extra food or the grains.

Grateful for another successful day of tax preparations, grateful to be able to deliver Ellexia to school on time and with a smile on her face, and grateful my cough is almost gone.


Monday, February 11, 2019

Got both kids to sleep by 9:30 last night.  We all slept in the king sized bed.  Around 3:00 I got up and moved to Tagen’s bed.  Both kids kept creeping closer to me and I was getting crowded.

I took my shower at 6:30 and then woke the kiddos up.  Tagen wasn’t feeling very good this morning but he rallied and was able to go to school.  Ellexia had time to eat breakfast before we had to leave.

Got both kids dropped off at the right spot and on time.  Both had smiles on their face when they got out of the car so I will call this morning a success.

I went by Sutherland’s to look for new bathroom faucets.  They had one but not the right color.  I’ll have to look when I get to a bigger city next time.  Went back to Michelle’s house and waited until it was time to go to the Senior Center for my tax preparation shift.

I did four returns today.  Ran into some new things but was able to figure out how to handle them.  I did have one that neither of the experienced people there could figure out how to do it.  At least that made me feel better as I was stumped.  Not sure how it is going to get resolved and neither of the leaders knew what to do either.

After I was done doing taxes I went out to the country house to do chores.  I ate lunch and took care of the critters and then came back into Emporia.  Went to the grocery store and got some food to fix for dinners the next couple of nights.

Ellexia got a ride home with her neighbor so I didn’t have to go pick her up.  She came in, got a snack and left again to go play with the neighbors.  She is to be home at 5:00 so we can have dinner.  Tagen went to his dad’s house tonight.

Ellexia brought home a note that Little Caesar’s is having Village School Night tomorrow night and we need to eat there.  Guess I know what she is having for dinner tomorrow night.

Today is my one year anniversary of eating the Bright Line Way.  Bright Lines represent four things that I will not do.  1.  No sugar or artificial sweeteners.  2.  No flour or flour products.  3.  Limited quantities.  4.  3 meals a day and no snacks.  On the year that I have followed this program I have lost 52 pounds.  I plan to eat this way the rest of my life so I don’t call it a diet as much as a lifestyle eating plan.

I weigh less now than I did when I got pregnant with Jason when I was 21.  It has become fairly easy and automated for me to follow the plan.  I learned that wheat and dairy are not my friends.  They are both allowed on the plan but I discovered my body doesn’t process them easily.  I limit how much fruit I eat as it is too sweet for me.  I can handle grapefruit, bananas, apples and berries.  I eat lots of veggies and I prefer mine cooked for the most part.  I eat nuts, meats, eggs, and beans as well as healthy fats.  I am rarely hungry and food has become pretty automated for me.  It has been a good experience for me and I am grateful I found it.

Today has been an easy day.  The kids were super helpful getting ready for school and telling me where to go to drop them off.  Taxes went easy too and I am feeling more comfortable doing them.  I even got to see a dear friend at the Senior Center today.  My cough is much better although it is hanging on for dear life.  I’m not so tired today and feel my energy coming slowly back.

Grateful for successfully getting the kids to school on time and with smiles on their faces this morning, grateful for the rain the prairie received today, and grateful for Bright Line Eating and the weight it helped me lose and keep off.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Tagen spent the night last night.  He was asleep by 10:00 and I followed shortly after. I woke up at 7:00 and got up.  Michelle and Tim brought Ellexia out around 7:45.  They woke Tagen up so they could say goodbye as Michelle and Tim left on vacation today.  I fixed the kiddos waffles for breakfast.  They hung out quietly all morning.  We had macaroni and cheese for lunch and then we came into Emporia.

Both kids are not feeling very well today.  I haven’t felt very good today either.  I lost my voice this morning for a bit and it came back and left again.  I have been really tired again today but thinking it has more to do with what I have been eating then my crud.  For some reason the last two days I have been wanting food I haven’t eaten for a year.  I had a bunch of potato chips today.  Chips are allowed but not in the quantity I ate them today.  Yesterday I ate some Chex Mix.  Again not much, but I hadn’t eaten stuff like that for a year.  Why now?

I have been really tired the last week and am thinking my will power is completely drained.  I realized today I have been eating lots of peanut butter the last week and am realizing that peanut butter must be a trigger food for me.  It must have led me to crave other foods.  Dang!  I was really liking peanut butter.  Somehow I will have to climb back on the wagon and clean up my diet.  Two bad days in a years time.  I need to put this in perspective.

Not sure what Plan B will be tomorrow if one or the other or even both kids can’t go to school.  I am scheduled to prepare taxes at 9:00 so have something I need to do.  Guess I will create Plan B tomorrow if it is actually needed.

I am ready for bed and it is only 6:30.  I could fall asleep right now very easily.  Both kids are about to crash too.  Maybe I can go around and move all the clocks up two hours and trick them into going to bed two hours early.

We have had an easy day today.  The two kids didn’t even fight with each other today.  Neither one has eaten a bunch either which makes me suspicious that they really don’t feel good.  Ellexia went and played with the neighbor kids but Tagen laid on his bed all afternoon.

Day one is almost in the books.  Five to go!  I can do this!

Grateful it is almost bed time for all of us, grateful day one is almost done, and grateful bodies heal quickly!

Saturday, February 9, 2019

I slept most of the night again.  Woke up a few times to go to the bathroom.  Finally woke up around 6:30 and stayed awake.   Decided to get my shower and eat breakfast and go into town a bit early so I could get some groceries before my tax preparation shift.

It felt like I was trying to cough up my toenails this morning so decided to get a face mask to wear while doing taxes so I wouldn’t cough all over someone.  I couldn’t find any at Walmart so had to go to Walgreen’s to get some.  Stopped and got an iced tea to keep my throat moist and went to the tax place.

Only did two returns today – both were easy.  I was able to watch the review process today and learned something both times.  Both clients got money back so they were happy.  One of the returns I did was for an ex-employee.  It was nice to see her.

After I was done doing taxes I went for a quick lunch and then went to watch Ellexia’s gymnastic meet.  I sat with her for over two hours before it was time for her to do her 5 second routine.  She placed fifth which isn’t bad considering this was her first meet.  I brought Tagen home with me as she had another event at 5:30 this evening and Tagen had been at the Symphony since 7:00 am and was done with it all.  Tagen and I have been chilling at my house this afternoon.

I am feeling better this afternoon.  I woke up coughing this morning but it seems to have finally quieted down.  I think I am on the last days of this crud – finally!

One of the clients that came today saw my mask and told me to stay far away from her.  She was not kidding!  I then heard her tell the leader that she didn’t want me to do her taxes.  Geez!  I wore the mask to protect her not alarm her.  I don’t think I am contagious anymore anyways.  Whatever!  I guess when something is free you get to be demanding.  The clients I did take were most grateful for my service and made up for the one rude lady.

Next week I do taxes Monday, Tuesday and Saturday mornings.  I was to have done them Wednesday evening but since I have grandkids they found someone else to cover that shift for me.  I am getting more comfortable doing them already and it is becoming fun to interact with the clients.  This is a good volunteer job for me.

Sitting in my peaceful valley enjoying having my grandson out here with me.  I have been texting my Match guy and laughing at his sense of humor.  I was in service to others earlier today and got to see my granddaughter perform.  Life is good!  I am blessed.

Grateful for feeling better each and everyday, grateful for time spent with grandchildren today, and grateful to have been in service to others today.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Finally a day that went according to plan A.  I went into the Symphony office this morning a little after 9:00 to help finish the Newsletter.  We were done around 11:45.  Stopped at Ad Astra for lunch and the Director of the Symphony was there.  She invited me to sit with her and ended up buying my lunch.  How nice was that?

Came home and rested.  My cough got activated this morning and I was worn out from coughing.  It finally quieted down this afternoon.  Went out and did chicken chores and walked down to get the mail.  It is cold outside but the sun has been shining all day which makes my soul feel warm.

When I first got up this morning and was walking to go to the bathroom I looked out my bedroom window.   The sun was just cresting above the horizon.  I consider it a sacred moment and an honor to watch the sun rise.  I actually slept for ten hours straight last night.  I was exhausted last night for some reason and went to bed at 9:30 and fell asleep almost immediately.  I didn’t wake up until 7:30 this morning.  I think I could get used to sleeping at night!  I’m tired again this evening so hoping for a repeat.  If I have taught my body how to sleep all night having this crud will have been worth it.

Tomorrow I have a tax preparation shift from 9:00- noon and then will go watch Ellexia do gymnastics for a bit.  Tomorrow is my last day off for a bit as I will be watching the grandkids all week.  I do need to make a Walmart run sometime tomorrow.  I haven’t been for two weeks and my list is getting long.

I finally got the kitchen cleaned up this afternoon.  I was so tired I went to bed with dirty dishes in the sink.  I rarely do that.  I also hadn’t folded and put away the laundry that I had washed yesterday.  Got things put back in order and needed to sit and rest a bit before I fix dinner.  When I move around a bit my cough comes back.  Uhhh….  I’m so tired of this crud!

Trying to think of some things I can fix the grandkids for dinner while I am watching them.  I would prefer we didn’t go out every night for dinner.  I am still not very hungry and nothing sounds good.  I was going to make a list and get stuff tomorrow but may have to get stuff day by day if I don’t get inspired soon.

Sitting in my peaceful valley.  I seemed to be camping out here for a bit which is fine with me.  The flu kinda knocked the stuffings out of me and I haven’t had the energy to take on anything other than sleep.  Puts things in perspective for me when I get sick.  Am starting to push myself a bit though as one can’t sit forever.  It felt good to walk to the mail box today.  Maybe next week I can start my training again.  I’m afraid that went away quickly when I got sick.  Maybe that is what caused me to get sick?  Doubt it but maybe that will become my story!!   Ha!

Grateful for the beautiful sunrise this morning, grateful the Newsletter is completed, and grateful my house is back in order.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Woke up to a cold house this morning.  The thermostat only showed 56 in the living room.  I immediately called the furnace repair man.  They weren’t sure they could get here today due to the icy roads.  However around 10:00 he showed up and got the furnace fixed.  Somehow water gets in the line and there is a safety shut off valve that closes.  No parts needed and my furnace was working again.  Jones Heating and Air is the best!  They always take good care of me.

I stayed home for a bit to make sure the house was really going to warm up.  Then I went into Cottonwood Falls to work on the Symphony Newsletter.  I worked from 12:30 until 4:45.  Came home and did chicken, dog and cat chores.  Man!  It was cold out there today.  Luckily I didn’t slip and fall on all the ice.  Felt good to get chores done for the day.

I am tired tonight.  I slept really good last night.  Only remember waking up once during the night and I was able to go back to sleep rather quickly.  That is rare for me but I kinda liked it.  My cough is still hanging around.  It is looser today and almost feels like I have asthma.  Maybe by tomorrow it will lessen and I will be over this crud.  This is day eight and that is enough for me!

Tomorrow I will go back in to the Symphony office and help get the last of the Newsletters sealed.  Hoping to be done by noon.  I don’t have anything I have to do in the afternoon but am thinking I may need a nap.

Saturday I have a tax shift to do from 9:00 – noon.  Ellexia is competing in a gymnastics meet Saturday and if she has an event in the afternoon I may go watch her.  Sunday morning I start my week-long babysitting with the grandkids gig.  Have a feeling next weeks will go by quickly.

I heard thunder and saw lightning for a bit last night. It was all followed by an old-fashioned ice storm.  It was a winter wonderland outside again today.  Most school districts around cancelled school and the sheriff’s office recommended no travel until noon.  The roads weren’t bad when I went to town at 12:30.

Bone chilling cold out there today.  My hot bath will feel especially good tonight.  My bones still feel a touch cold from this morning.

Grateful my furnace repair man was able to come so promptly and get heat back in my house grateful for space heaters and ovens that provide heat, and grateful for a hot bath to look forward to.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Well this day didn’t go as planned.  Woke up to another freezing drizzle type of day.  Decided not to drive into Cottonwood Falls to do the Symphony Newsletter.  My Prius  does not handle well on ice and decided it wasn’t worth the risk.  I’ll try it again tomorrow.

I was to have a shift preparing tax returns tonight from 5 – 8 but that got cancelled due to the icy roads.  I was grateful as I wasn’t looking forward to driving home in the dark on black ice.

So instead I ended up spending a quiet day at home.  I should have finished up my personal taxes but didn’t have the motivation to do so.  I really am not sure what I did all day long but here it is evening and the day has passed me by again.  I did go back to bed for a bit but didn’t ever go back to sleep.

Both Jason and Nicole called me today to check on me.  I am not sounding as good as I feel yet as when I talk I start coughing.  My voice is still a bit hoarse but is getting stronger.  Another day of rest didn’t hurt me one bit.

It was cold doing chicken chores this afternoon.  I drove down to the end of the driveway to get the mail and to bring the trash can back up to the house.  Just wasn’t in the mood to walk in the cold to bring it up.  The exercise would have been good for me though.

Starr has another bloody nose.  She has dripped blood all over the garage again.  I need to get her annual visit rescheduled and have them check her out to see if we can find out what is wrong.  She is starting to get a bit thin which has me a bit worried.  I am thinking by next week I will have the strength to handle her and take her in.

Thinking of suspending my Airbnb account for a bit.  My heart is not in the Airbnb right now.  I had raised the rate to discourage people from booking.  I have three more bookings that I will honor but am thinking that may be it.  My Match guy has a couple of trips he would like us to take this spring and summer and that sounds much more fun.  We haven’t nailed down dates and I don’t want to miss going on a trip because I get a booking.  If someone wants to stay and I know for sure I am going to be around I would probably accept the booking but not wanting to lock myself into future dates.  Airbnb books a minimum of three months out.

Tomorrow I am going to spend the day stuffing the Symphony Newsletter if I can get to their office in the morning.  This moisture is to move out of here by morning and the sun is to return.  I’m ready to get out of the house for a bit.  Other than getting out for a bit yesterday I have been home all the time for a week now.  Time to rejoin the world.

I was tired most of the day today.  No energy to do anything productive at all.  I’m ready to get back to normal – whatever that means.  I didn’t sleep well last night so at least my sleeping is returning to normal for me.  My cough is annoying the hell out of me.  I skipped my morning cough medication dose to try to wean myself off of that stuff.  I will drug myself up tonight so I can sleep some.  I wasn’t very hungry again today.  I could’t Do a big dinner tonight  just wasn’t hungry.  Ended up having a spoon full of peanut butter and a banana for dinner.  Better than nothing which is what I really felt like having.

When I shake my head it feels like I have a fly buzzing in my ear.  I bet I have some fluid trapped in my ear.  Drives me crazy!  Oh the little annoyance things of life.  And these too shall pass…..

Grateful for a quiet day at home, grateful Jason and Nicole called to check on me, and grateful I am returning to normal.


Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Did my first shift as a volunteer income tax preparer.  It didn’t go as planned but it ended well.  I did four or five returns.  Due to a scheduling clitch there were three preparers that all were doing their first shift with only one experienced reviewer there. The poor reviewer was kept hopping from person to person and trying to do the reviews on top of it.  Not sure why that was scheduled that way!

After the first one it was fairly easy.  The computer had a few hiccups that complicated things more than anything else.  Had a server error and had to log off and back in.  Luckily the work had been saved.  Another time I had to enter things several times as the save button wasn’t clicking correctly.  Evidently both issues are known to the system and a fix is on the way.

The people I worked with were most appreciative of my efforts and only one was in a bit of a hurry and got a bit impatient but it was all good.  Most of the returns were simple social security income ones although one had five income sources for the couple.  All my people got money back even if it was just the Homestead credit on the KS return.  The look on their faces when we confirmed that news was priceless.  Glad it was all good news!

I wore a mask again today as my cough is bad today.  It feels more like outer airway cough and not a deep cough.  My cough is annoying as hell but not a concern other than that.  The mask prevented me from coughing on someone else and having to wash my hands all the time.

I got done with my last client a little before noon and was able to leave.  The others still had clients to finish up.  The total system had crashed for about 10 minutes but had come back up.  I stopped at Dillon’s and got the few groceries I needed since I was on the East side of town.  The sidewalks and roads were getting slick due to the freezing drizzle that was falling.  I was glad to get home and tucked inside.

I ate lunch when I got home and then took a two-hour nap.  Just got up a bit ago.  I need to go down and do chicken chores yet this afternoon and then I will stay tucked up in the house.  I don’t like icy roads or sidewalks.  The chickens will need water this afternoon so will strap on my ice skates and head down their way when I get this done.

Tomorrow if I am feeling up to it I will go work on the Newsletter in the morning for a bit.  I have an evening shift tomorrow that starts at 5:00 of doing tax returns.  I’ll see how I feel tomorrow and will play it by ear to see how long I last at doing the Newsletter.  I am not as tired as I have been but was able to take a good nap today.  Slowly recovering and am not going to push myself too hard too soon.

Haven’t gotten anything done at home again today but didn’t have anything that had to be done.  I may call the plumber later today if I feel like talking to someone on the phone.  He may be able to have access to faucets easier than I do.  It would save me from having to go shopping.

It is a yucky day on the prairie today.  I was surprised when I came outside to go home at noon to find the roads slick.  We have had a freezing drizzle all day.  My windshield froze over when I tried to spray away the dirt on the way to town.  There is an ice coating on the grass and trees.  The sun has taken a vacation and won’t be back until Friday.  Dark, cold and dreary outside.  Winter has reared it’s ugly head one more time this year.  May this be its last blast of the year!

Grateful I was able to successfully complete the income tax returns I did today, grateful for a safe trip home on icy roads, and grateful for a mid-day nap which has refilled me and refreshed my body and soul.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Baby steps!  I got out of the house and went in to stuff the Newsletter this morning.  Only lasted a little over an hour.  Came home and crashed for three hours.  Didn’t make it back this afternoon and didn’t make it to another place I wanted to go today. But I guess I am making progress!

While I was sleeping I vaguely remember the pest guys coming in the house to do their thing.  When they scheduled the visit I didn’t think I would be home.  They came on in like I had told them to.  Later this afternoon the office called to check on me.  I guess they saw me sleeping and not moving and were concerned as I hadn’t moved when they talked.  I appreciated their concern and follow-up phone call.

Got my laundry folded and put away and the dishwasher loaded and the kitchen cleaned up this evening.  I actually fixed a normal dinner of grilled chicken and green beans.  Wasn’t able to eat all of it but felt good to attempt it.  Baby steps!

I am feeling better.  Still very little to no energy but the cough seems better today.  I wore a mask while I was stuffing Newsletters so I didn’t take a chance on giving this crud to someone else.  I don’t think I am contagious anymore as I have been fever free for three days now but am not willing to take a chance.  This stuff sucks!

I did manage to carry down a 25 pound container of chicken feed to the girls.  Only had to stop and rest once on the way down.  Thankfully they didn’t need water today so didn’t have to carry that too.  Funny how the simple things I normally do feel like huge obstacles today.

Tomorrow is my first day of income tax preparations.  Trusting my brain isn’t too foggy and I can muddle my way through it.  It is for a three-hour shift – I think I can stay awake that long.  I need some groceries so hoping I can stop at the store on the way home.  That may be asking too much though.  I’ll see what happens.

Drove the car down to get my mail again today.  I just didn’t have the strength to walk down and back.  Tomorrow I have to take the trash to the curb so will have to figure out a way to make that happen or else skip trash pick-up this week.  Oh the simple challenges of life!

My Sonos system is not working right.  I need to unplug my router and internet boxes and reset them to see if that will help.  The box is downstairs and haven’t felt like walking downstairs to do so.  Maybe I will yet tonight.  I really am feeling better but have absolutely no extra energy.

My life has been so simple these last few days.  Rest, nap, eat, rinse and repeat!  Sleeping 16 – 18 hours a day which for me is almost unheard of.  I normally get by on 3 – 5 hours a night.  Making up for lost sleep?  The days go by fast when I sleep that much.

Grateful for lots of sleep to help heal my body, grateful I was able to get out of the house for a bit today, and grateful I have been able to do what has to be done and allow the rest to wait for me to feel better.