Stayed up until 2:00 this morning. I sat and visited with one of my guests until 1:15 and then took a bath and finally went to bed. I was awake off and on all night long. Sure wish I could sleep at night as well as I can nap.
My guests left a little after 11:00 this morning. Started the first of several loads of laundry and have the dishwasher running. I’ll get the two bedrooms and bathrooms cleaned while I am waiting on laundry to finish. Two guests will be returning this evening and two more will be coming in tomorrow afternoon or evening.
I did an energy session for one of my guests yesterday. I hadn’t done a session for several months. Felt good to do one. I always find them so fascinating and never can predict what might happen during or afterwards. My guest seemed to think it was helpful. I gave her the number of someone in KC that does healings as she was interested in having some more work done and the drive here is too much for her.
Both of my guests had Chase County connections so we enjoyed talking about people we all knew. It is a small, small world sometimes.
Sitting and enjoying the sounds of silence. I so enjoy having guests come and I so enjoy when they leave! I will spend the afternoon refilling myself after having several long delightful conversations with my guests. Thankful I have a week of empty space ahead of me so I can enjoy the silence and beauty of the prairie.
May take a nap again this afternoon – seems to be a new habit I am developing. Need to get the first of two bedrooms finished before I can take a nap as I want to have the bedroom ready when my guests arrive later this afternoon.
My real estate partner called me this morning. He has found another rental property he thinks I would be interested in. I told him to go ahead and make an offer. I have been wanting to buy several more properties but the housing market has been so inflated lately that he hasn’t found one he would recommend I buy. He likes to buy them 10 – 15% below market value and ones that he would be able to flip quickly for me if I decide I want to sell them. I trust him completely. This won’t be the first house I have bought sight unseen. This one doesn’t need any immediate work done to it and already has tenants that will sign a one-year lease.
Grateful for the work I am doing out here on the prairie and the people I get to meet, grateful for the beauty and silence of the prairie this afternoon, and grateful for a business partner that is so trustworthy and honest.