Monday, September 11, 2017

I am cranky today. I didn’t sleep much last night. Woke up not feeling very good and had one of my spells. Starting to think I am having a mild thyroid storm daily as many of my symptoms are a mild version of what I felt when I went to the hospital minus the chest pain. I will be so glad when this all gets sorted out.

Kathy drive me into Emporia so I could get a prescription filled and get some things from Wal-Mart. I was a bit shaky and didn’t think I should be driving. What ever would I do without her?

After we got home and I put the stuff I bought away I cleaned the laundry room and hallway. The vacuum has been sitting where I left it the day I went to the hospital a week ago. It was time to put it away. When I get done writing I am going downstairs to finish cleaning the last bedroom and bathroom. I have the sheets off my bed and in the washer so I will get my bedroom cleaned today too. Feels good to get something done.

I wanted to change my family doctor’s appointment to a different time as I have something I want to do Wednesday morning. It took me seven phone calls spaced out over an hour to get to someone who could do that for me. I would either get no answer after letting it ring over 20 times or someone would come on the line and then transfer me to someone else and they didn’t answer. I was not in the mood for that today.

Still don’t have an appointment with an Endocrinologist. Trusting my family doctor can get that done for me Wednesday.

I am already tired of dealing with medical issues. I have much empathy for those that have chronic conditions and go to the doctor often. Nothing about this feels easy.

It is another beautiful day on the prairie. I love being able to have the windows open so I can hear my chickens celebrate when they lay an egg. I bought them a pumpkin when I was in town today. I will throw it in their pen and break it open. They will enjoy eating on it for the next couple of days. I got the biggest ugly pumpkin I could find.

Made biscuits and gravy for dinner last night. I seem to be craving comfort food and carbs.

When I get my cleaning done I might reward myself with a nap. I need to put myself in time out and stay away from people today. There was a meme on Facebook last week that said ” They tested my patience – it was negative”. That feels very true for me today. To my defense irritability is a symptom of hyperthyroidism. I think I will play that card today. Just a warning not to call or come see me today! I might not play nice.

Even Kathy left the house. She had an appointment to get the oil in her car changed. Thinking her timing was inspired!

Better times are coming. I will allow myself to be cranky today and then choose something better for myself tomorrow. Even I can’t do two cranky days in a row! All is well on the cranky prairie today!