Went to KC today for an eye doctor appointment and lunch with Nicole. Bought some more bras while I was at the mall which is where my eye doctor’s Office is. The eye doctor thinks my blurriness is caused by dry eyes and recommended a lubricating eye drop. I am to use it four times a day for one month then am to call her and let her know if the blurriness went away. She didn’t see anything in my eyes that would suggest any other cause. She dilated my eyes today – I hate that. It gives me a headache. My prescription changed slightly but not enough to warrant new lenses. Dry eyes is a side effect of hypothyroidism so that diagnosis feels correct.
Kathy, Nicole and I had lunch at Chipotle. It is one of my favorite places to eat lunch when I go to KC. I don’t think I have ever had a bad experience there. I was not a fan of their new Queso though. Think I will stick to the quacamole from now on. Nicole is leaving for Tahiti on Wednesday for her next adventure.
When I got home I got a call from the ultrasound place. My appointment is for November 14 in Topeka. Good thing it isn’t urgent. That 90 day deadline confuses me as the professionals don’t seem to be in a hurry to get things scheduled. Haven’t heard from the Endocrinologist office yet about my blood tests. I have enough pills to last till Thursday so I will wait until Wednesday to call them if they haven’t called me by then. I have a refill on my synthetic thyroid medication but am thinking they will want to increase the dosage as my levels are still dropping.
Got another set of blood work results via email this morning. My liver is not very happy and the ALT results were elevated. They have doubled in two weeks. I told Kathy my liver is pouting as it doesn’t have the thyroid to pick on. Hashimoto is an autoimmune disease which is caused by the liver. I’ll find out tomorrow at my physical if the elevation of ALT is normal after a thyroid is removed or if it is something else I will have to have checked out. The good news is the B6 seems to be helping me absorb more potassium as that level had increased to within .1 of being in range. My blood calcium level was really good. I will find out tomorrow if I need to have a consultation with a cardiologist to make sure the thyroid storm didn’t damage my heart.
Finally heard back from the leader of the retreat in Peru and he cleared me to attend even with the thyroid ablation that will be happening either before I go or when I return. Yeah! He did recommend if possible I have it done when I return home but if I can get it done before they will work with me. Not sure I want to travel after I have it done as you can be radioactive for up to three months after the procedure. Even though I can carry a letter from the doctor explaining why I set off the alarms at airport security I’m not sure I want to deal with that hassle. Especially since I will be traveling to a foreign country. Since the ultrasound isn’t until November 14 I probably don’t have time to get it done before I leave November 29. Now I can have Thanksgiving with my kids and not be in isolation. Looks like the ablation procedure will happen around Christmas though. That’s OK as Christmas is my least favorite holiday. Gives me a reason to skip it this year.
Did some reading about the grid for thyroid cancer. I have 29 points which is complied as a result of the type of cancer I have, the size that was found, and my age. The number of points you have dictates what the protocol for treatment is. From what I read if I go over 30 points they will recommend I have radiation treatment too. If the ultrasound shows any lymph node involvement that will add points. Also if the full body scan shows any cancer anywhere else in my body that will add points. The cancer marker results in my blood test can also add points depending on how high that result is. Fingers crossed nothing else shows up! I don’t have much wiggle room as I am close to being in the needing radiation range already.
One step at a time! No use borrowing trouble or worrying about what might happen. Thinking that is why the APRN didn’t want to broad brush what might happen. Until she gets the results of more tests she can’t tell me with certainty what needs to happen. Wished she had said that though instead of brushing me off. I do better when I prepare myself for several different outcomes.
Good news day all in all. Nothing seriously wrong with my eyes. I can still do the retreat in Peru!
Got to see Nicole. Safe trip to and from KC.
Cold and windy day on the prairie. I have a cranky liver. All is well on the prairie today!