Monday, October 2, 2017

Newman Hospital you disappointed me yet again. The Surgery Center had faxed them orders to do a blood test on me and had received a confirmation that the orders had been received. I went in two hours later and Newman’s denied they had received the orders!

I called the surgery center and had them send the orders to my doctor’s office lab instead. They received them and were able to draw my blood.

Newman’s need to figure out their information center and get it straightened out. So frustrating!

The nurse that called this morning went over my medical history. She will call me in the morning to tell me what time to arrive Wednesday morning. Sounds like I will only be there from four to five hours total.

I went into town and got chicken feed, dog food, Tums, and some soft foods in case I have trouble swallowing after surgery. Think I am set and ready to go.

Later this afternoon I am driving to KC. I’m going to spend the night with Nicole and take her to the airport early tomorrow morning. I’ll probably go back to her house after I drop her off and hang out there until it is time to pick Kathy up at 1:30. Any of my KC friends free tomorrow morning and want to hang out with me?

It is almost a summer day here today. Almost 90 and the wind is in a hurry. I was going to clean out the chicken coop but it is too windy for that. I got a mouth full of straw when I opened the door to pick up eggs.

Star has figured out how to get in and out of the front fenced area. Sophia still hasn’t figured it out thankfully. Sophia is much more content when Star is in the fenced yard with her. There was even one of the cats hanging out with them this afternoon.

May take a nap this afternoon if I can fall asleep. I slept a bit last night but not much. Better than I had the two previous nights but certainly not five hours straight. I am sure trusting this surgery will help me be able to sleep.

Got the guest beds made up and the trash emptied. I don’t clean much more than that until the next guests come. It is so dusty things don’t stay clean very long around here.

I’m tired and cranky this afternoon. My soul hurts hearing about yet another mass shooting. Need to ground myself well this afternoon and refill my soul with love and light. There is so much hate in the world. I need to make sure I don’t get pulled into the muck pond from the weight of it. There is also more love in the world than hate. Some days I forget that though. Going to spend the rest of the afternoon looking for love and reminding myself it always wins!

All is well!