Sent a note to the Endocrinologist last night about not being able to stop my weight loss. She responded this morning and wanted me to go in for a stat blood draw. I drove into Emporia mid-morning and had the blood drawn. Just got the results and my TSH is higher than it should be but not in the dangerous range. I was concerned it was too low and my metabolism was too fast. I haven’t heard from her office to see what she wants to do. I’m thinking she will increase my medication dose to suppress my levels but she may take a wait and see approach. I appreciate the way she responds so quickly to my messages. My primary doctor doesn’t do that.
I must have more blood drawn Friday to check the Antibody levels. Wish they could have done both today but insurance wouldn’t have paid for it as it was four days too early!
Glad to know it isn’t low thyroid levels causing the continued weight loss. Low thyroid levels is what caused my thyroid storm way back when all this started over a year ago. It can be life-threatening in not caught soon enough. Back to the drawing board trying to figure out how to stop the weight loss.
Did some cleaning downstairs this morning. Found two light bulbs burned out which led me to clean some light fixtures in the bathrooms. I get distracted easily! Still need to do the floors and the house will be ready for my student to return tonight and the guests coming in Wednesday night. My Marine won’t be here this week so no use cleaning his room until next weekend.
Got a dusting of snow overnight. Most of it is gone already as the sun is shining very brightly this afternoon. We are to have a hard freeze tonight. It is too wet to mow so will have to wait and mow one last time after things dry out a bit. I am not ready for winter yet! Glad I will be gone during November – maybe that is when most of our winter will happen his year and I will get lucky and miss it.
Got some groceries while I was in town today. I picked up a few things for our Thanksgiving Dinner. I always make the kids Chex Mix and send a gallon bag home with them on Thanksgiving. I picked up the stuff to make a big batch but forgot Worcestershire Sauce so can’t get it made until I go back to town. I make it ahead and freeze it. I used to love that stuff but won’t be able to eat it this year. That stuff is getting expensive to make!
May go to Wichita tomorrow and go to Costco. I am almost out of chicken tenders and a few other things. Thursday I am getting a late start to go to KC and am not sure I will have time to go while I am in KC. Anyone want to ride along tomorrow?
Have some more cleaning to do today. I didn’t sleep much last night as I took a nap yesterday. I am really tired today but am going to attempt to keep moving and not give in to taking a much-needed nap. It starts a cycle that I don’t like! Nights sure are long when you can’t sleep.
Have you ever noticed the synchronization of the memes that are on your Facebook wall? I get many of them from different sources and am always amazed how they carry the same message – especially when it is a message I need to hear. Today they all seemed to be saying to stay true to myself and to keep my standards high. I needed to hear that today! Thank you Universe.
Grateful for the prompt response from my Endocrinologist this morning, grateful for the way the Universe sends me messages so I can hear them loud and clear, and grateful for the bright sun shining today. My soul needed that today!