Monday, October 10, 2022

Quiet day on the prairie today. Jim went to town to run some errands but I stayed home.  I haven’t gotten much done today except for finishing up the mowing.  Just didn’t have much energy or motivation to do anything today.

My lack of sleep is catching up to me.  I finally took another hot bath around 5:30 this morning and was then able to sleep for 3 hours.  It sure makes for a long night when I can’t find sleep.  I felt a bit hungover today – maybe I should have tied one on if I am going to have a hangover feeling.

I need to go to town tomorrow and pick up my prescriptions.  Not sure they are all sorted out but will go see what they have.  According to my on-line records the Endocrinologist office called in the wrong Synthroid dose but according to her nurse they called in the correct one.  I’ll find out tomorrow which is correct. I’m not sure it makes that much difference anyways as the pill doesn’t do much for me.

Starting to feel the urge to knit something.  I may go down and dig through my yarn and see if I can find enough to make something.  I have tons of yarn but not sure the right amount in the right colors to make a blanket.  I am not going to buy new yarn until I make a dent in the stash I already have.  I have some baby yarn I could knit into a baby blanket if that urge strikes.  I haven’t knitted in a long time.  I need to do something with my hands that is productive.  Not sure what I would do with another blanket but at least I would produce something.  They seem to find homes sooner or later.

Just noticed the beautiful full moon.  I missed it coming up on the horizon but caught it while it is still reddish and not too high up.  It was bright enough last night that I didn’t need to turn lights on when I got up to go to the bathroom.  I love the light of the moon on the prairie and the moon shadows it casts.

Grateful for a quiet day at home, grateful for the beauty of the moon, and grateful for my yarn stash.