Monday, November 11, 2024

I got up and after I had breakfast I went to the rental house to paint. I painted for about four hours today. I got the walls in the living room done and most of the kitchen and bathroom walls. Still have to finish the two bedrooms and hallway walls. Have lots of woodwork left to paint.

I did stop at Sutherland to get a ladder. I needed one that had a paint ledge. They had what I needed although it was a bit taller than I really wanted but what I got works.

I stopped and had lunch and around 3:00 and then came home. I am tired. Four hours of painting was probably at least one hour too much.

Tomorrow I have someone coming over at noon to get some help with their taxes. I will probably not paint tomorrow and get caught up on some things around home. Wednesday the furnace guy is coming to check things out at the rental house at 9:30. I have exercise at 11:00 so plan on getting some more painting done then. I may go back after exercise and do some more painting. I would really like to get the painting done this week but not sure that is realistic.

Thursday and Friday I have nothing on my calendar so can do lots of painting then if my body will allow it.

I found a new to me person that does You Tube videos about energy. As she talks, the things she is saying feel very true to me. She offers a class that I am seriously considering taking. I need a new mentor and teacher and she helps me find words for what I have been intuitively been getting. I have felt for sometime we are undergoing a major shift in the world’s energy. She helped me understand it is OK to not understand what the next step is. We are being called in go inside and discover our own power. Then as we go out into the world to allow our light to shine. I can still get stuck in “doing” instead of “being” and I don’t understand how that is enough. On one hand I can see how it is but on the other hand I stuggle to get it. I think if I spend some time learning more I can make that transition and help others do it also.

I haven’t had a teacher for a long time and it is time for me to find one. The class I took on boundaries was life changing and helpful. I had thought that was the way I wanted to go but could never pull the trigger and jump in all the way on it. This new opportunity feels like it will take me deeper and be more of what I am looking for.

Grateful for teachers and mentors, grateful more painting got done today, and grateful for a beautiful fall day.