This has definitely been a rest and recovery day. Both Kathy and I have had no energy today. I had to go into Emporia for exercise but otherwise have done absolutely nothing today.
Exercise gave me a bit of energy. Or maybe it was the Excedrin Migraine I took before I went? I felt like I had a bad hangover and I didn’t drink anything yesterday.
I think the emotion of the weekend caught up to me today. I actually slept last night but didn’t wake up feeling very rested. I think I am soul tired and it will take more than sleep to help that. I need a week of quiet days at home with lots of rest and empty space to heal the hurt in my soul. Not sure how long this one is going to take to refill my soul. Guess how ever long it takes!
Every Monday at exercise we do a new video. Today I used a towel and did arm and leg stretches. Class was 45 minutes this time but the time went by quickly. My trainer had a child graduate yesterday too and we were both very tired today. I’m glad I went as I felt better afterwards. It was very hard getting my ass to town today though.
My Aunt Jeanie’s graveside service is tomorrow morning north of Wichita. Kathy and I plan on going. There is a chance a couple of my cousins are going to come too in addition to the two sons of my aunt. We are all planning on going for lunch afterwards. It will be great to see some of my cousins that I haven’t seen for a long time, although I wish the circumstances were different.
I made an appointment to take Roxy to the Vet on Wednesday. She has a lump on her chest that I need to get checked out. I’m grateful she got a haircut so I noticed it. Wonder if it was there when they cut her hair or if it has popped out since? Surely they would have noticed it when they cut her hair. No idea what it might be.
I won’t get a day to stay home all day until this weekend. I have something to do everyday this week. Luckily most of the time each day is free and I will offer myself some grace and not push myself to get something crossed off my to do list. Everything on it can wait for another day or week.
I called two different people to see if I can find someone to clear the fence line at the back of the house. One hasn’t returned my call yet and the other is not sure he has time for it. I am to text him some pictures and he will get back to me. Guess it isn’t a rush job but sure would like to find someone to clear it out for me. Some small trees need cut down and lots of bush and overgrowth need cleaned out. Anyone know of anybody that does that type of thing? Too big of job for me to handle.
Still need to finish hanging pictures. I’m tired of my dining room table being full of the tools I use to do that project. I’m so tired though that the task of hanging pictures feels too big for me to tackle right now. I will get to it – sooner or later.
Feeling a bit ungrounded and unsettled today. I know my body, mind and spirit are not all in the same time zone right now. I keep reminding myself to allow what is and for it to take as much time as it takes to come back in alignment. It is an uncomfortable place to be but allowing it and keeping out of resistance will help this pass. It is hard to process all that has happened this last couple of weeks. It will take some time and patience and grace.
Grateful for the love of my dear Aunt Jeanie, grateful for exercise class today and grateful for Excedrin Migraine.