I went to Emporia High at 1:00 to watch Ellexia play in another tennis tournament. Today she won one out of three sets. She had quite the support system there today as her parents, brother and his girlfriend, Papa and Nancy and myself were there. It was fun watching her compete. It was a good day to sit out and watch her play. I had to keep my heavy coat on most of the time though as the wind made it feel cooler than it was.
Craig and Nancy took the kids and myself out to dinner when the tennis tournament was over. We went to Panda Express. It was nice to get to spend some time with all of them.
Ellexia told me one of the three players she played against today cheated. She wasn’t sure how to handle it and finally decided to not let him get to her and that it really didn’t matter who won. That situation sure puts the kids in a hard place. Do you make a deal out of it or not and if you do make a deal out of it who do you take it to? Tennis can help these kids learn lots of life lessons.
I saw a dear friend of mine at the tournament. He told me his wife has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and is struggling with her short term memory. My heart breaks for him and for her and the journey they have in front of them. What a cruel disease Alzheimer’s is. It is so painful to watch them go through this and know it is going to get worse for them.
I came home really tired. Sitting out in the sunshine and wind wore me out. I had trouble falling asleep last night and didn’t get as much sleep as I would have liked. It may be a very early bedtime for me tonight.
I’m hoping the wind will calm down tomorrow so I can get out and paint for a bit. It has been too windy the last couple of days to paint. We shall see what happens. I don’t have anything on my calendar tomorrow except a music program at a grade school that my grandson is singing in. Not sure I will make it in for that. I hated those things when my kids were in them and made myself go to them back then. Not sure I can make myself go to more of them.
I will need to run to town tomorrow to deposit a rent check. Not sure I have anything else to do in town and hate to go to town just for one thing. Maybe I can think of something else to do while I am in town.
Wednesday I have to go to Topeka to my cardiologist appointment in the morning. I will probably go to Chipotle for lunch afterwards as that is my favorite place to eat. I can’t think of anything I need from a big city so don’t have any other errands to do while I am in Topeka.
Thursday I am getting my teeth cleaned at the Vo-Tech at 8:00 in the morning. That is way too early for me these days. Not sure why I agreed to that early time. I don’t get up and moving that early most days.
I still need to get to Costco in either KC or Wichita one of these days soon. Not sure when I will work that in to my schedule. I need some stay at home days and don’t like to over book myself. I will get there sooner or later.
I let the chicks out this morning before I went to town to watch the tennis tournament. I’ll go down closer to dusk and lock them up. Not sure if they went out in the wind today or not.
My neighbor let me know I have gravel coming for the driveway later this week. I appreciate him arranging the delivery of it. I have a spot on the driveway that has really washed out since last time we got gravel a year or two ago. It will be good to get that little project taken care of.
I need to call the guttering guy and the plumber tomorrow and follow up with each of them on those two pending jobs. I hate being a nag but I can’t get them out here unless I nag. I want both of those things crossed off my pending list.
Still sitting in a good head’s space. I didn’t get drained today at the tennis tournament. I am tired but that feels physical and not emotionally tired. My high thyroid levels have been making me feel more fatigue than usual. I will be grateful when they settle back down and I feel more like myself again. It feels it has been awhile since that has happened.
The pace of my life seems to have picked up and I am not staying home so much. Not sure if that is a good thing or not. It does feel good to be getting out more but I miss staying home more. Balance is my key word for the year and finding the balance between staying home and getting out can be a challenge. I guess as long as I am staying “full” when I am out and about I am doing OK. If I start coming home feeling drained often I will know that I am out and away too much.
Grateful to have spent time with family today, grateful the blue skies and beautiful weather today, and grateful I can stay home most of tomorrow.