Happy May Day! May is one of my favorite months of the year. Flowers are blooming. Grass is green. Trees are green. So much hope in the air!
I went into Emporia this morning to get groceries. I’m fixing Bierrocks for dinner. Got stuff to make a pot roast for tomorrow. I have invited the kids out for dinner but not sure they are free to come. Nicole wants me to freeze some left overs and bring them next time I go to KC. Bierrocks are a family favorite.
Took greens down to the chickens and the rooster came after me again. I had my stick with me and hit him good a couple of times with the stick. Usually after I hit him hard he leaves me alone for a bit.
Wow is the wind in a hurry today. Hopefully blowing away all the clouds and rain for a bit. I am ready for some blue skies and sun shine again. It is starting to warm up some but with the high wind it is hard to appreciate the warmth.
I am a touch sore today from my weed pulling adventure yesterday but not too bad. I haven’t had to take Advil yet. It feels good to move my body and be a touch sore. I don’t like it when I can hardly move because I am so sore. My feet are both cranky today but I think that is because of the weather change. They didn’t like me wearing my muck boots yesterday.
I have a pile of loose straw in the garage so It can be put down for fresh bedding for Sophia’s pen. When I opened the garage to go to town today the straw blew all over the garage. Time to get a tote and put the clean straw in it. I need to get hold of my straw people and get some more ordered for summer. I am almost out. I didn’t count on having puppies and using so much if it when I ordered it last time. I use it for the chicken coop bedding.
Still need to figure out a good way to back up my blog material. I have it being sent to Dropbox but it copies and sends all of the blog not just the text. At this rate I will run out of storage space with Dropbox. It also sends it as a zip file and I can’t unlock it with my iPad. Sometimes technology and I don’t like each other. It seems so simple yet I can’t figure it out sometimes. I really don’t want to loose any more of my blogs though. I lost all of last year’s and until April of this year’s material. Maybe I just need to print it out daily and keep it that way.
Windy day. Bright blue skies. Sun is shining. All is well on the prairie today!