Monday, March 5, 2018

Took my car into Cottonwood Falls to be serviced this morning.  They returned it to me washed and vacuumed.  I almost didn’t recognize my car!

I noticed lots of cars at the courthouse and was told there is a jury trial today.  Glad the one on Friday was cancelled and I got out of jury duty this time.

Walked over to the Symphony office to see if it was time to iron aprons for the June Symphony event.  They sent about 80 aprons home with me to iron this afternoon.  Have all but 20 of them done.  Needed to take another little break and then I will get them finished yet today.   They sent a flat piece of cardboard with me to lay them out on as I finish ironing them.   Not sure I can get it into their building with the aprons still on it with the wind blowing so hard.  May wrap them in Saran Wrap when I am done and see if that will work.

I enjoy ironing when I don’t have to do it.  That used to be one of my chores when I was a kid.  I ironed my work uniforms for the longest time as well as Craig’s stuff.  Eventually got smart and found a different way to do uniforms.  I rarely iron anything now as I hang stuff right out of the dryer.

It has felt good to have a service project to do for the day.  Wouldn‘t want to have something to do everyday but once in a while I enjoy having a little project to do.

The sound of the wind could drive a person crazy.  I haven’t seen it blow this hard all day for a bit.  The swings are a rocking and rolling this afternoon.  Sure trusting no one throws a lit cigarette out of a car window on highway 50.  A fire would be very hard to stop with these high winds.

Brought up another tote of yarn last night.  I was able to dump it in the tote in the closet.  So nice to empty out another tote!  I thought I had only saved yarn that had matching end trim pieces but am struggling to find matching trim yarn.  Not sure if I will break down and get some more trim pieces or just give that yarn away that doesn’t have trim pieces that match.  Guess I will knit up what does have matching trim pieces and decide later.  Maybe I have a tote of trim pieces somewhere I haven’t found yet.  This is my second empty tote since I started knitting again.  I was afraid to count how many more I have.  Three less downstairs than when I started!  Progress!

I was bored yesterday afternoon so replaced the lining in some kitchen drawers.  Used up one whole package of shelf paper and almost a second one.  I was sorting stuff in the pantry and found the shelf paper.  Love when I can use up stuff that is sitting around.  I had forgotten I had some leftover paper.

Still have some more work to do in the pantry but with the food I no longer eat out of it I have several empty shelves now.  Makes me want to have a couple more empty shelves.

Quiet head space day again.  Feel like I am floating down a gentle stream and life is easy right now.  After the year I had last year I am appreciating this pause from drama and enjoying the gentleness of life that has presented itself to me right now.

Grateful for a service project to do today, grateful for the bright blue skies, and grateful for a clean car.