I went to Emporia mid morning today to drop off my old iPad at CVS for the UPS return. They don’t give me a receipt of any sort so it is a lesson in trust.
I stopped by Tagen’s to pick up the plumber’s bill so I can get that paid. Found out that now his bathroom has a drip that they can’t stop. It is going to take this plumber three trips to get this job right. Tagen is to text the plumber and let him know. I don’t think I will be using this plumber again.
I stopped at Spangles and had lunch. The food was hot and fresh and the service was excellent. I felt right at home as all of their eat in customers were my age or older. It must be the place for the senior citizens in Emporia to eat.
I didn’t stop to get groceries. I decided it could wait a couple of days as I didn’t need anything today. I have to go back to town Wednesday and Thursday to do taxes and I can stop one of those days.
I went to fold laundry today and got puzzled. The clothes I wear were on top of the towels. I had washed the clothes I wear and couldn’t figure out how they got on top of the towels. I folded the clothes and when I got to the towels the first one I picked up wasn’t completely dry. I got to looking at them and realized they hadn’t been washed yet. I asked Kathy about it and she said she had pulled my clothes out of the dryer and put them on top of the dirty towels which were in a basket on top of the dryer. It caused me to have a WTF moment. Dang, life is hard sometimes! Ha!
We have a chance for some winter weather overnight and then again tomorrow afternoon. Trusting this will be the last blast of winter weather this season. I’m grateful I don’t have any plans for tomorrow and can stay tucked in warm and dry all day. Trusting the roads will be clear by Wednesday morning so I can get to town to do taxes. This is a rescheduled day from the storm a week ago. Trust we won’t have to reschedule them for the third time.
Saturday night is the night we change to daylight savings time. I sure wish the laws would change so that we stay on the same time all year long. It takes me a couple weeks to adjust to the time change each time we do it.
I got a notice about a recall on my car. I need to remember to call the dealership and see if they have the parts to fix it so I can get it taken care of. I also need to call and schedule a haircut. I forgot to do that today.
Feeling a bit restless again tonight. The energy right now feels huge and chaotic. It is hard to find my grounding and stay there. And this too shall pass. I will continue to work on finding my center and blocking out anything that pulls me away from that. It feels isolating and lonely sometimes but this too shall pass.
Grateful the iPad got sent on its way today, grateful I figured out my laundry puzzle, and grateful I have the privilege to isolate as needed to hold my ground.