Monday, March 18, 2019

It has been a more productive day for me than yesterday was.  I was in town by 9:15 for my doctor’s appointment.  Had to have some blood drawn for a test he had ordered.  The guy that drew my blood was good.  I didn’t even feel the needle go in.

The doctor changed me back to the same blood pressure medication I had been taking.  I am to cut the pills in half as a way to get around the insurance company not allowing the smaller dose pills in what they cover.  He told me to play with the dose and see if I can find out what works best for me.  He suggested I do 50 one day and 25 the next and see what that does.  He would prefer I not skip days although if my BP goes too low he said I could.

Stopped at Walmart after my appointment and picked up some shampoo and conditioner for my trip.  I came back home and started cleaning.  I got the laundry room cleaned really good and washed out the cat box and food containers.  They had made a big mess back their last week.

Used the weed blower to clean out the garage a bit.  I had spilled chicken feed and it was a mess with that and all the mud I and the dogs have been tracking in.  The garage looks better now.  It isn’t clean by any means but doesn’t look trashed.

Am working on packing for my trip.  I had gotten a bunch of nuts that I divided up into individual bags.  I did the same with a big bag of Epsom salt.  That stuff is heavy and this way each night I can grab a small bag out of the car and take it in if where we are staying has a bath tub.  Still need to finish packing but I have my list made out so it won’t take long to put things in a suitcase.  When I go on a road trip I always take too much stuff as I have room to take extra stuff.  At some point I will need to do laundry as I don’t have three weeks worth of clothes to take.

Still have a bit of cleaning left to do but am getting close to being able to leave tomorrow and have a clean house for the house sitter to come into.  With the windows open and the dust blowing in I’m not sure the house will be dust free.  Soon there will be ash blowing in from the prairie fires.

I have a big bruise on my hand.  I must have hit it when I was cleaning out the chicken coop Saturday.  The damn chickens didn’t even give me one egg today.  I gave them an R rated talking to when I went down to gather eggs and there weren’t any in the boxes.  I only have one egg for breakfast tomorrow.  All that work cleaning out their coop and nothing to show for it.  The slackers!

I had a rough night trying to sleep last night.  I had slept fairly well the two nights before that. Sure wish I could figure out the sleep issue and solve it.  So frustrating to lay in bed most of the night awake and not be able to stay asleep.

When I got up to go to the bathroom around 3:00 the moon was bright enough I didn’t need to turn a light on.  I love the way the moon lights the prairie at night when she is almost full.  It feels almost magical to me to witness the shadows she casts on the hills.  Wednesday night is a Super Moon and it happens to be Spring Equinox.  I have sure felt the power of the coming full moon this month.  I have warned my Match guy he might be in for a storm from me.  He told me he would fix a padded room for me if needed.

I’m excited to see my Match guy tomorrow afternoon.  It will be fun to spend three weeks with him.  This trip is different from the last one as this time we will be visiting family for most of the time.  It could be interesting!

Grateful the house is almost all cleaned, grateful for a productive day, and grateful I get to see my Match guy tomorrow.