Monday, June 19, 2017

Took Craig out to dinner last night to honor him for being the father of our children. We hadn’t had a chance to visit for a bit so it was nice to catch up with him. I’m not sure I was very good company though as I had trouble staying awake.

I went to bed early last night and woke up around 2:00. I couldn’t go back to sleep so got up and did some laundry, started the last load of dishes, and made some beds. Finally went back to sleep around 6:00 and slept my second sleep until 9:30. I often do two sleeps in a night. Always grateful for the second one and grateful I don’t have to be some where most days so I can sleep in if needed.

Got all the guest bedrooms put back together again. The dishes are all put away and the refrigerator is cleaned out and reorganized again. Still need to do the kitchen floors and clean the bathrooms and I will be done with recovery mode except for my body. My feet are still yelling at me today and I still feel tired. I’m sure by Wednesday even I will be put back together again.

I noticed today I am missing some wash cloths, towels and hand towels. I remember noticing that the end of my season last year and had forgotten to do any thing about it. The first retreat I had last year I came up missing a bath rug. I color coordinate each room so I know where to return laundry to. I’ll have to check on-line and see if the style of linens I use is still available. Not sure what I will do if they are not. Maybe I am the only one that would notice if the wash cloths don’t match the towels. Wonder why they disappeared.

I didn’t make it to the gym this morning. Trusting tomorrow I will be ready to start my new commitment to working out. Didn’t have it in me today. Maybe I can ride my stationary bike this afternoon to get me started.

Some friends are coming over in a bit so we can do a summer solstice ceremony together. I love these celebrations. They help me stay connected to nature and her wisdom. Always good to see my friends as a bonus.

So enjoying my empty space today. The quiet music playing in the back ground is so relaxing. Just what my soul needed for today.

Need to get my tires rotated, the oil changed and take the cats to the vet for their annual shots sometime this week. I don’t have anything else on my schedule so it is a good week to get that stuff taken care of.

I have another crack in my windshield. It is high enough up on the passenger side I may not spend another $450 to get it repaired. I just got a new windshield in May. This crack happened when a truck passed me on the Turnpike. Hate when that happens!

Feels good to be sitting today. Looking forward to my friends coming. It is a cool, cloudy day on the beautiful prairie today. All is well and put back together again.