Monday, June 18, 2018

My guest finally found me last night – or maybe I found her.  She called and confirmed directions so not sure how she got lost but she did.  I couldn’t figure out where they were so had them go back to Strong City.  I drove in and they followed me to my house.  First guests that couldn’t find me!   Her 86 year-old grandfather was driving her out here so maybe that explains part of it.

She called the Chase County Transportation van and it came and picked her up and took her to town so she could get some lunch and dinner.  She doesn’t have her own car.  I didn’t know the Chase County van would come out here to pick someone up.  Nice to know in case a future guest needs it.

Went to Topeka to see the Endocrinologist this morning.  She said I am her patient of the month.  She is very pleased with my blood levels, a clear ultrasound and my weight loss.  I will repeat the ultrasound and blood tests in October and then go see her again next February when we will repeat everything again then.

Had an interesting conversation with her regarding me going off processed foods, flour and sugar.  She ask what prompted me to go off sugar and flour.  I told her it was my belief that sugar feeds cancer and I needed to do my part to make sure the cancer didn’t come back.  She told me there was a study done with breast cancer patients and it found the patients that were able to go off processed foods, flour and sugar had a much lower reoccurrence of their breast cancer.  It doesn’t 100% prevent it but it does lower the risk.  The same study has not been done with thyroid cancer patients but she said in her own practice she sees the same type of results as the patients that give up sugar, flour and processed foods have a much lower reoccurrence rate.  Wonder why she didn’t suggest that road to me last time I saw her?  Glad I figured it out on my own though and she validated I am taking a solid preventive step to help prevent a reoccurrence of the cancer.

She ask if I wanted her theory on my atrial flutter.  Of course I said yes.  She said when I was in the thyroid storm it probably did some damage to my heart’s electrical system.  Statistically over 60% of people who have a thyroid storm develop atrial fib.  Most of those (80%) don’t have any future problems once their thyroid levels are managed. Some continue to have issues.  That would be me!  She said to keep following the Cardiologist and she will keep checking my thyroid levels often.  Her hope would be as my body continues to heal and stabilize the number of atrial flutter episodes I have will continue to decrease.  Ablation, which is the only permanent fix,  is usually only done if atrial fib is a daily occurrence.

The Cardiologist office finally called me back today.  He had been out of the office last week.  I had ask to have my blood thinner medication dose reduced as I am bruising so easily.  The nurse said the Cardiologist doesn’t want to do that yet.  I have an appointment with him in August and I could ask again then.  I was hoping with the stress test results back that he would take me off of it completely.  Guess I will see what he has to say in August.  Not sure I agreed to stay on this medication long-term.  I haven’t had any atrial flutter since early in my trip in Italy so it has been almost a month now without an episode.  Atrial flutter increases the odds of having a stroke so the blood thinner is a precaution, however, taking the blood thinner has its own risks too.

Got a surprise phone call today.  When I lived at the house on 15th Ave I had two stain glass windows custom-made and put in the entry way.  The lady that lives there now has completely remodeled the house and they don’t fit with her decor.  She offered to give them back to me!  Not sure where I will put them as I don’t remember for sure what size they are.  A friend offered to help me get them out here for me.  I bet I can find a place for them.  I remember how much I loved them and I can’t believe I am going to get them back.  What a nice gift!

Have another guest coming in later tonight and staying until Thursday.  The guest that is here now will be leaving tomorrow morning.  At least I don’t have to flip a room quickly tomorrow as the next set of guests don’t arrive until Thursday.  I will only have to flip one room on Thursday.

Tomorrow I am going to visit with a friend and he will help me make my Medicare insurance supplement decision.  I will be glad to get that taken care of.  I am anxious to know how much it will cost!  Not sure I want to know but knowing is always better than guessing.

Nicole ask me to go with her to Australia and New Zealand later this year.  Hadn’t planned on taking another big trip this year but hard to say no.  I’ll need to think about it for a bit and decide.  Going to Australia and New Zealand is on my 70 things to do before I turn 70 list.  The offer is very tempting.  Guess it doesn’t matter if I spend the money this year or next year!  Maybe if the Airbnb stays as busy as it has been I will make enough to cover the cost.

Last night I had blocked off two weeks in July from my Airbnb calendar.  I accepted a 13 day stay in August and already had a five-day stay in August on the calendar.  July has two weeks booked already too  I realized I needed to block off some time to get a break so I didn’t burn out.  If I decide to go to Australia and New Zealand I may open those days back up.  I had thought about taking a road trip in July but will need to decide if I want to do that or the bigger trip later.

Overall this has been a great day.  Good news from the Endocrinologist and I am so happy about getting the two stain glass pieces back.  I never dreamed that might happen.  An invite to go to Australia and New Zealand doesn’t happen every day either.

Grateful for my intuition that lead me to go off flour and sugar and for finding a program to help me do so, grateful for getting the stain glass pieces back, and grateful for being ask to go to Australia and New Zealand – oh the possibilities!