Monday, June 12, 2023

Three of us gathered around the swings and practiced Tonglen last night. It was a gentle, peaceful evening and we are discovering the power of Tonglen. At one point between practices, the birds were flying all around. When we did our four minute practice, the birds became quiet. When we were done with our practice, the birds started singing again.

I have been having a low energy day. Not motivated to do anything. Maybe I needed a rest day to recover from yesterday. What ever is going on, I am honoring my body and not doing anything today.

I went up to my house this morning after I did chores here. I took care of the chores at my house and sat all morning. Came back to the neighbor’s house around 1:00 to let the dogs out and then went back to my house. I had lunch and then came back to the neighbor’s house after I fed Kathy’s cat. I am going to watch some more Call the Midwife this afternoon and continue doing nothing the rest of the day.

I sent a note last Thursday to the Nurse Practitioner at the Endocrinologist office. I asked her if she was sure I should stay on the higher dose of the Tirosint medication for my thyroid. My levels were 2.1 when I had them checked last week and she recommended I still stay on the higher dosage. She finally responded today and confirmed that she wants me on the 125 dosage and then have my levels checked in 4 weeks.

Yikes! I’m afraid my levels will continue dropping and get too low. That can be life threatening if they get low enough. I had switched to the 100 dosage but am almost out of them and don’t have another refill. I guess I will get a refill of the 125 and do what she recommends. I sure hope I don’t get into trouble.

When I first went on Tirosint seven days a week I got too low taking the 112 level seven days a week. They switched me to taking pills three days a week and the liquid four days a week. Last time I was in the office they lower the dosage to 100 and had me go back on the liquid form seven days a week. It was working well until I had Covid again and the Paxlovid caused my levels to get way too high.

Sometimes I wish the practitioners would listen better and look through my records. This Nurse Practitioner wasn’t here then and although I told her what happened, I don’t think she heard me. Man! I hate things like this.

I will have to go to Emporia tomorrow and pick up the 125 medication. I need a few groceries so I will put in a grocery order and pick it up then too. Maybe Ellexia will go to lunch with me tomorrow and I can do three things in one trip.

It is an absolutely beautiful day today. Mid 70’s and no wind with bright blue skies. Days don’t get much more perfect than this one. I should have painted today but just couldn’t make myself go out and do it. Tomorrow is to be just like today so hoping I will get a couple hours of painting in then.

Staying at the neutral level on the chart of consciousness today. I could easily slip down below neutral though. I’m a bit frustrated with the doctor’s office and feeling a bit restless. I will do some Tonglen practice when I am done typing and see if that will help me release whatever is going on. If I could make myself go outside and take a long walk, I know that would help too.

One more week of housesitting. My neighbors will be home next Sunday evening late. It will be weird only having my critters to care for next week. Kathy will be coming home mid-week next week and things will be back to normal.

Grateful for this beautiful spring day, grateful to have the luxury of taking a do nothing day, and grateful for a beautiful Tonglen practice last night.