Flexibility has been my word for the day. So far nothing has gone the way I was expecting things to go today. The newsletter is still not done. The missing envelopes were to have been on a truck and delivered this morning so we could finish this little project up today. We had expected to have the envelopes printed and ready by 2:00 this afternoon and were going to get them done after that. Just got a call and the truck delivering the missing envelopes hasn’t shown up yet. If it shows up yet today and they get them printed I will go get them and get started on them and we will finish them tomorrow.
I went into Emporia this morning to get some more grocery items for the retreat this weekend. I also stopped and got chicken and dog food. Only need to get produce items Thursday at Sprouts and I will be ready to start cooking Friday.
Still need to do some housecleaning but I can’t do that until Wednesday. As dry and dusty as it is the house will get dirty again if I clean and dust it too early.
I got another baby egg today. It is barely bigger around than a quarter. Not sure if it is from the same chicken or what is going on. I haven’t seen this happen before. I haven’t cracked this one open to see if the yolk is yellow. Last time the yolk was clear-colored. Starting to think I have a slacker in the group.
Got over half of the first baby blanket made yesterday. It is an easy knitting project except for many of the rows I have to count every stitch as I have to keep switching from knit to purl. I can’t work on it if there is someone else around to distract me.
Kathy made it over half way yesterday. Trusting today is going as smoothly for her as yesterday did. It is a long drive to CT by yourself with a dog. Hard for her to go into a restaurant to get food when she travels alone with her dog.
May go out and mow part of the yard this afternoon if the missing envelopes don’t show up. I won’t have to mow all of it but the area up close to the house needs trimmed up. Sure is windy out though. May have to put a scarf over my face while I mow to avoid eating what I cut.
I turned the air down so the house would be cool for my friends that were coming to stuff envelopes. Feels nice! I could get used to it being set at 75. Don’t want to pay for that though.
I think I solved the water on the floor issue in the furnace room. I checked it again yesterday and the floor was wet again. I found a water hose that comes out of the water softener had partially come out of the pipe it is stuck in. I pushed it farther down in the pipe and haven’t had water on the floor since. I’ll have to remember to keep checking it but I think I solved the problem. Glad I didn’t call a service guy out for that if that is all the problem was. I have a fan running to dry up the rest of the water that was on the floor.
Feeling a bit like I have allowed myself to get pulled off my center again. It is probably the change with Kathy leaving, the newsletter unpredictability, and the retreat coming up. I keep reminding myself to go with the flow and change. Nothing major in any of the changes anyways. I think it is probably good for me to not allow myself to get too comfortable in things unfolding as I expected them to. Funny how I forget that and need a gentle reminder sometimes.
Hot, summer day on the prairie today. Flexibility is required of me today. I can do this! All is well.