My long-term boarder left this morning and won’t be back for one week. He is getting married Saturday and wanted to spend the rest of the week and early next week with his new bride and family.
Went into Emporia to run a few errands this morning. It sprinkled on me while I was in town. Hopefully the sprinkles will turn into heavy rain sometime today and fill my rain gauge.
Stopped at Hobby Lobby to get some embroidery floss. It was on sale today – how lucky was that? Went ahead and got a few more than I had planned to get but didn’t get very many.
Got enough jars and sugar to do two more big batches of peach jam. I’ll go into Emporia Friday and get another box of peaches. I made a second batch last night. It was easier than the first batch and I didn’t burn myself this time. I love to hear the jars seal when I am done making it. All the jars in both batches sealed. I have 22 12 oz jars made. Someone ask if they could buy some from me – sure – it is $10 a jar. Let me know if you want some.
Picked up a prescription at Walgreens this morning. It will be my last prescription from them as I have to switch to CVS for my new insurance August 1.
Have some house cleaning to do today in preparation of the guests that are coming tomorrow. I have two loads of laundry done and one more to do. The guests coming tomorrow ask if I had a menu so they could decide what they wanted for breakfast. I told them there was a diner in Strong City that they could eat at as I don’t cook food any more. So glad I am out of the food business.
Got an email from Airbnb telling me two different sets of guests had booked with someone else as their rates were cheaper. They recommended I lower my rates. Not going to happen! I think my rates are very reasonable and I won’t lower them. I have found that the guests that are more concerned about price versus quality are not the guests I prefer to have anyways. When I look on the Airbnb site I can’t find anything cheaper than my place. Wonder where they booked – maybe they went outside this area.
Loving this dark, rainy day today. Matches my mood! Feel like curling up in a ball and crying myself to sleep. Not sure where the sadness is from but doing my best to allow it to be what it is. When I can remember to do that it passes rather quickly.
Heard back from my roofer. He is in Mexico on vacation and will get me a bid when he gets home later this week. I still need to find a second roofing company and get a second bid. Maybe I will feel like making some phone calls later today. Not in the mood for conversation right now.
Grateful for the rain, grateful for sadness as it reminds me there is a range between sadness and joy and the deeper I can feel sadness the higher I will feel the joy when it returns, and grateful my errands are done and I can stay home the rest of the day.