The sidewalk guys were here early this morning. They had some more prep work to do before the cement truck came. They banged on my door at 7:30 so I could plug in their extension cord. I wasn’t up and dressed and ready to go that early. They got their prep work done and then sat around and waited for the cement truck to come. They got over half of the sidewalks poured. They left around noon but then came back and did some more prep work and have started taking the wood sides away. Thinking they will be here early again tomorrow to hopefully finish up.
I went to town around 1:15 for exercise. I got to town a bit early so had time to go through the car wash and get gas before exercise. Did my 40 minutes of exercise and headed downtown.
I stopped and had lunch and then went to the Chiropractor. Stopped by Walmart on the way out of town and picked up a few groceries and came home. My car thermometer said it was 101 out today.
I am going to help a friend out in the morning and then we are going to lunch when we finish a little project. That will make a fun day for me. I love meeting my dear friends for lunch.
Wednesday I have to go to town again for exercise. Thursday I am going back to town to meet up with Tagen and get his college fees paid and then we are going to lunch. Friday I will return to town one more time this week for exercise. I’m trying to talk Ellexia into coming home with me Thursday to spend the night but she won’t commit to coming yet. I’m sure she is waiting to see if something better comes up for her to do. Spending time at Grandma’s house isn’t as much fun when you are 13 as it was when you were 3.
One day this week my beef should be ready and I will drive down to Olpe to pick it up. The rest of it I will pick up when I go to KC next week for my KU mental acuity test. Nicole managed to find buyers for 3/4 of the beef.
I was able to stay above neutral while I was one for over three hours today. I came home feeling very drained though. It is too hot to be out and about today.
Grateful the sidewalk project will be done this week, grateful groceries are restocked for the week, and grateful to be hooking up with a friend tomorrow.