Monday, July 24, 2017

Just came inside from mowing the tall grass for over an hour. I sat for a bit and thought I was done sweating and then took a shower. I started sweating again after my shower. This is the hard mowing each year I do not like. The grass is over my head as I sit on the mower and there are millions of insects in the grass that fly in my face. Lots of hidden rocks to watch for too. I am over half way done so will have to go back out again tomorrow and Wednesday. I can only take about an hour a day of this type of mowing. It is hot again out there today.

Had a beautiful morning of healings. Five of us gathered for rich conversation and to lay hands on each other. This is how the world will be changed and healed!

After I cool down I need to do some more house cleaning. I did some yesterday but have lots more to do. Mowing takes my energy away but trusting it will return so I can tend to the inside of my house later.

One of my friends brought me some home grown tomatoes out of her garden. I had a BLT for lunch. I added some avacado as I realized I have not been getting enough good fats. Trusting it will help me not get hungry so fast. The tomatoes were so good! Can’t beat home grown.

Last I knew Nicole is still out of power. KPL had estimated she would have it back by noon today. She is still at work so don’t know if it will be on when she gets home or not. She had a very warm night last night with no fan or A/C.

Slowly working my way to being ready for Japan. I leave a week from today. We are spending the first night at a hotel near the airport as we have a 6:00 am flight Tuesday. Have most everything gathered up and on a kitchen table. Need to do a trial packing to see how much will fit and what I might need to take out. Only taking a day pack and a carry on bag. Nicole thought she may have some extra room so will take over flow to her to see if she can fit it in if I need to.

Still need to make some more hotel room reservations. I found a hotel I liked but my internet decided to act up and my attempted reservation didn’t process. Maybe we weren’t supposed to stay there. I’ll try again when I cool down and can find some patience. Not sure what we want to do so am not sure what part of town to look at. Most hotels mention being close to a public transportation system so guess we can get around once we learn how it works. Trusting it will be as easy as the one in Paris is.

I didn’t sleep very much again last night. It is so frustrating to be tired but unable to fall asleep or to wake up 15 minutes after I fall asleep.

Packing. Cleaning. Making my lists and checking them twice. All is well on the hot prairie today.