Monday, January 7, 2019

Got my car taken care of today.  I had the oil changed and the tires rotated.  As part of the oil change they vacuum and wash my car.  I almost didn’t recognize it when they were done.

Ran a few errands while I was in town.  I was gone for almost four hours which is two hours longer than I had planned.  Everything seemed to take longer than normal today.  Glad I got through my list.  The only thing I didn’t get was a new rain gauge – Walmart doesn’t carry them in the winter time I found out.  I was tired by then and didn’t stop somewhere else.

It has been a quiet afternoon at home.  I finished putting together a puzzle I had started yesterday.  That gave me a moment of feeling like I did something today.  I didn’t get anything else I was going to do done however.  It can all wait till another day I guess.  Maybe I’ll get motivated and do something yet tonight.

Tomorrow a personal trainer is coming to my house for a meet and greet.  I trust I will like her.  Setting up the appointment wasn’t easy though so I am cautious about her.  She didn’t communicate very easily.  I’ll see how she is in person.

The chickens gave me 10 eggs today.  I have three extra dozen if anyone needs eggs.  It was so warm today I thought about cleaning out the chicken coop but am thinking we still will get some winter weather.  I use the deep straw method during the winter and add fresh straw on top of the dirty straw each month.  It is always deep by spring and that first clean out is a hard one.  AFter that I clean it out once a month and those don’t take long.  The deep straw adds heat to the coop for cold winter days and nights.

Later this week I will need to replenish my chicken and dog feed as I am going out of town next week.  I buy a month’s supply at a time and am starting to run low.  I might have enough to make it through next week but don’t want to ask the pet sitter to have to go get some.  I think I spend more on critter feed than I do my own groceries.

Got a reminder that it is time to take Star in for her annual visit.  She is not leash trained and it is always an adventure taking her in.  I usually ask for the first appointment of the day so the office isn’t full of other animals.  Last time I took her in she pulled her collar off and went running through their office.  Maybe I need to find a vet that does house calls.

Still in my peaceful valley.  Life seems easy right now although my energy level is not as high as I would like it to be.  Not sure why my energy level has slipped down again.  Thinking I got too busy for a bit and my body just needs some quiet, down time to recharge.  I was able to hike over six miles Saturday so when I demand my body to move it does so.

Grateful for a clean car that has fresh oil and rotated tires, grateful for my productive chickens supplying me with a bounty of fresh eggs, and grateful winter weather has taken a long vacation.