Monday, January 6, 2025

Another day at home. Too cold and the roads are too icy to go anywhere. I did walk the dogs around the block this afternoon. Kathy had taken them earlier. Sophia had a restless night and woke me up several times. I would let her out in the back yard without a leash on. She would run around and meet me at the front door and be there before I could get to the front door. She didn’t get the message that she could potty while she was out on her own.

I washed and dried the sheets off my bed but don’t have my bed made yet. I took a nap in my chair this afternoon. It was that type of day. I haven’t gotten anything else done.

A kid that helped me out during the move last spring put a message on Facebook that he would shovel driveways and sidewalks. I sent him a message and he showed up late afternoon. He was directed to do the sidewalks and behind the cars. He knocked on the door and told me he was done after doing behind the cars and the sidewalks from the front door to the driveway. Oh well, better than nothing. I haven’t gone out to see how good of job he did but whatever he did is better than I would have done. I don’t have any salt to put down so will have to deal with it as it is. Hoping the sun will melt some of it off tomorrow.

A dear friend fell on the ice Saturday night and broke her leg and dislocated her ankle. Dang it anyways. I can’t go help her in any meaningful way until the roads are better. She is having surgery next week so will hopefully be able to take a meal over by then. It sure can happen fast. Kathy and I decided we probably should be carrying our phones with us when we take the dogs out just in case. The dogs love to romp in the snow and cold and could easily pull one of us over.

No plans for tomorrow other than to stay inside and stay warm. The house has stayed warmer than I expected it to. I did turn the oven off last night as I decided it might not be safe to keep it running that long. I turned it back on this afternoon to warm up the kitchen a bit.

The back pantry room has snow on the floor that isn’t melting away. That room isn’t insulated and doesn’t have a heat source. Snow is piled up outside the back door about 12 – 15 inches tall. The dogs just jump right over it to get out. I guess I should have had the guys shovel the back patio off too but we can’t use the dog pen as the gate latches are frozen shut. My floors are a mess but decided it would do no good to clean them until the dogs can go back outside for the day. We sure track in lots every time we take the dogs out.

It is to get back into the lower 30’s and stay there or just below that for the next ten days. Not sure how much melting will happen as it will be close to 10 at night. At least we aren’t in for a long stretch of minus degree days and nights. 30 almost feels like a heat wave.

If I remember I need to start my car tomorrow and brush off the snow and let the ice melt. I don’t plan on going anywhere but it would be nice if the car was ready to go in case something comes up. I just saw a video about spraying alcohol on the windshield and the ice will melt quickly. I may try that. I have a remote start on my car and a full tank of gas so may go that route too.

I love these quiet days at home when I don’t have anything I have to do. There is a quiet calmness to them that I appreciate when I can relax into them. Somehow the days pass fairly quickly even when I am taking a do nothing day. Feels a bit like the calm before the storm. Not sure what storm is brewing but life seems to give me one occasionally. These winter days are good for building my reserves and refilling my soul’s light.

Grateful the snow got somewhat shoveled today, grateful I will have fresh sheets on my bed tonight, and grateful for a quiet winter’s day.