This has been a busy day. It started with a trip to Council Grove this morning. Kathy took care of a friend’s dogs today while our friend was having surgery. Kathy had never been to her house before so I drove up too to show her how to find the house.
Came home and had an hour before I had to go to Emporia for exercise. I only have three more exercise sessions with my trainer and my one year program will come to a close.
After exercise I went back to Cottonwood Falls and went to a friend’s birthday happy hour party. I always love spending time with my like-minded friends.
Came home and walked the dogs on very slick streets and sidewalks. I almost went down twice. Decided I best stay in the yard where there is snow to walk on. The streets are packed down and are like a sheet of ice.
Went back to Emporia for the first tax prep training class of the year. That started at 6:30 and didn’t get over until after 8:15. Came home and walked the dogs again.
I finally get to sit in my corner chair and relax a bit. I have two things tomorrow so won’t get a rest day then either. Have another tax prep meeting Wednesday afternoon so won’t get a rest day until Thursday. I don’t have anything planned this weekend so should get a couple stay at home days.
It has been awhile since I have had such a busy day. I’m glad everyday is not like this one. I did manage to keep myself full and above neutral all day so I will call this busy day a win. Things felt rather effortless today which was nice. The hardest part of the day was walking the dogs and staying upright on the slick spots.
I have some tax homework to do before Wednesday afternoon. I should have time between appointments tomorrow to get it done. If not I have Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning free. This part of the tax season is the hardest which is taking the required tests and remembering how to work the system. The meeting tonight was mainly helping make sure we all could get logged in and reset all the required passwords. I have five different log in places and user names and passwords to keep straight. Dang, that is hard.
It was a beautiful drive into Emporia this evening and on the way home. The full moon was casting moon shadows on the snow. There was little traffic so I could enjoy looking at the snow covered pastures. I asked the moon for some help releasing something I am working on. She is always willing to help me out if I remember to ask.
After a busy day like today I feel like I am running behind at home. I only have one or two little things that need to be taken care of and they can wait till Thursday but I still feel a bit of anxiety that I am missing doing something important. I have gotten so used to a very slow, quiet pace of living that busy days can throw me off. It is an old behavior pattern and I keep reminding my brain all is well and nothing has to be done right now.
Grateful for my circle of friends and the love they bring to my life, grateful one tax prep training class is completed, and grateful I only have three more exercise sessions.