Monday, January 1, 2018

This will be my last public blog for a bit. I have some stuff I need to work out and I want to do so using my blog format but it needs to be private. Not sure for how long or if I will come back to a public blog site.

Blogging publicly has been very healing for me on many levels. For many years I wore a public mask that was not very helpful for myself but I didn’t know how to be a different way. Blogging has helped me remove my mask and become much more comfortable with who I am – the good, the bad and the ugly.

Now it is time to do some deep, personal inner work. One disadvantage of a public blog is I tried hard to make the blog about myself and not about the people I interacted with. That is their story to tell – or not.

But now I need to work through some personal interactions I am having with others and I need to write out details so I can see if I can find old habits and patterns that keep reoccurring for me. Hard to do that in a public space.

So for a bit at least if you want to know what is happening with me you get to find out the old fashioned way – email me, text me, come see me or call me.

Thanks to all that have read my blog over the last couple of years. Never could figure out why people read it as my life is rather boring most times.

Contemplating taking a break from Facebook too. It has become a crutch for me to be able to avoid people as it feels like I am interacting with others but in reality I am not really doing so. I want to become more intentional of staying connected to my close friends. I’m afraid I have become lazy about that and allowed my energy to go to Facebook instead of face to face.

So for now, farewell! Please reach out and stay in touch with me the old fashioned way. I am craving closer connections with others!

2 Replies to “Monday, January 1, 2018”

  1. Not sure if you’ll see this comment or not, but here goes…I will miss your blog. Being able to go to it regularly helped me feel connected to another human being working on self, on being and on healing. It’s been a touchstone and I will feel its absence. Hope we can keep in touch. Marlie asks about you often. Hope to do an overnight on the prairie if that feels right…Love to you!

  2. I really respect this Kay, both the transparency you have had in your blog and the need to do deeper searching. Love you, and hope to see you in person soon.

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