Monday, February 5, 2024

I got a text this morning from the tax coordinator asking if I would do taxes tonight as one of the ladies was sick. I said yes so I went in this evening. I had to be there a bit early so they could hook my Chrome book up to the printer. Good thing I went in early as I was not registered in the system. They had to call someone who had to do something in the system to let me into the program. That process took about 15 minutes. Dang, I don’t understand why simple things can get so complicated sometimes.

I did three returns tonight. I was surprised that I was able to do most of them without help. It came back to me. I had forgotten how much fun it is to interact with the people as I do taxes. They are so appreciative of our help and so patient with me. I do taxes again Wednesday morning at the Senior Center and then again Wednesday evening at the Emporia Credit Union.

The rooster came after me today. He kinda came out of nowhere as I was leaving the coop. I dropped the basket of eggs I was carrying and went after him with the ball bat. I whacked him good a couple of times. He stopped and squatted and then shit. I must have scared the shit out of him – literally! I gave him another whack for good measure. I’ll see what he does tomorrow. That guy has met his match!

I broke six eggs when I dropped the egg basket. I have lots of eggs on hand so no worries. I didn’t give the girls the broken eggs as I wasn’t going to reward the rooster for his misbehavior. Petty of me I know!

There is fog rolling in again tonight. It is disorienting to drive in. I missed turning onto V Road when I was coming home from town tonight. I realized it when I hit the curve on the road towards Strong City. I turned around and found my correct turnoff spot.

I realized how much I have changed since I did taxes in 2020. It was very easy for me to ask for help tonight. I wasn’t able to do that in 2020. I used to get anxious and nervous about doing them and tonight I relaxed into the fun of doing them instead. I didn’t rush through them like I used to either.

I fixed some goulash before I went to town to do taxes and put it in the crockpot so it would be ready for Jason when he got home tonight. I had a bit when I got home too. I had never put goulash in the crockpot before. It was good but the noodles got very soft as it was in there for four hours. It did the trick though and we both got a hot dinner when we got home.

I think I have a free day tomorrow. I had planned on having one today but that didn’t happen. I did remember to call John Deere and they are coming tomorrow to pick up the big riding mower and take it in for service. The heating guys called to let me know the price of the damper motor I need and to get permission to order that. The propane company came and filled the propane tank today. Between those three things I spent over $1,600 today. Not bad for not leaving home! Yikes, money sure can fly out of this house.

I also called the locksmith. The back door leading to the garage has a plate that is messing up and the door is hard to keep close. I’m afraid I won’t be able to get the door open and closed one of these days. He is to come Saturday morning and fix it. $$$$

I went through my closet today and gathered up a huge trash bag full of clothes to get rid of. If I hadn’t worn a winter item this winter that was hanging in my closet, I got rid of it today. Feels good to have less clothes in my closet, especially since I never wore whaat I got rid of. Don’t know why I keep things around that I don’t use. I think I forget to go through them and get rid of them.

I need to do the same thing in the pantry and see what I can get rid of from there. It is too full and getting cluttered again. I tend to keep things because I have lots of space and not because the item is actually something I ever use. Time to get things cleaned out and downsize what I have again.

I need to do some final preparation tomorrow for the Five Wishes Workshop I am hosting on Saturday afternoon. I have most everything ready but wanted to print out a sheet that talks about the odds of success for CPR on older adults. I think some will find that helpful as they make a decision on their wishes about having CPS done on them. It rarely works on older adults and if it does there can be long-term damage done and added complications to a person’s wellbeing afterwards.

There is still space in the workshop for more participants. We are starting at 2:00 and will work on your advanced directives. The cost is $25 and you may get through it all or you may need to finish it at a later date. I can notarize and make everything legal for you that day. You are welcome to come join us.

Wednesday I will do taxes both in the morning and evening. I also have a doctor’s appointment in the morning. That will be a long day for me. Haven’t figured out what to do with myself in the afternoon so will probably make two trips to town that day. My exercise program doesn’t start until next week. As far as I know now, I have empty space on Thursday and Friday.

Felt good to have the first day of doing taxes under my belt. I now know I can do them this year and will have fun doing so. It also felt good to have made a couple of phone calls today and get the mower and back door fix started. Somedays I just can’t make myself make a phone call.

Grateful to have been in service to three families today by doing taxes, grateful I could make some needed phone calls today, and grateful for a lighter closet tonight.