Baby steps! I got out of the house and went in to stuff the Newsletter this morning. Only lasted a little over an hour. Came home and crashed for three hours. Didn’t make it back this afternoon and didn’t make it to another place I wanted to go today. But I guess I am making progress!
While I was sleeping I vaguely remember the pest guys coming in the house to do their thing. When they scheduled the visit I didn’t think I would be home. They came on in like I had told them to. Later this afternoon the office called to check on me. I guess they saw me sleeping and not moving and were concerned as I hadn’t moved when they talked. I appreciated their concern and follow-up phone call.
Got my laundry folded and put away and the dishwasher loaded and the kitchen cleaned up this evening. I actually fixed a normal dinner of grilled chicken and green beans. Wasn’t able to eat all of it but felt good to attempt it. Baby steps!
I am feeling better. Still very little to no energy but the cough seems better today. I wore a mask while I was stuffing Newsletters so I didn’t take a chance on giving this crud to someone else. I don’t think I am contagious anymore as I have been fever free for three days now but am not willing to take a chance. This stuff sucks!
I did manage to carry down a 25 pound container of chicken feed to the girls. Only had to stop and rest once on the way down. Thankfully they didn’t need water today so didn’t have to carry that too. Funny how the simple things I normally do feel like huge obstacles today.
Tomorrow is my first day of income tax preparations. Trusting my brain isn’t too foggy and I can muddle my way through it. It is for a three-hour shift – I think I can stay awake that long. I need some groceries so hoping I can stop at the store on the way home. That may be asking too much though. I’ll see what happens.
Drove the car down to get my mail again today. I just didn’t have the strength to walk down and back. Tomorrow I have to take the trash to the curb so will have to figure out a way to make that happen or else skip trash pick-up this week. Oh the simple challenges of life!
My Sonos system is not working right. I need to unplug my router and internet boxes and reset them to see if that will help. The box is downstairs and haven’t felt like walking downstairs to do so. Maybe I will yet tonight. I really am feeling better but have absolutely no extra energy.
My life has been so simple these last few days. Rest, nap, eat, rinse and repeat! Sleeping 16 – 18 hours a day which for me is almost unheard of. I normally get by on 3 – 5 hours a night. Making up for lost sleep? The days go by fast when I sleep that much.
Grateful for lots of sleep to help heal my body, grateful I was able to get out of the house for a bit today, and grateful I have been able to do what has to be done and allow the rest to wait for me to feel better.