Monday, February 26, 2024

Woke up with some energy this morning. Yesterday I went through some of the kitchen cabinets and pulled out extra stuff. I sorted it into three piles and then decided to sleep on it overnight.

Got three boxes filled this morning – one for Jason and two for the Salvation Army. Still have a table full of stuff that others have let me know they are interested in.

Decided to run some errands and go to Strong City and Emporia. I invited Kathy to ride along so she could get out of the house for a hot minute. She stayed in the car while I went inside places as she is still testing positive for Covid.

I took a big pile of egg cartons to the elementary school in Strong City. Then we went to Emporia. I picked up my taxes and dropped off the two boxes of extra stuff I had to give away at Salvation Army. We then went to Walmart as we needed more Covid tests and some packing tape.

Came home and tested myself one last time. It was positive. Talk about a life plot twist! Read that you can have a bounce back case even if you don’t take Paxlovid. Dang it anyways. I don’t feel symptomatic this time except for a lingering cough. I am coughing up lots of phlegm. No fever, body aches, diarrhea etc. I sent a note to my doctor asking if I need to isolate again for five more days or what he recommends I do. Not sure if I got two false negative tests, this one was a false positive or if I have a rebound case.

I sent a note to the tax coordinator telling her I wouldn’t be in again to do taxes Wednesday. I also sent a note to the coordinator of the fitness program and gave her an update. Thinking this will knock me out of fitness again all of next week too as I have to be free and clear for seven days before I can start again. If I isolate for five days that puts me to the end of this week before I can test again.

Dang it anyways. Good news is I don’t feel bad and I got some errands run today before I go back into house arrest. Bad news is I am bored and sick and tired of staying home. I can get dangerous when I get bored and restless. Trusting I won’t feel sick this week and will be able to get lots of things sorted and packed to give away.

Grateful I don’t work so am not having to call in sick. Kathy had already decided not to work this week and the way things are going she may not be able to work next week. I’m grateful she cancelled her trip that she was to have gone on next week as I’m not sure she would have been able to go. Covid is so weird and unpredictable. Never know what curve ball it is going to throw at you.

Having to reset my mind back to being under house arrest. It may take me a day to get caught up with this life plot twist. Felt so good to be free for a hot minute today. Grateful I got to do that and get out. I’ll have to get some more Covid tests when I start testing myself again later this week. I didn’t pick up enough this morning for this little change in plans scenario.

Funny how life happens when you are busy making plans. Sometimes the path I want to walk on closes and I have to adjust. Grateful I am better at that than I used to be. I know and trust the universe has my back and is giving me another week at home for my highest and best interest.

Grateful I am feeling well despite the positive test today, grateful I have a beautiful house to ride this out in, and grateful my errands got done today.