It was another one of those nights last night. If I got two hours of sleep I would be surprised. Sure makes for a long night when I can’t sleep.
I was in Emporia at 9:00 to do taxes. I did a couple returns and then at 10:00 left to go to my doctor’s appointment. Someone else came in to fill in for me while I was gone.
Got called back quickly after I got checked in for my appointment. The nurse did her thing and then I waited about 30 minutes for the doctor to come in. Not sure much was accomplished other than permission to refill my regular prescriptions.
I asked him about the abnormal results from the blood work I did for the Endocrinologist and he had me repeat them. They called me this afternoon to let me know the two levels that had been out of range the end of January were back in range so all is well.
I didn’t get back to doing taxes until about 11:25. By then I only had to review two returns and I was done for the day. The best part of doing taxes is the people I meet and the friends I see while doing them. Today I got to see a friend I hadn’t seen for a long time. One of the people whose taxes I did was a friend from days long gone by. Always good to see old friends.
Dropped my tax package off at my accountant’s office. Dropped a notice off at Tagen’s house and saw him for a hot minute. He is home sick and I didn’t want to stay very long.
Had to stop by Walmart and pick up a new prescription and then I came home. Kathy had made some chili so I had a bowl of that and then I took a chair nap.
Took Sophia for a walk around 5:00. Roxy politely declined my offer of a walk. She is a stubborn one and sometimes the path of least resistance is to do what she wants us to do.
Tomorrow I have to be at KU at 12:15 for a two to three hour mental acuity test. Sure hope I sleep tonight or I might not do well. Trusting I will get home before the snow starts flying.
Wednesday I get to stay home all day. Thursday I do taxes again and then Friday I have to be back at KU at 9:15. I am going to lunch with Nicole after that session.
Haven’t had much energy today due to being very sleep deprived. Had some tummy issues this morning but I think my tummy has settled down a bit. Chili probably was not the best thing I could have eaten today but it sure tasted good going down.
It will be good to finish up the exercise program this week. I don’t like making two trips to KC in the same week but will be glad to get it done. I will need to get hold of the owner of the gym in Cottonwood Falls and get a membership so I can work out there a couple times a week.
Feeling a bit off tonight. Probably from lack of sleep but it is hard to find much joy right now. I will be grateful when this week is over and I will have some more free time. I do so much better when I have at least four stay at home days a week and that hasn’t happened the last couple weeks.
Grateful the blood work was good today, grateful for the people I meet while doing taxes, and grateful for the sleep I will get tonight.