Woke up at 4:00 this morning after going to bed after midnight. Finally got up and stayed up until 8:00 and then took a nap. Not feeling very rested today.
Went to Emporia this morning. I took the car through the car wash and then went to the Chiropractor. He doesn’t do appointments so you wait your turn. I got lucky and was the next one in line when I went in. Stopped at Walmart and checked on a prescription that my chart said was ready to pickup but it wasn’t. Got a bag of ice and then drove around and picked up my on-line grocery order. Stopped and got an iced tea from McDonald’s and then came home.
Got everything unloaded and put away. I didn’t need many groceries today so it was a light load day. When Tagen was here Sunday he noticed I didn’t have any snacks around anymore. I happened to have one more bag of Chex Mix in the freezer so dug that out and he munched on that all afternoon and then took it home with him.
Took the chickens some more straw. They had packed down what we had put in there yesterday. I’ll see tomorrow after they pack down this layer if they need more added or not. They gave me a dozen eggs today which is good for them right now. Somedays I am only getting 8.
Deep cleaned the dining room today. Washed all the woodwork, cleaned the light fixtures and did the floors. I am going to try to do one room a day for a bit and see how that works for me. I get overwhelmed thinking about cleaning the whole house and end up doing nothing. I’m working on making up a daily list of things I need to do so I get a bit more structure in my day. I forget what needs to be done unless I write it down or else get so overwhelmed thinking about everything that needs done that I can’t do anything. Maybe this will help.
If I would do one room a day I can get the whole house deep cleaned each month. Some things have to be done more often but once a room gets deep cleaned I know the dirt is only surface deep and doesn’t take long to clean. When I can’t remember when I last deep cleaned a room, it is hard to cheat and only do the surface stuff. My perfectionist tendencies come out and if I can’t do a job completely, it is easy for me to say screw it and not do it at all.
It is almost time to start pulling records out and to get ready to start preparing my income tax information. I like to get them done by February 1 and get them to the account so they have them to get to when they can. They have corporate tax records that have early February and Mach deadlines that they take care of first so they usually can’t get to them until late February or even early March. I would rather they have them and not be able to do them instead of waiting for me to bring them in.
I asked Tagen yesterday if he wanted to bring Ellexia out Wednesday and help me take care of Cody. He said he had school. I texted Jason and Melissa today and sure enough, Cody has school so I won’t get to play with him Wednesday. Maybe one day the following week he will get to come play. That frees up Wednesday for me. Not sure I have anything to do with the extra time but maybe I can get the kitchen deep cleaned that day. The kitchen takes the longest to do as I need to wipe down all the cabinets. I have lots of cabinets so that takes a long time.
The restlessness I have been feeling lately is slowly fading away. Cleaning a room today helped greatly. I have been sitting too much lately and I think my body was trying to tell me to move more. I’ll see if my new schedule helps. Still feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the empty space time ahead for me. Hard for me to find balance sometimes and be OK with lots of empty space vs being productive and busy. Too much of either way is not comfortable for me.
Grateful one room is cleaned, grateful my body tells me what it needs, and grateful for this beautiful day on the prairie.