Not sure what to think about my doctor’s appointment at MD Anderson. I didn’t get a definite answer to know if I need the Radio-Active Iodine treatment or not.
First I saw a nurse’s aide who took my vitals (kinda). I then sat in the waiting area for almost an hour. Finally got called back and met with the nurse. He took down some history and entered my allergies and medication.
When he was done and after another long wait the nurse practitioner came in and asked me the same questions the nurse had. She did do a bit of a physical exam on me.
After yet another long wait the doctor came in and asked me the same questions the first two asked. I think they were checking to see if I told the same story three times.
The doctor that read my pathology slides at MD Anderson did not find I have a variant type of papillary cancer. The doctor I saw today disagreed but decided not to challenge the results as the doctor that read the slides is world renowned. Do I or don’t I? Not sure!
I had to get weighed again as my weight from the first time I was weighed didn’t get charted. At first the doctor said I needed my medication levels increased but then decided they were good.
She may or may not have called in a prescription for me. She said something about adding a new script but not sure if she did or decided against it.
She wanted me to have another ultrasound but then changed her mind. She wanted me to have four blood tests but then only ordered one. She wanted me to get the blood work done in Houston but I decided to have it done in Emporia tomorrow afternoon after we get home so my insurance can pay for it.
She needs more information before she can decide if I need the iodine treatment. The only real concern she had was the lack of clear margins around the tumor. She was going to consult with the pathologist to see if he could give her more information about them. There may have been clear margins but no one can say for sure as the surgeon didn’t notice the tumor when he removed the thyroid.
She did say she didn’t know why my doctor in Topeka said I needed to have the iodine treatment done within 90 days of surgery. She said today there is no rush.
The doctor I saw today is leaving for the holidays Friday. She was rushing to try to get what she needed so she could advise me before she left on vacation. If there is no rush why not slow down and get it right?
This feels like it is a judgement call and evidently either way I go is the right way. Leaning more and more to sitting and waiting. With good follow up care if something starts to grow I can take care of it then. That is where I was at before I came.
We headed for home around 1:00. Traffic was heavy coming out of Houston but we finally managed to get out. Going to try to get through Dallas before we stop for the night. It has been raining off and on all afternoon.
Grateful Kathy is doing half the driving. Feeling very tired this afternoon. So looking forward to getting home tomorrow and staying there for a good, long while.
Harrumph! Further proof that doctors are still “practicing” medicine. Glad you at least got to dip your toes in the ocean, and that you both made it home safe! I’d skip the iodine thing (and the worry) at least until after the holidays.