Monday, August 26, 2024

It has been a better day today than yesterday was. I still don’t have lots of extra energy but I did manage to get some things done today.

I did a bit of housework this morning. I had made a mess on the living room rug and needed to get it vacuumed. I sure like the new vacuum as it cleans it up with only one or two passes. The other one took ten or twelve to pick up all the dog hair.

I took the dogs each on a long walk this morning before it got too hot. They both had their tongues hanging by the time we got home.

I went to Emporia early for exercise so I could do a couple of errands. I needed to pick up a bundle of the floor planking left over from when they did Tagen’s room. It is nice to have on hand in case the floor ever needs to be pulled up or repaired.

I went through the car wash. The bits of rain we had over the weekend made my car really dirty. It would sprinkle just enough to get the car wet and then the dust would stick.

Stopped by Michelle’s house to drop off the planking and some left over Coke from last week. Neither Kathy or I drink Coke and I wanted it out of my way.

Went to exercise. This was not one of my favorite videos today. The lady that leads them talks too much. We did leg lifts and my hip hurts afterwards. Oh well, I stuck with it and got them done.

Stopped by Walmart afterwards and picked up a few groceries. I didn’t need much this week. Came home and got everything put away.

Sat down in my chair when I got home from town and fell asleep. It was a nice way to spend a hot afternoon. My car thermometer said it was 108 when I came out of exercise. Too hot for beast or man.

No plans for tomorrow or Wednesday. I think we are going to Wichita on Thursday so Kathy can turn her car in and I can talk to the Subaru lady and get some answers to some questions I have about the new car. Friday I have to go back to Emporia for exercise.

I sure hope this is summer’s last blast of heat. Kathy is trying hard to get some new grass growing. She has been watering it several times a day. Some of it is sprouting nicely and the rest of it should be sprouting within a day or two. We still have a huge area in the yard to seed but wanted to try this little area around the new sidewalks first to see what happens. I’ll have to get lots more grass seed to do the next part.

Able to bounce back up above neutral today. Still haven’t figured out why yesterday was hard but am grateful whatever was pulling me down is gone. I do need to start finding some things to fill some of my empty space. Too much of it is not good for me.

Grateful for a better day today, grateful some errands got taken care of today, and grateful for a hot afternoon nap.