Monday, August 21, 2017

OH what a day! This will certainly be a birthday I won’t ever forget.

14 of us loaded in a bus at 8:00 this morning. Casey, our bus driver, drove us to Atchison, KS. We didn’t hit traffic until about 12 miles away from our destination. Casey was able to find a parking spot for us that was close to the restrooms and close to where we spent the rest of the day at.

Thankfully where we were at was not very crowded. We had a big open green space to spread out on. There were other groups of people around us but everyone was in a wonderful, festive mood.

I had packed a picnic lunch for us so we didn’t have to wait in the very long line to get a hot dog. After lunch we had birthday cake. The groups around us joined in singing me happy birthday.

It rained off and on most of the time we were there but it was a gentle, cleansing rain. We all got pretty wet but no one complained.

During the eclipse it was pretty cloudy and when the clouds would pass and the sun would come out everyone cheered. As the total eclipse got close the temperature started dropping. It didn’t get as dark as I though it would but it was definitely dark. It was too cloudy to see stars.

We hung around a bit after the total eclipse and then starting packing up and headed home.

The drive home took much longer as traffic was bumper to bumper until almost Topeka. The traffic was moving but very slowly. We made two bathroom stops on the way home. We were back to my house a little before 5:00.

I couldn’t have ask for a more perfect birthday. The rain actually added to the day as we celebrated every time the sun came out. It kept the temperatures down so we weren’t so hot. We didn’t get to see the reflection of the eclipse on the ground but there was a change in the color of the grass for a bit. We noticed on the ride home how the grass and trees looked refreshed.

I so appreciate those that rode along with me today. I will cherish this day and remember it for a long time.

Something shifted inside me today during the eclipse. Not sure what or how it will play out but I feel different somehow. I feel very grounded and refreshed today. Lighter somehow too.

Perfect day. Time spent with dear friends. All is well!