Monday, April 24, 2023

I took Ellexia out to lunch today. It was good to get out! We went to Bruff’s. She likes their Chicken Fried Steak with mashed potatoes and extra gravy. She ate most of her dinner and took the rest home to eat this afternoon. I hadn’t seen her for a bit so it was nice to have some time with her.

I finished cleaning the house today and have it ready for my guests that are coming in this evening. One of them is on his way and I’m sure the other won’t be too far behind. It is nice to have guests again.

I got the quit claim deeds from my attorney today that Jim had to sign as part of the divorce. I have to take them to the Lyon County Courthouse and to the Chase County Courthouse to get them registered. Not sure how that works but guess I will find out tomorrow. While I am there I want to order a certified copy of the divorce papers. They don’t send them to you anymore as everything is done electronically but experience tells me that one day I will need a certified copy of them. I might as well get them ordered while I am at the Courthouse. Not sure how to do that either but I’m sure someone will point me to the correct department.

I am going to Junction City tomorrow to watch Ellexia play in a tennis tournament. It is to be cold and cloudy but I will wear lots of clothes and hopefully stay somewhat warm. She told me to take a chair in case the stands are full. She is playing singles tomorrow. She also has a tournament next Monday in Emporia but she didn’t know if she was playing in that one. It will be fun to watch her play.

Wednesday I am going with a friend to Council Grove for lunch and a visit to Grove Gardens. I want to get some flowers for the flower beds around the house. Hopefully the threat of frost is over for the year now and it will be safe to plant.

Thursday I have to go to Emporia to have my blood drawn for a thyroid level test. I think they are also going to do a Vitamin D level check. It has been a bit since they have checked that.

Friday I want to go to Costco and pick up some things. I invited a friend to go with me but she has other plans. Anyone want to ride along? I will stop for lunch and then spend an hour at Costco and then come home. It will be a short trip.

It is nice to have a busy week on my calendar after being home for the last two weeks. It felt good to eat out today and get out of the house. It feels even better to be feeling good again and to be able to get out. I tested negative again this morning so am free and clear of round two of Covid.

Just heard from the other guy that is coming and he won’t be here until Thursday evening. No worries. Glad he can get the time off work and play in the tournament.

When I got the papers from the attorney in the mail today I felt a bit drawn back into the chaos of last year. I am so grateful my wise therapist advised me to go no contact with Jim and stay that way for this year. Every time something comes up I feel myself dropping back into the chaos and pain of what happened. Luckily that doesn’t happen often and once I get this paperwork taken care tomorrow I should be back present in my body and spirit. Each time it happens it takes less time for me to recover and let go of the icky feelings.

The divorce has been final for almost four months now and I haven’t talked to or seen Jim for over six months. Time does help heal me and the work I have done to heal myself has worked. I’m ever so grateful for the progress I have made and that I didn’t get stuck for a long time.

Grateful to have gotten to have lunch with Ellexia, grateful to be well and able to get out and about this week, and grateful for my healing path and journey.