Monday, April 17, 2023

The neighbor burned his pasture today. The guy that cuts my hay came to my door and told me he was going to burn my land. We talked about what to avoid and off he went to help my neighbor. I watched them for a bit but got too nervous to keep watching.

The neighbor across the road joined them and burned his pasture too. They looked like they were done and hadn’t burned my property yet. The doorbell rang and the guy that usually burns my property showed up. My neighbor had forgotten to tell him they were burning today so my guy will come back later this week and burn my property. I guess the guy that cuts the hay just assumed they were burning my property too.

It all gets sorted out some how but I am rarely in the loop of communication. It feels like I am the last to know what is happening around here when it comes to things like this. My guy thought the wind was a little high to be burning today and he wants a north wind when he does my property. He thinks he will be able to do it Thursday or Friday. We shall see.

It is good to know that neighbor helps neighbor when it comes to burning. They all seem to work together and somehow the job gets done safely.

Lynn came by and picked up the dishes I had gotten washed up yesterday. It is good to have that project done and gone.

I made an on-line order at Walmart today for the first time. I had several things I needed and I have a prescription that is ready to be picked up. I thought I would do the community a service and not go in the store shopping. I am not testing positive but I’m still supposed to be careful around others. I will pick up the order this evening between 6:00 and 7:00. I’m interested to see what the pickup process is like and if I like shopping this way. If so, I may never have to go in Walmart again. I will just drive up, load up and go home. I picked up the Paxlovid via car pickup last week and it was easy.

Not sure why I hadn’t tried the on-line ordering before but I hadn’t. Michelle was telling me how easy it is and she told me it saves her money as she doesn’t gather stuff she really doesn’t need while she is shopping in store. Better late to the party than never showing up, I guess!

I went down and opened the chicks outside door after the burning was complete. When I was hanging around down there for a bit they hadn’t ventured outside yet. I’ll go down in a bit and see if they figured it out. No harm if they don’t go outside. They will get it figured out one of these days if they didn’t today.

One of the cats is missing. I haven’t seen her for several days. She has never disappeared before. Not sure what is going on. She may still be around but hiding from me. I have been a bit worried about her as her hair has not grown in from being shaved several months ago. I trust she will show up soon.

The bitter taste from the Paxlovid is still hanging around, although it is getting better this afternoon. I took my last dose last night. Hoping by tomorrow it will be gone for good.

The water department called me first thing this morning. The April bill has been deducted from my account but I can’t find record that the February or March bill has been. According to their records, they received the money so I guess I will let it go. Sooner or later this mystery will be solved and I will know if I owe them money or not.

I plan on Covid testing daily for the rest of the week to make sure I don’t develop a bounce-back case. From what I read, you can become positive again without getting any symptoms and then give Covid to someone. I have guests coming in next Monday and want to make sure I am negative for them. I have a backup plan in case I do test positive. I can put both of them downstairs and ask them not to come upstairs. I will stay upstairs and stay away from them. They can access the downstairs without coming upstairs. That would keep them safe and allow them to come, even if I do test positive. I’m not sure they could find other accommodations in Emporia for next week at this point.

It is a beautiful day on the prairie. The temperatures are in the mid 70’s and the wind is light to moderate. Lots of blue skies and sunshine today. The smell of smoke continues to hang in the air but I have a feeling it will all week as the ranchers are rushing to get their burning in this week. I can see lots of prairie fire smoke on the horizon in all directions today.

Still sitting in a good head space today. I’m surprised I haven’t gotten restless since I have stayed home since last Wednesday. It will be good to take a drive to town today but I am not really feeling the urge to see people yet. It is such a beautiful time of the year I love driving around right now and seeing all the blooming trees. It is easy to miss the spring season where I am at as their are few trees and spring flowers.

Grateful the burning was completed today safely, grateful for on-line ordering options, and grateful for this beautiful, spring day.