Monday, April 16, 2018

Spent an enjoyable couple of hours at Prairie Past Times yesterday afternoon.  Always fun to have good conversation with like-minded women.  I took some yarn and started a shawl while I was there.  Decided against winding the yarn I had picked out to make a sweater.  It wasn’t the right type of yarn and I came to my senses before I started it.  I would not have liked the yarn made up in the pattern I choose.

Have decided I need to get rid of all the fancy yarn as it is just all odd skeins and I don’t have enough to make anything out of them.  I don’t even have enough to make color coordinated shawls.  I hate weaving in ends and the only shawl I can make with the odd skeins would have me changing colors every other row.  Anyone want lots of single skeins of good yarn?

Called for an appointment with a Cardiologist this morning.  They didn’t give me an appointment yet as the nurse said she had to do some shifting with the schedule and was going to do her best to find a spot for me in the next two weeks.  She said they have had a huge influx in the amount of new patients lately and were fully booked for several weeks.  What is up with that?

She did advise me to go to my primary doctor and have him order an echocardiogram, a Holter heart monitor and have a discussion about going on a blood thinner as a precaution until I can see the Cardiologist.  She is to call me back sometime soon.  She was going to put in a request for my records from the ED in Emporia from Friday.

It usually takes two to three weeks to get a thyroid ultrasound done so am not expecting to have an appointment to get the echocardiogram anytime too soon.  I will be lucky to get it done before I go to Italy.  She wanted both the echocardiogram and Holter tests done before I see the Cardiologist.

The world of western medicine is a hopping business these days!  Lots of sick people in the world these days.  I have been doing my best to clean up my act and not be one of them.  Frustrating for me to have this set back and have to reconnect in a big way to the medical profession.  Delays, testing, and waiting some more all seem to be part of the game you play with them.  Must have needed another lesson on patience.

Empty space on my calendar today.  Feeling a bit uneasy with it.  I have reached the point of having too much empty space and need to find something productive to do today.  Not sure what that might be though.

A guest messaged me last night asking questions about my place.  Her husband and son are driving coast to coast and wanted to stay here tonight.  Her first text came in just as I was about to fall asleep.  Every time I would answer one question for her she would ask another and another and yet again another.  Finally at 9:00 I told her I was going to have to be off-line for a bit and would check back in after midnight.  She still sent me three more texts after 9:00.

By then I couldn’t sleep anyways so finally answered her sometime after 10:00.  She finally decided they weren’t going to stay here as both men are over 6’4” tall and I only offer single beds.  If she had read my listing she would have known that in the first place!  I’m glad it worked out that way as experience tells me when people are that picky upfront it only goes down hill from there.  Now to figure out how to more quickly stop the conversation when someone drags it out like that without being rude.

I finally got to sleep around 2:00 and slept off and on until 7:00 this morning.  I hate nights like that.  Good news is I didn’t have another episode of Atrial Flutter to my knowledge last night.  Not feeling the greatest this morning but think I am still tired and frustrated more than anything.

I peeled my fingernail off that was loose yesterday.  One small part of it was not ready to come off but did so anyways so now I have a sore and torn fingernail bed.  Put some Manuka honey and a band aide on it last night.  Looks better this morning but it is still tender to the touch.

No wind on the prairie today and the last few remaining clouds are to clear out in the next hour or so and it is to be a beautiful day on the prairie.  Maybe I will get motivated to get outside today and soak up some Vitamin D.  I might go get some gas and mow my yard even though it doesn’t need it yet.  The movement on the mower will help bounce out this restlessness and irritation I am feeling today.  Worth $10 of gas to accomplish that!

Grateful for no wind today, grateful for a guest that made the decision not to stay, and grateful for another lesson on patience – (not really but working to allow what is)!