I paid my state income taxes today. I had gotten a federal refund but owed the state a bit. Glad my duty has been fulfilled for this year.
Went to Emporia a little after noon today. I met with a couple that had a question about a letter they had received from the state of KS. I helped them send in their response. We met at the Emporia Public Library. I asked the librarian about connecting to the internet and she helped me do that. When I told her I was meeting someone and acting as an advocate she offered me the use of a little private room. It worked wonderfully and I appreciated I could offer them some privacy as we were discussing some personal items.
It only took about 10 minutes to help them out. I had allowed over an hour so I had some extra time afterwards I needed to kill before exercise at 3:00.
I went by my builder’s office and dropped off the kitchen design and bids. I have a meeting Wednesday to meet face to face with him again to get things sorted through. He had ignored my last email with some changes and drew up the plans without my changes. His secretary found the email and assured me he had received it. These changes are on him.
I went to Walmart and picked up a few groceries. I got all on my list that didn’t need refrigeration. It is over 80 again today and I didn’t want cold stuff to sit in my car for over an hour.
I went to exercise. The lady that supervises the various sites KU uses for this program was here today. She asked me a few questions and asked the trainer a few questions and then left. I wasn’t asked what my opinion of the program was so didn’t share that I was disappointed in things a bit. I will get a chance to share that another day.
Came home and the lady that wanted the cedar chest came shortly after I got home to pick it up. She had some strong children with her and they got it loaded without my help. I had her drive up to the front door so they didn’t have to carry it so far. Good to have yet one more thing leave the house.
I get to stay home the rest of the day. Tomorrow I am meeting the guy that is going to give me a bid to install central air at the new house. After that I need to go to city hall and arrange for water to be put in my name for the new house. I am going to ask them if they know of someone that will haul an old boat that is sitting in the yard away. I can’t seem to find anyone that can make it go away. Then I am meeting some friends and we are driving to Florence for lunch.
Wednesday I am meeting with my builder, going to the Chiropractor and then exercise and then get the rest of my groceries.
Thursday a friend is coming to my house for lunch and then in the late afternoon I have to go back to Emporia for exercise. My trainer has something to do on Friday and needed to switch days. I think I get to stay home Friday.
Saturday the big riding mower is going to its new home. Saturday evening a friend is giving line dance lessons at the old school in Cottonwood Falls and I may go in for that. Sounds like something fun to learn how to do.
My days seem to fill up. I thought this week was going to be a quiet one but it filled up fast. Add in some more packing and sorting and get rid of things time and I don’t have much free time left this week.
By this time two weeks from now, I should have everything packed up and ready for the movers. I sure hope I have decluttered deep enough and I am not paying to move things I will need to get rid of once I get to the new house. I’m sure there will be some things but hoping not too much. I’m tired of spending time and energy finding someone to take things.
The wind has come up this afternoon. It is over 80 out and it feels very pregnant out. Sure hope we get some rain and not severe stuff. So far radar isn’t showing anything close but I am thinking that can change quickly. We had enough heat today to add lots of fuel to a storm.
I get a weekly email from a guy named Jack Armstrong. He wrote a book he channeled that has some good advice. His weekly emails include a quote from the book and his writings. This one really hit home with me. It said: “Uncertainty and impatience are perhaps the two greatest roadblocks in the human mind to surrendering to the divine flow. Uncertainty is a perfect container for perfection. It is emptiness, and in emptiness all things are possible. Impatience is servitude to time, which is one of the necessary illusions of the physical world. Simply move ahead in the patience of perfection, knowing that all is well, and that you do not need to understand how or when or who, because those all are taken care of.”
Man, that nailed me to the wall today when I read that. I think the two things I struggle the most with somedays is impatience and perfection. It is so hard for me to sit in the in-between time and not know which way things are going to go. Allowing for the universe to deliver on its timetable and not mine is damn hard sometimes for me. I need to print this quote out and paste it where I can read it daily to remind myself. When I can let go and allow, my life flow is so much easier. I shake my head at myself when I catch myself not allowing. I guess it is a sign of progress that I can catch myself sometimes now.
Grateful for teachers that remind me of life’s lessons, grateful I have a meeting with my builder Wednesday, and grateful one more thing left the house today.